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Penny: [00:00:00.69] Well, hello, everyone, I’m so glad you joined me again. My name is Penny and I’m joined with my great friend Beatty Carmichael for this next session of Get Sellers Calling You. Beatty is the CEO of Master Grabber and the creator of Agent Dominator. He’s also one of the top marketing experts in the real estate field. And Beatty, I always look forward to our conversations because I know you’ve got something great for our listeners. What do you have in store for us today?

Beatty: [00:00:30.24] Well, if you’re new to our Get Sellers Calling You podcast, we do two versions of training. One is training on real estate marketing. And one is training on living your life by faith as a Christian. That’s actually what today’s topic is. This is going to be one of our Get Radical Faith sessions. So if you have no interest in that, then feel free to go in and start this episode and wait till the next one. But if you do have interest in and Christian things, you’re going to love, really love today’s call. So. And I want to share just a little bit. I was telling Penny before this, we started the recording that some of this might come up and I think it is. So I want to make a clarification, kind of set the stage on something. Would you mind if I do that, Penny?

Penny: [00:01:18.15] Absolutely.

Beatty: [00:01:19.29] Ok, I want to clarify what I’m teaching and what I’m not, especially from last call I’m sharing with a pastor friend of mine. We’ll just call his name Bob. I was sharing my outlines with him and he was concerned that I was teaching something wrong about faith. And his background is a number of years back. There is a church that was really big on talking about faith, and you just have to believe and trust God. And there was a family there who had a child who was on medicine and they were telling that family, just trust God and take your son off medicine, OK? And the teaching was wrong and the young man died, OK? And so that created a real challenge for my friend Bob. And I think it underscores also the importance of faith is the topic of faith is dangerous if you don’t understand it, because it may cause you to do something really foolish. And so in all of that, as I shared my outlines with Bob, he had a concern that last time, as you remember, we’re talking about faith and we’re talking about the men in the Old Testament did miracles the same types of miracles as Jesus did in the New Testament, miracles of healing, raising the dead, cleansing the lepers, miracles of defying laws, of nature, of multiplying food, all kinds of things like that.

Beatty: [00:02:51.00] And the question was, if men did those same miracles as Jesus, how did Jesus do those miracles? Did he do them in the position of God or in the position of man? And I use the term very specifically position up because let me share what’s what’s going on. And this is really only for those people who are more of what I call theologians or that you’ve studied theology and you’ll clearly understand the difference. I’m talking about some some of the others out there. This may be it may be too much for you. So just bear with me on this. But is it an important distinction? Here’s a distinction. Some people wrongfully believe that because Jesus was fully man and fully God, that he was actually two persons, that sometimes he did things in the person of being man that had nothing to do with him being fully God. And other times he did things in the person of being God that had nothing to do with him being fully man. In other words, they they divide his deity out of who he is. And that’s heresy because the Bible clearly teaches and I clearly teach that Jesus is one person and he’s fully man and fully God together, and there’s no way to separate it. But what I was sharing last time and we’ll go into more of that this time. And then the next time these these three sessions, I’m kind of building up into understanding what’s going on with miracles, with faith, with Jesus.

Beatty: [00:04:22.92] What I was sharing last time is that Jesus, I believe, did his miracles in his position as man, not in as man in his position. So let me explain. Jesus is one person. Jesus is fully man, fully God. But sometimes he acts and does things in his position as man that has nothing to do with his position as God. It doesn’t remove the deity that he is God. It’s just that he did those things and his position is God, for example, when he gets hungry. Well, that’s a position as man has nothing to do with being. OK. Other times he does things in his position as God that has nothing to do with him being his position as man, for example, when he forgives sins, only God can forgive sin. So even though he’s fully man, forgiving sins has nothing to do with him being in the position as man. And then some things he does in both positions together, like when he lives a sinless life, the only way you can live a sinless life is in his position as man living life position is God being totally sinless. And now we have both positions totally combined. So that’s what I was talking about last time. And with that, we’re going to cover more today and more in the upcoming session as well.

