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The topic is No longer under law but under grace — what does it really mean?

If you’ve been a Christian for any length of time I’m sure you’ve heard we are “no longer under law but under grace.”  But the BIG question is, what does that really mean?

Does it simply mean we no longer have to do “works” like the Jewish people do under the Mosaic law?  Does it mean the “law” no longer exists for us?  Or does it mean something deeper, more amazing, more powerful, and more awe-inspiring in terms of what the Lord really did?

Thsi is a fascinating journey as I walk you through the Scriptures showing you what this really means and the impact it should produce in our lives as believers.

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[00:00:00] Right. Hi, everybody. I’m so excited you guys have joined us today. This is an e-commerce. Welcome to this next session. Get Sellers Calling You with Beatty Carmichael. Beatty is the CEO of Master Grabbber, the creator of Agent Dominator, one of the top marketing experts in the real estate field. Beatty, I’m excited. What do you have for us today?

[00:00:22] Well, we’re gonna be talking on the radical faith topic, which for those who have not heard yet, a radical faith is where we talk all about Christian things and nothing about real estate. So if you’re not interested in Christian topics, you can just skip this episode. But today’s topic is something that I think we’ve all heard okay.

[00:00:45] In the Christian community. And sometimes we don’t really understand. And sometimes we we because we don’t understand, we apply it wrong. And that is no longer under law, but under grace. Have you ever heard that before?

[00:01:02] Absolutely. Yeah.

[00:01:03] Okay. So I want to take a real deep dive into kind of what this means and how it comes about. Ultimately, here’s where we’re going to go. We’re gonna end up with no wonder no longer under law, but under grace. But I want to come back and start with what is law. We talked and we touched on this a few sessions back. And at a very superficial level, you and I had a little bit of conversation on that. But I want to take kind of a real deep dive in and show you some cool stuff. So are you ready on that?

[00:01:34] I am.

[00:01:36] Okay, great. So we’re gonna look at first two by two verses in the Bible.

[00:01:41] The first one is going to be Romans 5 13. Okay. And and when you got that, I’ll let you read it.

[00:01:51] All right, Roland. Diverse pool. Indeed was in the world before the law was given, but not count Paul where there is no law.

[00:02:03] All right. Sin is not counted where there is no law. So, in other words, what this is saying is it’s only the presence of law where sin is counted.

[00:02:14] Yet there is no law. Then there is no sin. Does that simple concept make sense? Yeah, OK.

[00:02:21] And by the way, when we talk about law, I want you to think in terms of the laws of the United States, because it’s basically the same thing. OK. If if the speed limit did not say 70, then if I go 90 miles an hour, I’m not breaking the law. But once the law is put in place and it says 70, then if I go 90 now, breaking the law and breaking the law. So in the absence of law, there is no sin. OK. That’s the first thing we get. Second verse is Colossians Colossians to. Versus 13 and 14 cloche and to 13 and 14.

[00:03:01] All right, let’s see what that has to say. 13 and 14 says and you who were dead in your chest passes in the UN, circumcision of your flesh. God made allies together with him having forgiven us all of our trespasses. By canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.

[00:03:27] Yes. OK. So I’m going to now read that same passage and truncate it just a little bit simply to make it easier. OK.

[00:03:39] And you were dead in your tracks passes. God made a life together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses. And how did he do that? He did it by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. OK. Does that make sense?

[00:03:59] Ok, so he did it by canceling that record of debt with its legal demands. So then the question as we get into this, but both of these are saying as.

[00:04:15] Sen is already in the world before the law was given. Okay. For the first one for Sen indeed was in the world before the law was given. And because it’s in the world before it was given, then sin has always been counted against us. Does that make sense? Yeah.

[00:04:40] Okay. So. So the question then is what is the impact of sin?

[00:04:49] What do you think the impact of Sinner’s? They’re.

[00:04:53] The impact of sin is death. Exactly. So now let’s go to Romans 5:14.

[00:05:02] Okay. And let’s look and see what M14 does.

[00:05:09] All right. Romans five verse 14 says yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.

