Dear friend,
I want to share the “secrets” my real estate clients have used to earn as much as $100,000 in their first 12 months in geographic farming… and more.
It’s a proven method that generates a consistent source of as many as 1 to 2 new listings a month in as little as 12 months.
It requires NO door-knocking, NO cold-calling, and NO personal prospecting.
This system will save you time, generate more listings, earn more money, and put you in control of your financial destiny.
Most agents have been taught to call their friends, door-knock the community, and join social groups to meet new people to prospect.
All of those work, but they take a lot of time. And frankly, most agents don’t like doing them.
So, what’s the solution?
It’s learning to master the “art” of geographic farming (a geo farm is simply an area you focus on for listings, such as a neighborhood or a sub-division).
Follow my system — which I’m giving you for free — and you’ll start generating a consistent source of new listings.
Do these methods really work? Here are just a few comments agents have shared…
I earned $100,000 in my first year!
When I started using these “listing-grabber” type postcards, I targeted a geographic farm I had never marketed to before. I got 5 listings in my first 6 months, and earned about $100,000 in my first year! I then opened a new 1K home farm and became the #1 selling agent in the first year. This is very powerful! (Stuart S)
Our business has exploded!
When we looked at these amazing postcards we had tried all kinds of things with limited results. We started using them in our neighborhood and I am speechless! Within 6 months we had over 6 listings, and ended the first year earning $99,000 in commissions as the #1 selling agent in the farm! (Nelson R)
I earned six figures in my first year!
I had been selling real estate for 20 years and was worn our and about to quit. That’s when I found these postcards, and I’m so glad I did. I started mailing them into a luxury home community, and within 12 months I had earned over 6 figures in commission … with no intention of quitting any more! (Fran W)
I earned $100,000 in my first year!
When I started using these “listing-grabber” type postcards, I targeted a geographic farm I had never marketed to before. I got 5 listings in my first 6 months, and earned about $100,000 in my first year! I then opened a new 1K home farm and became the #1 selling agent in the first year. This is very powerful! (Stuart S)
Our business has exploded!
When we looked at these amazing postcards we had tried all kinds of things with limited results. We started using them in our neighborhood and I am speechless! Within 6 months we had over 6 listings, and ended the first year earning $99,000 in commissions as the #1 selling agent in the farm! (Nelson R)
I earned six figures in my first year!
I had been selling real estate for 20 years and was worn our and about to quit. That’s when I found these postcards, and I’m so glad I did. I started mailing them into a luxury home community, and within 12 months I had earned over 6 figures in commission … with no intention of quitting any more! (Fran W)
What’s the catch — why am I giving this away for free?
There’s no catch. And I’m giving it away for free because the Lord told me to. It’s about as simple as that!
Click the button and get it now…
Want to learn more before getting it? Then read on…
Introducing the 12 Month Plan to
earn $100K in Geographic Farming
… earn $100,000 in your first 12 months in geographic farming, and start generating as many as 1 to 2 new listings a month thereafter
Here’s how the system works…
Once you get the free download, the system is broken into two main sections.
First is launching your farm. This is broken into four segments covering your first 6 weeks, taking you step-by-step to make it easy to get your farm fully launched.
Second is nurturing your farm. This is the remainder of your 12 months where you will do ongoing marketing and begin to “harvest” listings as homeowners get ready to sell.
Let’s talk about the launching of your farm first…
Part 1: Launching Your Farm
Most people get overwhelmed when pursuing geographic farming. And when they get overwhelmed, they quit.
But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you know what you’re doing, launching a farm is easy.
And to make it as easy as possible, I’ve broken the launch phase into four segments. Each segment stands on its own. Each segment has its own purpose. Each segment takes only a few hours a week.
And each segment progressively moves you forward until your farm is fully launched.
Week 1: Selecting The Most Profitable Area To Farm
This is the most critical part of geographic farming. And this is where most agents fail.
The only way to earn $100,000 in your first 12 months is to make sure you select the right area to farm — an area capable of you earning $100,000 in your first year.
Most agents pick an area by choosing where they want to be. And that’s why most agents fail. Picking a farm is like picking a stock. A few a winners, most are losers. If you don’t follow the right process, you’ll pick losers almost every time.
That’s why I worked on perfecting a 5 step formula to precisely analyze which areas will be the most profitable ones to farm.
The first 3 steps of this formula are the easiest and most critical to your success. They get you 85% of the way to the “perfect farm.”
The second 2 steps (steps 4 and 5) fine-tune your selection even further if you want to be very precise.
Then, to make this formula even easier for you I had it programmed into a fool-proof Excel spreadsheet that you get as part of this free download.
For each area, simply input data into the spreadsheet straight from your MLS. Then press a button and “presto!” — it shows you exactly which areas can earn you the most money, and which areas won’t.