Beatty: [00:05:47.82] So with that said, we kind of covered what we we talked about last session in terms of looking at these different miracles. We see this pattern is the same. Jesus did no miracle different than what had already been done. All right, he did the more consistently as a single man than other people, but they were all the same. So now we’re we’re taking a deeper look. And I want to give credit. I try to give credit when I can, but it’s hard to stop the teaching and say, OK, this came from this person. This came. But over the years, there have been a number of people who’ve really helped me understand this topic. And to give credit, one is my son, Beatty Jr. instrumental, incredibly instrumental in this. Another one is a pastor named Tom Loud. Another one is a guy named Bob Yanbian, whom I’ve never met. But he had a great article and something, and there’s a number of others. So. So credits are done. Let’s get into the teaching, OK? Are you ready? Yeah, sounds great. OK, so what we want we’re going to cover three broad topics. What is faith? What is authority, because the main topic for today’s call is faith and authority, because this is what it all boils down to this is that the defining line that separates out what my what Bob thought I might be teaching is heretical to what brings it back and true true understanding of what scriptures teach faith and authority.

Beatty: [00:07:20.94] Also, when you understand faith and authority as separate itself, heart starts to help you protect against those rogue people that my friend Bob ran into years back with this church that taught such wrong teaching that it led to at least one person’s death. OK, so faith, what is faith? What is the authority? And then we’re going to look at what a picture of faith looks like to try to wrap it all together. OK, also, one last thing is for those that are just getting into this teaching with us, if you have not listened to our my earlier podcast, back at the beginning of the Get Radical Faith series called What is Faith and Getting Out of the Boat? Those are really foundational. They lay a strong foundation of what this is that we’re talking about. Let me encourage you, please go back to that and listen to those, because all of this will make a lot more sense. OK, we’re not going back and covering 101. This is two one three one four one. But if you miss one one, you’ve really missed a lot. So with that, let’s talk about what is faith?

Penny: [00:08:37.74] Ok.

Beatty: [00:08:39.57] I was going to ask you a question, what is faith? But I think that’s too broad a question for what I want to get to. So most of my teaching, as you know, I’m asking you questions and guiding you through, but we’re going to go a little bit different route this way. I’m going to be more forth telling on the teaching as opposed to questioning. But there are three things on faith that I want to talk about here. The first thing is faith is knowing. So have you ever heard Penny? Well, you just have to have faith and trust God. Mm hmm. You just have to have faith and believe God’s going to take care of you. Yes. OK. Is that right or wrong?

Penny: [00:09:22.57] Hmmm, I think he could be a little bit of both.

Beatty: [00:09:25.48] Yeah, what I would what I would suggest is it’s skirting the truth, but it’s not the truth.

Penny: [00:09:32.79] Yeah. I mean, I think about, like the the Webster definition of the word faith, something like complete trust or complete confidence in someone or something. So to go back to your question, if you if you answer it that way, then I feel like it. You’re kind of on the fence and,

Beatty: [00:09:56.26] You know, that is so perfect. Let me share what’s so perfect about that, if you go to Webster’s definition, complete trust. And complete confidence in someone.

Penny: [00:10:08.32] Mm hmm.

Beatty: [00:10:09.28] Which is really close to the truth, but it’s not God’s word. So if I were to believe man’s writing about God’s word, like what we were talking about earlier. Yeah. And believe that definition, I would come to a wrong conclusion. About how God and his supernatural laws and his command for us to walk in his word how come to a wrong conclusion and I would end up doing things wrong. I would end up like that dead son. Who had diabetes? This was my friend from years back. Bob, years back, the church was teaching touch, taught this family, if you just have faith, take your son off of the diabetic diabetes medicine and have faith. And he will live and no longer need medicine, need insulin. So they did. And he died. And the pastor said, well, that’s just because you didn’t have enough faith. Well, technically, that’s true. But the wrong part of it is they had a wrong definition of what faith was. They probably subscribed to the Webster’s definition. Trust enough and complete confidence in someone. Yeah, what does. So that’s how Webster defines it. Do you remember how the Bible defines faith?

Penny: [00:11:32.68] I do. I might not get the wording exactly right, but I believe it’s something like the assurance or substance of things we hope for and evidence of things not yet seen.