[00:05:26] Ok. So death rain from Adam to Moses. That means that even though there was no written law until Moses, the impact of sin, which is death was already present in the first man Adam. OK. Is that. Does that make sense?

[00:05:45] Yes.

[00:05:46] Ok, so. So then what Paul is saying on this is even though sin is only counted where there is law. The law already existed from the time of Adam. And we know that the punishment for sin is death. And death has now been raining ever since Adam’s fall. OK. So a lot of times we think that the law was given at the time of Moses. But this is saying that death reigned since Adam. Death only comes from sin. Sin comes from law. So the law had to exist without them. So that’s the first first realization. OK. So now what does law tell us?

[00:06:42] A lot of things are not looking at me in general. I’m not talking about. But if I were it, it should say in general, you have law. What does law ultimately, what would it openly it tells us what we can and cannot do.

[00:06:56] Okay. It tells us what is right and what is wrong. Correct. Yeah. Okay.

[00:07:02] So would it be fair to say it gives us it gives us the knowledge of right and wrong.

[00:07:08] Yes.

[00:07:10] And therefore, it gives us the knowledge of good and evil.

[00:07:15] Ok, so. So when Sen came into the world, it was counted against us at the moment. Law took jurisdiction. Okay. Sand is counted against us only at the moment that the law takes jurisdiction over us.

[00:07:35] So here’s the question, Quinn, did the law begin to take jurisdiction over us?

[00:07:44] I think if you’re asking me because you’re the only up, you’re the only other person on the phone, I think it was.

[00:07:53] I think it was when. Adamson And I think that was that moment.

[00:07:57] Hold on, hold on, hold. OK. How can Adam sin if there is no law holding jurisdiction over him, because that can only come in when the presence there is the presence of law.

[00:08:18] Mind boggling. Right? Yeah.

[00:08:22] You can’t say that law took jurisdiction over us when Adam said because. That would have had. That would mean that law had jurisdiction over Adam at before he said.

[00:08:38] Mm hmm.

[00:08:40] But what have we been taught? Then enter the world. By whom?

[00:08:48] By Adam. Yeah, we’ve been taught that Sent into the World by Adam. So how did Sin enter by Adam? If it wasn’t his son.

[00:09:02] Well, temptation, it was the devil. But Adam also had a free will. I believe that the Lord already had. I hate to use the word law, but already had things in place. And if he’s if he’s been since the beginning of time, there is no time with the Lord. He’s already seen the end from the beginning. Yes. Then he already knew certain things were gonna happen. It’s almost like the law was already there. Even though in Adam’s physical mind, physical eyes, he couldn’t see it.

[00:09:42] Ok, all right. Good. I would agree with a lot of that, if not all of it. But the question is when did the law take jurisdiction over us? Because when you first off littlies start with this premise. Is it a correct premise to say that when Adam was created, he was not under law and therefore he was not in sin?

[00:10:07] No, because Adam was given law of the Lord. The Lord said, do not eat of this tree, you know. So I think Adam already knew some law that the Lord had given him.

[00:10:20] Ok. OK. OK, good. But what’s the. Under the jurisdiction of the lies where I’m going?

[00:10:28] Yes.

[00:10:29] Ok. The Lord told him if he did not obey that there would be consequences.

[00:10:35] Ok. True. OK. Good. Good. Was seen raining in Adam’s body.

[00:10:46] No.

[00:10:48] Was seen reining in his body. Later.

[00:10:54] Yes.

[00:10:55] Sin reign in our body.

[00:11:01] That’s what made my flesh. It should not be okay, OK?

[00:11:08] It should not. OK. Let us descend. Reign in an unruly genitive man’s bodies. OK. That’s OK. Great. Yeah. Does it then reign in Jesus’s body? No. OK.

[00:11:25] So what’s the difference between the time when Adam’s friend did not reign in Adam’s body? And now it rains in his body and all mankind after him, but yet Jesus said did not rain in his body.

[00:11:40] What’s the difference between sin reigning in one’s body or not reigning in one’s body?

[00:11:48] Me. OK. It’s called Right Seed.