It took several years to perfect this process, and it’s helped my clients earn millions of dollars in commissions. And by using it, it will help you “mint” money in geographic farming, too!
Week 2: Understanding the Marketing Fundamentals That “Crush It” In Getting New Listings
If you give a man a fish, you’ll feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you’ll feed him for a lifetime.
That’s how farming works, too!
My goal with this free download is to teach you how to fish for listings. Once you know how, you’ll feed yourself for a lifetime.
That’s why Week 2 is devoted to training you on the marketing fundamentals that “crush it” in getting new listings.
Once you understand WHY homeowners pick one agent over another, you’ll understand how to get them to pick YOU over other agents every time.
And here’s a “secret” most agents don’t know…
I discovered a 3 step formula for marketing to homeowners. If you apply this formula properly, homeowners will choose you to sell their home more than 91% of the time … even choosing you over their sister-in-law!
Here are two examples of what I mean…
Roman: I was working with an agent in south Florida, named Roman, to farm a large community. A homeowner listed her $800,000 home with an agent-friend of hers who also lived in the community. But after getting a few of Roman’s marketing pieces, the listing agent GAVE the listing to Roman because she thought he could do a better job for her friend than she could. — Have you ever heard of an agent turning over a listing to a competitor? No? Neither had Roman … until he used my marketing approach!
Josh: Josh had been mailing a farm for a year with NO results. He asked if I could help. Of course I said “yes.” I modified his marketing postcards using this formula I’ll teach you in Week 2. He started getting listings his first month, and after 4 months of fully implementing these changes he was getting 2 listings a WEEK! It was an explosion in new listings!
That’s what great marketing can do!
And that’s what I’ll teach you during Week 2. The teaching is in a live, 4-part video training series. That means you can do the study at your own pace and when convenient.
Weeks 3-4: Launching Your Marketing
Weeks 3-4 is when things start to get FUN!
In Weeks 3-4 I’ll teach you the TOP 6 ways to generate listings in a geographic farm. After years of helping clients consistently get more listings, these are the methods that work best.
I will take you through, step-by-step, the TOP 6 ways I’ve learned to generate new listings in as quickly as your first month.
Each method is proven and tested in the field. Each method stands alone by itself to generate listings. And when you combine all 6 of them, you get a consistent flow of new listings each month!
And best of all, NONE of these 6 methods require any significant time commitment. In fact, several are fully automated or take so little time it’s as if they were automated.
Then, in addition to teaching you those methods, I’ll also be giving you 25 of our custom created, “Real Estate Secrets” postcards.
We had one of the top real estate copywriting experts put this series of postcards together specifically for our geographic farming clients. They are VERY good!
And they aren’t cheap, either. If you were to hire him to create similar postcards for you, his copywriting fee alone would cost you $12,000 to $15,000.
But you don’t have to pay that fee. I’m including these postcards as part of this free download for you. With 25 postcards, that’s 2 years’ worth of postcard marketing mailing them once a month.
They come in a high-resolution, ready-to-print PDF that you can take to any printer to print and mail, making it super-easy to start mailing your farm immediately.
Weeks 5-6: Supercharging Your Results To Get Even MORE Listings
The final phase of launching your farm is culminated in Weeks 5-6.
This is where you’ll learn how to win even MORE listings that come on the market in your farm.
If you currently list only a handful of homes a year right now, these last two weeks will be crucial in helping you master the art of winning more listings.
If you are a listing agent “pro” already, you’ll still get great value from these 2 weeks. In fact, you’ll see at least a 15-20% increase in new listings by applying what you learn.
Weeks 5-6 will be going through a 5 part training series on the 7 Steps to Prospecting and Getting Listings in a Geographic Farm.
I co-teach this course with a friend of mine named Isaiah. Isaiah owns a brokerage, runs a team, and trains his team on the art of winning listings. Recently, his team won so many listings using this approach they closed over $1 billion in sales in a single year (average sales price less than $400,000, so it was a lot of listings!).
Not only do you get the training on the 7 steps, but you’ll also listen in on role plays and live dials to hear how these steps are applied in real life.
And when you apply these techniques in your farm, you’ll get even MORE listings!
Part 2: Nurturing Your Farm
The second part of my system to earn $100,000 in your FIRST 12 months in geographic farming is to nurture your farm.
Nurturing is when you consistently apply the marketing methods to your farm that you learn in Part 1 for the remainder of the year.
As with any farming, it takes time for the harvest to appear. If you apply the marketing you learn and give it time, you will make money!
The benefits of my system to earn $100K in Geographic Farming — transform your business, transform your life
This $100K Geo Farming system is not simply about getting more listings. It’s about transforming your business and, ultimately, transforming your quality of life.