Beatty: [00:11:46.57] Yeah. So Hebrews 11 one, OK. Faith is the confident assurance of things hoped for, the substance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen. But. Webster’s Dictionary ties into that in a wrong process, the things that you hope for, the things that you trust, and a complete confidence in someone, right? Yeah, but that’s human term. Hope for the biblical term of hope for is something that is assured to happen because God said it would happen. So we hope it’s it’s hoping towards our future life in the eternal kingdom, hoping towards our resurrection bodies. Those are things that are assured because God declared they would happen. And our faith is in the unsane, the confident assurance, the title deed of those things that are hoped for. And we can have that title deed, that confidence surance because they’ve been declared by Almighty God who has all the authority to declare it. Now, it’s probably a long way to say, but do you get where I’m going.

Penny: [00:12:57.95] Yes. Yeah.

Beatty: [00:12:59.06] Ok, so that’s why faith is not trusting. Faith is not believing, and if you think that’s what faith is, you will always come up missing out on God’s highest numbers in your life. Well, so let’s go to what the Bible says. Romans, 10 17, says faith comes from hearing and hearing the word of Christ. So the first step is that faith comes from hearing the word and then in Hebrews 11 three, it says, By faith, we understand. So now let’s connect this together. Faith comes from hearing the word of Christ. Well, Christ is the word right in the beginning was the word, what was Biscayan, the word was God. Yeah. And then Jesus says to talking to the father in the high priestly prayer, your word is truth. OK, so the word of Christ is truth, therefore faith comes from hearing truth, o truth has to be defined with the capital t truth is inherent in God alone. Uh huh. OK, man doesn’t dictate truth, God dictates through, so faith comes from hearing truth, and then it says that by faith we understand. So what that means is we understand faith is understanding truth. So what faith is, is the knowing of God’s truth. Yeah. Do you see how that’s different than faith is trusting God? Yeah. Do you say I was different than faith is believing God’s word? Yeah. Now, those are subsets, but faith is knowing God’s truth. If you don’t know God’s truth, you do not have faith. Yeah. This is why they’re in the act of believing Jesus for salvation in your heart. You know, what you’re hearing is true. You know God’s truth, and that’s why you believe in Jesus. So faith is not knowing. And it’s certainly not believe it is different than believing, say, I don’t believe in gravity. I don’t trust in gravity. I know it. Does that make sense?

Penny: [00:15:28.12] Yes, absolutely. OK, because it’s been proven to you, right?

Beatty: [00:15:32.69] Right. It’s proven. It’s something I don’t have to trust and it’s something I don’t have to believe in. It is what it is. I don’t know that I’m right. I trust that I’m right, I believe there are right that I’m right, but I don’t know that I’m right. OK, so believing. Is my perspective. Knowing is an immutable truth, because it’s God’s perspective makes sense.

Penny: [00:16:00.12] Yes, absolutely.

Beatty: [00:16:01.47] Ok, so that’s the first thing about faith. You know, when we talk about what is faith, the second thing about faith is this faith is the substance of things hoped for, but not saying, OK. So faith is is that past, present or future?

Penny: [00:16:22.84] That is present.

Beatty: [00:16:24.07] Yeah, it’s present, so this is something right now, it’s a it’s what we recognize today, right now in our life. Substance is substance, a shadow. Of the real thing or the real thing itself?

Penny: [00:16:41.92] The real thing itself,

Beatty: [00:16:43.09] Yeah, so faith in the present is the real thing and hope for hope for those things revealed and assured to come, but not here yet. OK, that’s what that so that’s what this is talking about. This is why Jesus would say pray, believing that you’ve received it past tense and. It will be yours. Future tense. Oh, there is no time with faith. Faith exists in the eternal realm outside of the realm of time. It’s not bound by the confines of time. It says faith, hope and love abide. Those are eternal abiders and eternal statement. So what happened, says faith, is not only in the spirit realm. It’s even beyond the realm of time. That’s why faith is in the present. We can have the confidence, assurance of things hoped for. That’s why Jesus can say, you know, pray, believing you received it, and then it’ll be yours, because all this operates mysteriously outside of this element of time. And so what? This is what the substance of things hoped for, but not saying really kind of means has faith that faith is that real thing from heaven of those things that have been revealed to you from God, the truth of God’s word. And it’s your legal right, your title deed. To those things that are not you’re here yet, but there are sure to be here. OK, let me give you an example of what I mean. Do you like hiking?