[00:11:53] It says that Jesus was born of the seed of God, which is holy and righteous and without sin. It says that his body was in the form of sinful man, but it had no sin. Does that make sense? I don’t.

[00:12:08] So Jesus was the second out in the first out. And when he was created, his body was in the form of what later became sinful body. But it was without sin. But at some point it beheld sin. What happened for it to be held? Behold sin and allowing the law to take jurisdiction over him.

[00:12:37] All right.

[00:12:39] Ok. So first off, we’ve established that law tells us what is right versus wrong. It gives us the knowledge of right versus wrong and it gives us the knowledge of good and evil. Does the term knowledge of good and evil ring a bell anywhere in scripture?

[00:13:01] Where in the garden, in the garden.

[00:13:05] Ok. And what was knowledge of good and evil? What was it?

[00:13:08] A tree. And what did the tree produce?

[00:13:12] Fruit.

[00:13:13] Fruit. OK, so. When do we say. Adam said. When he ate the fruit, when he ate the fruit, but Lord Noah did not have jurisdiction over him. Yes. Right.

[00:13:31] Correct.

[00:13:32] Ok. But when you eat the fruit, he said, and now he’s fallen. And now they’re sent in us. So here’s what’s going on. You have the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We could call it the tree of the law because that’s what law is. My consent so far, for once he eats the fruit. The fruit is ingested by him. And now the fruit becomes part of him. And now he is just ingested the law. And the law dwells in him now. All right. I want to tie that together in just a moment and show you that the law still dwells in us, but it’s been fulfilled. But we have the presence of the law now in our fleshly bodies. It’s part of us. And because now sin is part of us sin. I mean, Wall is part of us. It has jurisdiction over us. And now when we violate the law, it’s counted to us as sin. Are you following all these or connecting dots?

[00:14:40] Ok.

[00:14:41] So if we were to go back to that first first Roman’s 5:13. But Sen. Lissie Sen indeed was in the world before the law was given this, the law given meaning most the Mosaic Law, but then is not counted where there is no law. So we have this principle. So now we have this law in. So which stand is counted now against us? OK, so now then the question comes up. What does law do? Okay. Law tells us. Right versus wrong. But now there’s another aspect of law, inflators law.

[00:15:24] Do you think?

[00:15:29] I think of it in terms of my children. And I mean, as a good parent, I’m going to implement I hate to call rules, but, you know, expectations, that’s a better word. Think that my children need to do in order to be. SELF-RESPECTING citizen, morally responsible. All those kinds of things to me, I look at it as more of a boundary, OK?

[00:15:58] And if you violate that boundary, what happens is that part of the law?

[00:16:03] Ok. So there is discipline that comes or there’s punishment that comes if the law is violated. Correct. Yes.

[00:16:11] So the law tells us right from wrong and included in law is punishment. In case you violate law. So those are the those are the parameters of law. Does that make it? Yeah. So law tells us law creates legal demands when it’s violated. And then. So let’s assume for a moment. All right. I get a speeding ticket. So I broke the law and now there’s a legal demand against me. I go to pay that fine, right?

[00:16:43] Yeah. OK.

[00:16:45] Can I speed again and get another speeding ticket here if you want to. All right. If I do, do I get another fine against me?

[00:16:54] Absolutely.

[00:16:55] And if I continue speeding, do those fines continue to accumulate against me? OK, so those two demands continue to occur. So law creates demands. Those demands accumulate until they are paid. And if they’re unpaid, then it creates a debt that I owe against those demands.

[00:17:23] Ok. So if we come back up to the second verse, we talked about Colossians to 13 and 14. God says God made a life together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. So you see how all these are now, how all this kind of ties into play with law is what law is doing.

[00:17:52] Yeah. Look at this. Cool. You like it? I love it. It’s gross.

[00:17:58] Ok, so then the ending of the law. OK. So the beginning of the law for us is when it takes jurisdiction. When we when add and consume the fruit. The fruit of the tree of law. The knowledge of good and evil. It only took jurisdiction over him when he ingested it. And now he fell. And the the the implication of sin is death. And that’s where God said if you eat of this fruit, you will die. And we know that Adam fell and Adam died.

