Powerful, easy touches for sphere of influence and past client – Part 2 refrigerator clip
What are simple, powerful touches you can do with your sphere of influence and past clients? This is Part [...]
Phone calling to get real estate seller leads with open houses
Open houses are a great way to generate seller leads. There are 3 ways to maximize the sellers leads [...]
Under Contract real estate postcards to get seller leads calling you
The "Under Contract" postcard gives you "two bites at the apple" when marketing to a geographic farm. While most agents [...]
The BEST type of Just Sold postcard you can send – Part 2 your inside reality
What's the BEST type of Just Sold postcard you can use with sphere of influence and past clients? This [...]
How to write killer copy for Just Sold postcards
Not all Just Sold postcards are the same! If you're sending out Just Sold postcards, then by taking a [...]
3 keys to killer writing postcard headlines that generate seller leads
If you want to generate seller leads, the most important part of your marketing is your headline. This is the [...]