Penny: [00:18:15.70] I do, yes. Good.

Beatty: [00:18:17.77] You like hiking outdoors, right?

Penny: [00:18:19.39] Absolutely. All right.

Beatty: [00:18:21.22] So you and I are going to take a hike, OK? And we’re going to hike all day and it’s going to be strenuous. And by mid-afternoon, we started, you know, at the crack of dawn. We’re both tired, worn out, hot, sweaty, thirsty. We’re out of water and we stop and where we stop every as far as you can say, it’s just an expanse of nothing but rough, sharp rocks littering the ground, little cacti all over the ground everywhere. There’s no place to rest. There’s no shade, there’s no water. And that’s where we’re trying to rest. OK, not not a good place to rest, is it? No, but I see something you don’t. I see right next to me there’s a shade tree and the shade is right on top of two chairs, there is a table between the two chairs with two ice cold glasses, large glasses of lemonade with the glasses just kind of sweating, OK, with condensation. And there’s a little pool right in front of the chairs of cool water. So I said, oh, this is great. I sit on the chair, take off my boots, take my feet in the cool water. I start sipping on my lemonade. I’m in the shade. I’m getting fully refreshed. You don’t see it? Well, you’re standing there in the blazing sun, hot, thirsty, no place to rest.

Beatty: [00:19:54.90] OK, you get the picture. Well, that’s what faith is, it’s saying with your spiritual eyes and not with your naturalize because you’re naturalize will always lie to you and tell you that there’s nothing there, that there’s no rest for you. This is what happened with the Israelites as they came out of Egypt. And we’re thirsty. We’re going to die because they looked with their natural eyes, not their spiritual eyes, that there is a rock there full of living water. By the way, if you remember those listening, we did a topic called Going Through the Wilderness. And this is what I’m talking about, OK? When you’re in that wilderness period, that time of testing your natural eyes will always lie to you because they are contrary to what God has already set up for you. And so back in this this hike that we did and I’m sitting down. Your spiritual eyes, when you see with your Spiritualized, they’ll show you the rest that the Lord had already provided, all you have to do is take possession of it. But if you don’t see it, you can’t take hold of it. Does that make any sense?

Penny: [00:21:00.13] Yeah, for sure.

Beatty: [00:21:01.90] Oh, that’s faith. Faith is the revelation of things not seen. Is that perspective of God seeing what does not exist in the physical world in our reality. But once you see it, you can take take hold of it and it becomes reality. This is why when I pray for people for healing, I like just, you know, a simple healing. Just short story yesterday talking to a guy, he busted up his ribs really bad. He went to the doctor earlier the next the previous day thinking his ribs were broken. It was hurting that much. He’s all bruised up while he was on heavy pain medication when I talked with him in the pain at that moment was a five with heavy medication that said, well, let’s just try something. I said, put your hand where the pain is. He didn’t say, OK, great. And Jesus name. I commend all of the pain out, all of the bruising gone right now. And I said, tell me, what would you feel if was down about a three? So great. Let’s pray again. Pray one more time. I said, now tell me, sir, I can’t find it as I push around hard pushing push to. I’m pushing. I can’t find it anywhere. Yeah. That’s bringing the healing of the supernatural into the reality of the natural world. Why did that happen. Because I believed it, not because I believe that I had faith in my authority in God to command it because that’s what Jesus did and he gave us that authority. Is all this kind of making sense?

Penny: [00:22:27.31] Yeah.

Beatty: [00:22:27.83] Oh, so now that’s probably a perfect time to tee up the concept of what is authority. I keep talking about this thing called authority. Now let’s start to define it. OK, OK. We actually talked about this a little bit last time that Jesus Jesus did miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit. He didn’t do them in his own power, so the question is what’s missing because in the in this doctrinal approach that my friend was saying, sounds like you’re getting heretical and sounds like you’re separating out the person of fully man versus the person fully God. And they’re not to person. OK, so what’s the difference? And I think what we’re talking about is the difference between power and authority. There’s a lot of things going on. But let’s focus first on power and authority. If I were to ask you, what is power? What would you tell me?