[00:18:36] Both a spiritual death and also a physical death because he now ingested law and it has its legal demands. So then we have the fact that the ending of the law for us is when Christ is crucified. OK, so let’s look if we go back to that cautions. It says God made us alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses by canceling that record of death that stood against us with his legal demands. OK. So that’s the ending of the law for us. But here’s the question. Does the law still remain in us?

[00:19:20] Does the law still exist or did cry to.

[00:19:29] He fulfilled it. It still exists. He fulfilled the law. He paid the price.

[00:19:37] That’s right. I’ve got to see if I can catch you. I did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill. So if not so now we had that sent creates a sin record. OK, that record is the debt that we owe for this thing’s done in violation, too. Now let’s look at where that record is used. Turn to revelations. Twenty.

[00:20:06] And we’re going to read verses the eleven and 12. This is the great judgment.

[00:20:12] Ok. OK, all right. Revelation twenty, eleven and twelve. Yeah. OK. Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it present.

[00:20:24] So whenever you see God on his throne, this is a courtroom setting. Just understand. He’s now sitting on the throne to rule and to judge. That’s what’s going on here.

[00:20:37] From his present, earth and sky led away and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead great and small standing before the throne. And books were opened. Then another book was. Then was.

[00:20:53] So those books. That’s the record of debt that’s against them. So if you kind of imagine this. OK. So they’re angelic scribes, let’s call it. Bible doesn’t talk about this, but we kind of infer that something like this is going on. So I imagine everywhere you go, there is a little angelic scribe falling on and scribbling down in your book.

[00:21:18] Everything you do that’s against the law. Scribble, scribble, scribble, scribble, scribble. Everything. Every thought, every action. Every day. So now revelations. Twenty. That book is opened. And now there’s this accumulation of debt from the legal demand of the law.

[00:21:37] That’s what we’re. That’s what we’re reading here. OK.

[00:21:41] All right. Then another book was opened, which is the book of Why the Dead were judged by what was written in the book according to what they had done.

[00:21:50] Ok, so now we have the inclusion of a second set of books. This one called The Book of Life. We won’t go there, but we know that the Book of Life, whoever is written in that book, lives and whoever is not in that book is judged by what’s written in their book. OK. So this is the cancellation of the debt. When when Paul says that the debt record of debt was canceled, that stood against us with this legal demand, basically that book was thrown away. And in its place, our name is written in the book of Life. That’s kind of essentially maybe not theologically accurate, but in essence, what’s going on. All right. So that that’s ROMANS 20 and messy. And then what we want to do is move to Rome, assuming those revelations. Let’s move to Romans 8 4. I told you I was going to cycle back around to this. So as you root for. Remember, Adam, eat the fruit. The fruit of the tree. Of the knowledge of good and evil. Fruit of the law. The law is now in him and therefore it has jurisdiction over him. So all actions contrary to the law are now counted as sin.

[00:23:15] He could have taken the same actions before eating that tree, eating that fruit, and it would never be counted as sin against him. I could drive down the interstate at 90 miles an hour and it’s not sin until law has jurisdiction. So that’s the idea. It’s not the action.

[00:23:33] It’s the fact that you violate the law. So this law is now passed on from Adam to every part of the human Junor generations because it’s passed on as part of the flesh of Adam all the way down. OK. So now we read in Romans 8 4 that this law is still in us, but something significant has happened. Let’s read 8:04.

[00:24:01] Ok. In order that the righteous requirement and the law might be fulfilled in law, not go go back to maybe 8, 3 or 8 to find a beginning part of that analyst reading. Right. Verse 3 4. God has done what the law weakened by the floods could not by. In the likeness of our central place for all who can win in the flesh. In order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled.

[00:24:34] In a walk in us who walk according to the spirit, not by the flesh, walking by Jesus. So here we have this righteous requirement of the law has been fulfilled in us.