Your business thrives. You’re making money. You have money to “play” with … and you have the time to enjoy it.
The stress is gone. The frustration is gone. And you never have to worry if you’ll make ends meet at the end of the month again because there is always enough money!
One of my clients, Stuart, was a struggling agent for years. Then he learned the art of marketing (what I teach in Week 2). As soon as he started implementing it, his business doubled within 6 weeks and he had to hire an assistant to help. Today, he works only 4 days a week with no nights and no weekends. He doesn’t worry about money. He consistently has a pool of listings. And he consistently earns over $500,000 a year.
What you’ll learn — and what you can achieve — from my $100K Geo Farming system truly CAN transform your business, and transform your life.
Here’s what a few more of my clients have said:
$3 million in sales in 3 months!
I am ecstatic! Since we implemented these postcards and training 2 or 3 months ago, we have already reached over $3 million in sales, and in the next 3 months we should have another $3 to $5 million of inventory coming in. We’re actually having to hire a new assistant to help with the volume! (Scott G)
6 listing appointments after 2 mailings!
After 2 mailings I’ve got 2 closed, 2 more pending, a new listing, and just did another listing appointment last week at $600K. Between what’s closed and what’s pending, that $1.2 million — about $36,0000 in commissions! (Paul T)
24 listings in 18 months!
Using these postcards and the listing conversion pack, I listed almost one home a month every month for the first 4 or 5 months. By the tenth month I was listing about 2 or 3 homes a month, and now, after 18 months, I’ve listed a total of 24 homes! (Ed F)
$3 million in sales in 3 months!
I am ecstatic! Since we implemented these postcards and training 2 or 3 months ago, we have already reached over $3 million in sales, and in the next 3 months we should have another $3 to $5 million of inventory coming in. We’re actually having to hire a new assistant to help with the volume! (Scott G)
6 listing appointments after 2 mailings!
After 2 mailings I’ve got 2 closed, 2 more pending, a new listing, and just did another listing appointment last week at $600K. Between what’s closed and what’s pending, that $1.2 million — about $36,0000 in commissions! (Paul T)
24 listings in 18 months!
Using these postcards and the listing conversion pack, I listed almost one home a month every month for the first 4 or 5 months. By the tenth month I was listing about 2 or 3 homes a month, and now, after 18 months, I’ve listed a total of 24 homes! (Ed F)
Plus, if you take action RIGHT NOW I’ll also give you these additional added bonuses…
Bonus #1: “Crystal Ball” Analytics to select the most profitable farms over the next 5 years
When you join the $100K Geo Farming Challenge you also get my “Crystal Ball” analytics that gives you an easy way to identify which farms will be the absolutely most profitable ones not only for today, but for the next 5 years. If you are going to invest in a farm, it makes sense to focus on the ones that will produce the most long term.
Bonus#2: The TOP 10 ways to market to a farm that are free or low cost (2 part audio training)
I’ll teach you the TOP 10 ways to always stay in front of homeowners in your farm without breaking the bank. All 10 are either completely free or super low-cost, making it a perfect way to increase your marketing without burning up your budget.
Bonus#3: Masters of Geographic Farming LIVE Interviews
I’ve sought out some the top producing real estate agents in geographic farming, and have hand-selected the best 3 interviews. All 3 of these did something different, but each earned over $100K in their first 12 months with practically ZERO dollars spent in marketing. And by their second year each was earning multiple 6-figure incomes. Listen and learn step-by-step as they share what they did and how you can do it, too — Krista went from a handful of transactions a year to over 115 transactions a year in 2 years. Stuart started a new farm in a golf community, gets 14 listings appointments in his first 7 months, and becomes the #1 selling agent starting his first year. Marla was a newly licensed agent and started a farm of 500 homes. In 12 months she was the #1 selling agent; in 3 years she was selling 47% of all listings in the farm.
Let’s recap what you get in this $100K/yr Geo Farming system
Week 1: My 5 step formula (built into an Excel spreadsheet) to select the most profitable area to farm: Value $237
Week 2: How to earn $100K in your first 12 months in geographic farming (4 part video training series): Value $497
Weeks 3-4: (1) The Top 6 ways to generate listings in a geographic farm (video + book): Value $339
(2) 25 professionally written “Real Estate Secrets” high-res PDF, ready-to-print postcards: Value $597
Weeks 5-6: The 7 steps to prospecting and getting listings in a geographic farm (5 part video training series): Value $427
Bonus 1: “Crystal Ball” Analytics: Value $97
Bonus 2: The Top 10 ways to market to your farm that are free or low cost (2 part audio training): Value $197
Bonus 3: Masters of Geographic Farming LIVE interviews (3 videos): Value: $437
The Total Value For this $100K Geo Farming system + Bonuses: $2,828
Get It Now For Only: FREE
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