Penny: [00:23:27.59] What is power, yeah, oh, gosh,

Beatty: [00:23:32.57] I know it’s a broad question, but

Penny: [00:23:34.97] It is very broad. I mean, in a word, strength,

Beatty: [00:23:40.50] Ok, strength, great. That’s a really good answer. Let me give you let me expand on that and clarify it for you. Power is the ability to do things. Hmm. That’s where the strength comes in. The ability to work. That’s the power. An engine is powerful because it has a lot of strength. OK, does that make sense?

Penny: [00:24:00.59] Yeah, it does.

Beatty: [00:24:03.01] If power is the ability to do things, what is the authority?

Penny: [00:24:08.42] Hmm, authority is the. I think of authority, this is probably going to sound silly, but I think this was one of the very first ways that it was explained to me and it stuck with me ever since. It’s kind of like the signet ring on a king. Yes, he he he with that ring on, he wears that ring. He has authority to put things into law or send a letter to someone to release them from prison or whatever he wants to do by that ring. It gives him the authority to do all these things that need to be done right.

Beatty: [00:24:47.96] Ok, so we’re skirting the issue. You’re dead on, but let’s clarify it, ok? OK. If power is the ability to do things, authority is the ability to control the power. That’s why with that signet ring, you can cause someone to be released from prison with that signet ring, as in the days of Esther. You can put the signet ring and cause an entire nation to rise up against another group of people, you can authorize the army to move. So let me give you kind of an illustration as we talk about power and authority. I’m going to use military terms a lot because I think that’s where you see it the most clearly. So imagine you’ve got an army and you have a general. The army is thousands of soldiers, mechanized war weapons, bombs, planes, bullets, missiles, lots of young, vibrant, energetic, aggressive soldiers. And then you have the general. Who sits back at headquarters, he’s old, balding, probably got a pot belly, he’s out of shape, probably flabby. OK, you get the picture. Yes. OK. The army has all the all power, so much power. It can defeat all kinds of foes, but it has no authority to act. Now, the general has no power, any one of those little army guys could probably clobber the general and definitely the general has no power against the entire army, but the general has something the army doesn’t. And what is that? Authority. That’s right, he has the authority to command the army. And therefore. The one who has authority to direct the power is actually the one who has the greatest form of power. Does that make sense?

Penny: [00:26:47.26] Yeah, it does.

Beatty: [00:26:48.59] And so this is key to understanding how faith works. Key to understanding. When we start to take a deeper look at what happened with Jesus and these miracles, we can’t simply claim, well, he did them because he’s Jesus. He’s God. Well, then how do the people in the Old Testament do him? How did his disciples do them? So you can’t just use a pat answer. We got to get a little bit deeper. So now let’s talk about faith and authority. Ultimately, I’ll give you the the cliff note version. Faith lets you operate in the authority that you’ve been given. Now, let’s put some meat onto that, OK? OK, I’m going to give you another illustration. Now we’re going to look at a private, a colonel and a general and to put these people in in perspective for you, a private command, No. One, he’s on the bottom of the totem pole, so to speak. Yeah, a colonel typically commands between three and five thousand soldiers. So he’s way up the chain

Penny: [00:27:50.40] Of command

Beatty: [00:27:51.39] And a general commands between 30 and 50000 soldiers. He’s far above the colonel. OK, you get the picture. Yes. Yes. OK, so imagine for a moment that a private walks into the colonel’s office and says, Colonel, you’re under arrest. What do you think the colonel is going to do?

Penny: [00:28:10.70] Laugh in his face.

Beatty: [00:28:12.20] That’s right, he’s going to laugh in his face, so MPs, come here, put this man in the brig export nation, right? Yeah. OK, so now let’s look at a scenario number two. The general calls another private into a private into his office and says, I want you to go arrest the colonel. So now that private walks into the colonel’s office, Mr. Colonel, sir, General Smith, he he told me that I’m here, I have to come arrest you. So stick out your hands, please. Sir, I need to put these handcuffs on you. What do you think the colonel is going to do?