[00:24:52] So the law still is in us, but the requirements of the law. The legal demands have been fulfilled. This is where Jesus meant when he said it’s finished, it’s paid in full. But in fact, there is a word. It is finished is a Greek word, according to one of the things I was studying called to tell E-I. And it’s a business term that means paid in full. OK, so you get a receipt. You owe a thousand dollars for this furniture you bought. You pay them $1000. They stamp it. Paid in full. That’s to tell E-I. That’s what Jesus said. It is finished. OK. So what we have is the requirement. The law has been fulfilled in us. The debt has been paid. Making sense so far on that one. OK, so the law has been fulfilled in us who walk according to the spirit. It’s been fulfilled in us because Christ fulfilled it. And Jesus says this, he says, when we believe in him, he comes into us and dwells in us in his spirit, unites with our spirit is one spirit. In fact, let’s pull that up real quick on one. That’s gonna be First Corinthians 6:17. Can show how are this plugs together?

[00:26:12] All right. First Corinthians 6, verse 17, says that he who is goin to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.

[00:26:23] Perfect. One spirit with him. Okay. So if his spirit is united with ours. Then we are one in spirit.

[00:26:32] Right.

[00:26:34] If we are one in spirit, then that means our spirit is the spirit of Jesus. OK. And since he fulfilled all the requirements of the law, then that fulfillment has been reckoned to us as well, because we are one in spirit with Jesus and. We find that this is a spiritual law.

[00:26:59] We’ll talk about that in a moment. So. So the law has been fulfilled in us because Jesus is in us and he fulfilled it. That’s kind of the big picture on how all this works. So that’s what cancels out the record of death. OK.

[00:27:17] And that’s why the law no longer exists to us. This is kind of where we’re moving into. No longer under law, but under grace. The law no longer has jurisdiction over us because it’s already been fulfilled. So now what we have is that the law that was created or it came into us by the first Adam’s actions has now been fulfilled and paid in full by the second. Adam’s actions with Christ. Sin is no longer counted against us. And because it’s no longer counted against us.

[00:27:57] By definition, what does that mean we are?

[00:28:02] Regained pay for every little bit more.

[00:28:06] Ok, so let me help you with this. If law has jurisdiction over me.

[00:28:14] And it’s counted against me. Then I’m called sinful, right? If it no longer has jurisdiction over me and it’s all paid, then what am I called sin less than what is sinless also was another word for sinless.

[00:28:32] Perfect, perfect and righteous. OK.

[00:28:36] So the righteousness of Christ. Is the senselessness of the law because it’s all been handled. So now we have this understanding of righteousness. OK. Because the law no longer has jurisdiction over us. But now here’s another mystery. Sense still exist in our flesh. Does it not?

[00:29:02] Ok, so we kind of have this dual duality, which is kind of this mystery. It’s kind of a dual dude duality. When you look at it from one side of the coin, but it’s not a duality if you look at it from the other side of the coin.

[00:29:16] So my church likes to say we’re center, say by grace with the focus on which centers we’re centers were centers. Other churches that are more on the other side of the spectrum will say we’re saints. We’re no longer centers. We are now saints. In other words, they’re looking at the other side of the coin. Still the same coin. That makes sense so far.

[00:29:43] Ok, so this mystery is that sense still exists in our flesh because we still sin, but yet sin really doesn’t have jurisdiction over us. It really isn’t sin, but yet it is. And that’s kind of the dichotomy here. OK. In the flesh, it’s still sin in the spirit.

[00:30:01] It’s not sin because it doesn’t. It’s not counted against us. And so the way that we start to understand this, we start to understand a little bit more or less. Let’s turn to Romans 6 14 will quickly.

[00:30:18] All right. And now we’re going to move on, move into this topic for the call now that we kind of set this foundation.

[00:30:26] All right. Romans, verse 14 says Person will have no dominion over you since you are not under law, but under grace, OK?

[00:30:37] So now we get we’re no longer under law, but under grace. Sin does not have dominion over you because law does not have jurisdiction over you. So technically, we don’t sin. Technically, we still violate the law, but technically we don’t send because we’re no longer under a law. We’re under grace. That’s a hard concept to grasp, so I don’t want anyone to say, oh, Vedi says, you know, you no longer said. I’m not saying that in one sense, but I am in a very legal sense. In a very legal sense. So that’s what no longer under law but under grace means. But then yet there’s still consequences for sin. Would you agree that even as believers, there are consequences if we sin?