Penny: [00:28:51.76] He’s not going to laugh.

Beatty: [00:28:53.86] He’s going to laugh. He’s going to say, how dare you? That’s insubordination. You know who I am. You are a lowly private. You have no authority. MPs come in here. Put this man in the brig, right? Yeah. Now, let me ask your question. Did the colonel actually I mean, did the private actually have the authority?

Penny: [00:29:14.94] He did, he did,

Beatty: [00:29:16.86] But did he appropriate that authority? No, no. So have you ever experienced, either experienced or seen or read about or heard about where someone is in a deliverance trying to cast out a demon and the demon is mocking the person and won’t come out?

Penny: [00:29:36.22] Yes.

Beatty: [00:29:36.97] Yeah, OK, that’s the same thing. The demon knows that person has the authority of Christ. But he doesn’t really know how to appropriate the authority, and so the demon buffoons him blossom and the guy goes away with his tail between his leg and the demon stays in the person, basically, you know, that this concept. So then. Scenario number three, the general calls another private into his office private. I want you to go arrest the colonel. So this private comes in. Says Colonel, General Smith has commanded that you be arrested. I’m here for your arrest. And now there are colonels tries to bluff them, so how dare you, you don’t know who you are? No, sir, you don’t know who I am. I’m here in the general’s authority. By his command, you are under arrest. So then the colonel calls in the Empress NP’s. Come arrest this gay man and the private yells to the MPs, stand down soldiers, I’m here under general SMIs authority, put handcuffs on the colonel and bring him to the brig. What do you think’s going to happen?

Penny: [00:30:51.29] He’s going to comply.

Beatty: [00:30:53.60] He’s going to comply. So what’s the difference? What’s the difference between those two privates?

Penny: [00:30:59.93] He spoke out claiming his authority and by whom? By whose authority he had.

Beatty: [00:31:07.39] Yeah, let’s change the wording just a little bit to conform to what I’m teaching on, because it’s the same thing. He knew. The authority of the general and he had faith in the authority that was granted him. Oh, and when you have faith, it’s that faith that carries the authority into the situation for which the authority was granted. Yeah. Is that making sense? Yeah, it does. So what we find is. Authority is tied to faith. The colonel cannot resist the general’s authority. He can’t resist the general’s authority presented through the private sector because the private carries that authority, the private has no authority of his own, but he acts in the general’s authority as if the general were there himself. This is making sense.

Penny: [00:32:07.86] Yeah, it does completely.

Beatty: [00:32:09.75] So now watch this. This is really important. This is what happens in Deliverance, this is what happens in healing. This is what happens in all these things. Even though the general in his natural position. Has no authority over the colonel. The excuse me, the private in his natural position, has no authority over the colonel. The private is now more powerful than the colonel. Because he’s acting in a higher authorities authorization.

Penny: [00:32:44.74] Yeah, that’s right.

Beatty: [00:32:47.29] So that’s how faith works.

Penny: [00:32:49.12] Mm hmm.

Beatty: [00:32:49.84] So now let’s look at this in scripture. OK, let’s turn to by the way, I’m going to start real quick. Are you learning anything? Is this exciting?

Penny: [00:33:00.40] Yes, of course.

Beatty: [00:33:01.81] Just out of curiosity, what kind of stands anything any AHA’s for you?

Penny: [00:33:07.00] Um. I wouldn’t necessarily say all whores like, but just further clarification of what I already felt strongly about.

Beatty: [00:33:17.50] Okay, perfect, perfect. So let’s turn to we’re going to use in IP on this one. OK, we’re going to turn to Luke seven verses one through 10. And this is the passage about the centurion.

Penny: [00:33:34.99] Ok, all right, Luke, seven verses, one through 10 says when Jesus had finished saying all this to the people who were listening, he entered Capernaum there, a centurion’s servant, him his master valued highly, was sick and about to die the centurion heart of Jesus, and sent some elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and heal his servant. When they came to Jesus, they pleaded earnestly with him. This man deserves to have you do this because he loves our nation and has built our synagogue. So Jesus went with them. He was not far from the house when the sincere Centurion’s sent friends to say to him, Lord, don’t trouble yourself for four. I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word and my servant will be healed. And I keep going, keep going, for I myself am a man under authority with soldiers under me, I tell this one to go and he goes and that one come and he comes. I say to my servant, do this and he does it. When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him. And turning to the crowd following him, he said, I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel. Then the men who had been sent returned to the house and found the servant.

Beatty: [00:35:06.13] Well, let me ask you a question. Is Jesus led to exaggerate or embellish?

Penny: [00:35:13.03] No.

Beatty: [00:35:14.32] When he says I have not found such great faith even in Israel. Is that a pretty weighty statement for him to make? Yes, see, it’s Israel. To whom fate had been given, right? Abraham, right by faith, righteousness was right to him. They taught faith. But yet it took this gentle who was not part of the nation of Israel to understand faith greater than all of the leaders of Israel. Note also what’s interesting, there’s nothing in this passage that talks about faith other than Jesus claiming the centurion had such great faith. And and he claimed that for one reason, do you want what? Why did Jesus say he had faith? What was the ultimate reason behind that faith

Penny: [00:36:12.60] For Jesus, his faith

Beatty: [00:36:14.46] Now, for the Centurion’s faith, the centurion had faith because.

Penny: [00:36:19.11] What believe?

Beatty: [00:36:21.85] Belief. I mean, he had faith because he understood authority. Mm, you see up there, it says, don’t trouble yourself because I don’t deserve to have you come under my roof. But say the word and my servant will be here for I myself am a man under authority, I understand authority. Jesus, you don’t even have to bother. Just say the word because I understand authority. I know that you have authority. And therefore I understand if you say the word, my servant will be healed. So understanding authority is a key to faith. Yes. A kid walking in faith. It’s making sense.

Penny: [00:37:05.25] Yeah, absolutely.

Beatty: [00:37:06.84] So I wanted in starting to wrap up. I want to give you a picture of what faith looks like, OK, and something that maybe we can all relate to a little bit more in a manufacturing company. They have a great big plant, lots of workers on the floor. It’s hot, it’s noisy, it’s sweaty. They have a big overhead, one of these giant overhead heavy lift cranes. You know, it’s on rails and it’s horizontal. And and what this crane does is it goes to the big opening of the manufacturing plant and there’s an 18 wheeler. And the only thing on that great big 18 wheeler is one of those big coils of steel. You’ve seen them going down the interstate, right?

Penny: [00:37:53.16] Yes.

Beatty: [00:37:54.45] Those coils are so heavy, they usually can only carry one on an 18 wheeler because they’re like, you know, usually like 30 or to 50 tons. So what happens is if you take a closer work, all these guys are in the on the floor of the plant, hot, sweaty, strong, muscular. But up in that crane, there’s a little cabin, it’s air condition, it’s got nice lighting, there’s a big comfortable seat and there’s usually a big old guy sitting there. He’s kind of floppy and flabby and not not really muscular. OK, his job is to fiddle with the joystick. He taps the joystick with his finger and it lets the crane down. He taps it again and it hoist up this 50 times. He plays a joystick. It moves that 50 tons back and forth on the crane. He’s he squirts it all the way down to the other end of the plant and puts it exactly where it’s supposed to be. Do you get the picture on this?

Penny: [00:38:53.82] Yeah, I did.

Beatty: [00:38:55.14] Ok, so here’s what’s interesting. All of that is done. At the top of a joystick. The man exerts no effort on his own. The other thing that’s interesting is that man was hired by the company to do a specific job. His job is to move the steel around the manufacturing plant safely. And they also know that to hire him to do that job, it was impossible for him to do it in his own power plant. So the company gave him the tools that he needed to do the company’s will, and then they gave him the authority to use those tools on behalf of the company. You certainly see the picture of how this is some of what we do in our life in Iran. OK, so in the same way, Jesus has called us to do his will. We don’t have the ability in ourselves to do it. So he provides the tools to help us do as well. Those tools are faith represented by the joystick and the power of the Holy Spirit, represented by that heavy lifting crane. And then finally, he gives us the authority to use our faith in the Holy Spirit to do that, which he’s called us to do. That’s what faith looks like, where to sit there simply and move that joystick around doing amazing feats of work that we could never do on our own, on our own.