[00:31:29] Absolutely. Do we still sin?

[00:31:34] We do. I do. I do. So overall. I keep hearing, though, and this whole call is that it really comes down to choices.

[00:31:43] It comes down to choices. But it’s a little bit more. I don’t want that to be the theme.

[00:31:48] Yeah, I think so. Let’s talk about actions for a moment. Okay. If I if the law says the speed limit is 70 miles an hour, because that’s a safe that’s a safe limit to drive. Right. Then if I drive 90 miles an hour, am I breaking the law? Yeah, that’s Phil. That sin, right? Yeah. Okay.

[00:32:18] If there is no law, let’s say it’s the Autobahn. Okay. Or if they still have the autobahn without a speed limit. If I’m driving 90 miles an hour, it is still an unsafe speed, even though there is no law that regulates it as an unsafe speed.

[00:32:35] Or am I breaking the law now?

[00:32:39] Okay. So I still have an action that’s unsafe. It shouldn’t. It’s not counted against me as breaking the law. Because there is no law that governs it. That’s right.

[00:32:50] Okay. So I think a way to kind of work this out is while we’re no longer under law, there’s no law that has jurisdiction over us because Christ lives in us and the law has been fulfilled in us. There’s still the element of things are still bad.

[00:33:11] Things are still unsafe actions that we do or still bad. They’re still contrary to the Lord. They’re still unsafe for us. But the legal demand of the law has been fulfilled and it no longer has jurisdiction over us. Is that a good way to kind of say what I’m trying to say?

[00:33:29] Wah, wah, wah.

[00:33:31] Okay. So then we come to understanding this a little bit more. We have. The flesh and we have the spirit. Look real quickly to Roman 7:14, just one chapter over. And as you turn there, let me let me kind of make a statement where we’re going. I’m going to use the word ç¥, not in the legal sense, because in the legal sense there is no sin for the believer because a law no longer has jurisdiction over us. We know all that’s been fullfill, and that’s what Paul is saying. You’re no longer under the law, you’re under grace. Okay. But I’m going to use words sin in more of a layman’s term. That basically means violating God’s will.

[00:34:23] Being contrary to what God wants us to do on one use that will now change the definition of sin. From the legal definition to this layman’s definition of being contrary to God’s will because the action is the same. The repercussion is different.

[00:34:39] Okay. So with that, when we sin.

[00:34:43] There’s two forms of consequences. Let’s go back before being regenerated, before rebirth. There are two forms of consequences were sent. You have a physical consequence and you have a spiritual consequence. They both end up ultimately being death. Death physically, death spiritually. But the law has been fulfilled. So let’s see what that does to us. So Romans 7 14 says what?

[00:35:12] Well, we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of the flesh. Understand?

[00:35:19] Gotcha. So the law is spiritual. So there is still something in this. And Paul goes on to say, because it’s spiritual, that’s why my flesh can’t fulfill it. That’s why I’m always at war. What’s really interesting is at the end of Romans Seven, he says, therefore, I do these things I don’t want to do. But it is no longer I who do it but sin that dwells in me. Paul is saying, hey, I’m totally free from it. It’s not me. I’m not sinning. It’s not me at all. It’s Finn and me, but it’s not me. And then we move into Romans 8. Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. OK. So there is no condemnation. There is no law for the sin that happens in the flesh. But the sin still happens in the flesh.

[00:36:11] The condemnation is spiritual. He’s not talking about physical because the law is spiritual. Connecting these dots. OK for you.

[00:36:23] Ok, so the legal demands of the law are spiritual. Those have been done away with, but there’s still physical consequences. OK, send can bring acts of discipline from the Lord. Sin can. And using it now in the layman’s terms, have been doing things that God doesn’t want us to do. Violating his will. OK, using that as this definition of sin. When we said we can bring discipline upon us from the Lord, we can miss out on blessings that God has in store because he will withhold blessings from us. Sin also has other consequences of giving access to evil spears to come in and harass us and to oppress us through the advent of sin that opens up the door. It can also cause us to suffer at the hand of man flaws. OK. For example, murder. OK. I still will, even though in the spirit I am sin less in the flesh. It’s contrary to God’s will. I will still pay the penalty under man’s laws to make sense. Or did I lose you on that one?