Beatty: [00:40:22.49] It’s really cool. So what are the big takeaways with all of this? The first takeaway is authority and faith are intricately woven together. You cannot have faith without understanding authority. Because faith is the application of the authority that you’ve been given. That’s what we see with the example of the private arresting the colonel. That’s what we see with the centurion. OK. This is why the sintering has such great faith, because he understood that authority and because he understood authority. Here’s what’s also interesting, he understood the authority that Jesus had been given. So if you want great faith. You have to understand and study authority, so that’s the first big takeaway. Second big takeaway is, is everything Jesus did, he did by the authority given him. By the father. Just like this, A.N., he to Jesus was under authority, but because he had perfect faith, he had that perfect perspective of God. He operated in his full authority is fully God, that’s why everything he did had all the trappings of being fully God. Because it was perfect, safe. Yeah. The third take away and then the final take away, Jesus gives us his authority. So I do want you to pull up one more passage, Matthew, 28, 18 through 20. This is called the Great Commission. I want to show you something here.

Penny: [00:42:03.36] Ok, Matthew. Twenty eight, 18 through 20, huh? OK. And it reads then Jesus came to them and said all authority and heaven and earth has been given to me.

Beatty: [00:42:16.65] Pause OK has been given to me. Who who had the authority, who gave him the authority, the father. OK, so now Jesus is saying I am under authority of the father. OK, keep going.

Penny: [00:42:32.21] Therefore go and make.

Beatty: [00:42:35.64] Therefore, go, I’ve been given authority, therefore go in my authority is now directing us to do something and in that direction it’s a transference of his authority. All right, continue.

Penny: [00:42:50.40] So therefore, go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded. You stop, OK?

Beatty: [00:43:08.01] Obey everything. Teach them to obey everything. I’ve commanded U.S. teach my disciples to act in my authority to do what I commanded them to do. That my will might be done at a long, weary way of saying. But what he’s saying is, I’ve given you my will, I’ve given you my authority. Now go use my authority to do my will. And that’s what faith is. That’s where we’ll stop on that passage. So the Lord retains all power. No. In Scripture does it say that he’s given us his power? But it does say that he’s given us his authority, which directs the power. OK, well, we merely execute the authority that he’s given us. And and that’s what it means to walk by faith and knowing of God’s truth. Knowing the authority and then walking in and the more you. No, it the greater the authority that you walk in.

Penny: [00:44:10.13] That’s great. Well, Beatty, I think it’s about time we wrap up this call for today. But do you have any final things that you need to add before we encourage our listeners to join us again for the next one?

Beatty: [00:44:23.57] I do. But before we do that, I have a question. So let’s debrief real quickly. OK, big takeaways or clarification for you? What what hit you?

Penny: [00:44:34.76] I think I loved I loved the point where you brought in the fact that the Holy Spirit cannot be left out. So not only are we under the authority of Jesus and we have his authority, but the power part coming from the Holy Spirit. I think that that was a really key point. Go, yeah.

Beatty: [00:44:57.62] Very much. All right. The only thing I would add in final comment is be sure to subscribe so you get more of these and tell others about this. We have two channels of get cellar’s calling you, which is real estate and radical faith alternating. And then for our non real estate prince, we have the other channel get radical faith and that’s only our radical faith calls. So very good.

Penny: [00:45:29.09] Awesome. Well, thank you so much, Beatty, for this. This was amazing. And I really do hope that all you listeners out there are encouraged by this message and that you will listen to it again. So not just the one time, but again so that you can get just a little bit more. I feel like even when I read a book, sometimes I need to read and reread, read and reread, and I usually get something new every time. So I would encourage our listeners to do the same. And Beatty, thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this message and and just preparing such a great time of listening and encouragement for the people out there.

Beatty: [00:46:06.47] Well, you’re very welcome. And I can honestly say it was all my pleasure because I learned more than I’m able to teach. So I’ve enjoyed it.

Penny: [00:46:15.41] Well, we are thankful because we get to benefit from that. So thank you so much, everyone, for joining us. And we look forward to being with you again very soon.