[00:37:41] No, that makes perfect sense.

[00:37:43] Ok, so now wrapping it all up, no longer under a law, but under grace doesn’t mean that we can freely sin without consequence.

[00:37:53] I remember in recent months there’s been a lot of commentary in the news on this TV show The Bachelorette. Do you remember? I forget her name, but I remember what stood out to me so much. She’s added at a date with one the bachelors. And he makes this comment. And I’m so proud of him. He basically says, I’m a Christian.

[00:38:23] I believe that sex should only happen in marriage. And, you know, I would walk away if you tell me that you’ve been having sex with other guys. Do you remember that day? Did you ever see that little clip?

[00:38:38] We have portions of it.

[00:38:41] Ok, yeah. And and and so she gets upset. Who were you to tell me what I can or can’t do? I’ve been saved. It’s OK. It’s basically what she thought. I. I had and once and then it comes out. She’s had I mean, I’ve had sex once. Then it comes out. She’s had sex a number of times during this bachelorette show. And her comment is, I’ve been saved. It’s OK. I’m I’m still forgiven.

[00:39:07] Right. So I want it. So that’s kind of where I want to end up on this. What does no longer under law but under grace means now we know that Paul says don’t use it as a license for sin. Well, we kind of get the impact from her comments that that’s what she’s using it as. OK. It doesn’t mean that we can freely sin without consequence. Being no longer under law, but under grace means that when we sin, the spiritual consequences no longer apply. It means that if we are truly born again walking by the spirit, then, as Paul comments, is no longer I hoosan, but then living in me but will still suffer all the physical consequences. But here’s the caveat with all this. You’re no longer under law, but under grace. Only if you truly have been born again, truly have turned your life over to the Lord Jesus, truly have surrendered your life, and truly and sincerely seek to follow him. Okay. Just saying the prayer and then living your life without any change is doesn’t do anything. In fact, I want to show you one thing. Go to Matthew 13.

[00:40:32] Matthew 13. We’re going to read vs. 18 through 23. So this is setting the stage. Jesus has just told a parable. The sower, a silver goes out so seed some falls on the rocky trail and birch come and pick it up. Some falls into a thorn bushes and it comes up with the source. Trying it out. Some go on to another swan and some gone in good soil. It produces of a harvest of 30 60 hundredfold. Then the disciples say, What does all this mean?

[00:41:03] And so that’s where we’re going to rain right now. Matthew, 13, 1833.

[00:41:09] All right. Here. The story here. Then the parable of the sower. When anyone hear the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes natural the way what has been done in the whole. This is what was and along the path. As for what was sown on rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word and immediately preceded it with joy. Yet he has no wind in himself but indoors for a while, and when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, he immediately falls away. As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the word. But the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of witches choke the word, and it proved unfruitful. As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields in one case one hundred fold and another sixty and in another thirty.

[00:42:12] Perfect. So here’s what Jesus is basically saying. The seed is the word. It’s the gospel. Everyone hears that. Lots of people embrace it. But there’s only one group. That actually it causes something to happen here. That that one group that Jesus says you don’t say it in these terms, but that one group that become Christians and which is that one group.

[00:42:40] Good point.

[00:42:42] Yeah, it gets well, and what happens with that within that gets to a point. What is the telltale sign that it’s good soil?

[00:42:50] Well, they when they heard it and understood it, they started bearing fruit.

[00:42:54] That’s right. I know this for a topic the they did not bear fruit. The seed bore fruit. They are Miria oil. Okay. The Holy Spirit producing his fruits through was manifesting the fruits of the spirit. Lovejoy Peace patients, you know, all those things. All right. So. So here’s this. Here’s the element. And this is the kind of a wrap up of all of this. Yes, the law no longer applies to us, but only no longer applies to us. Where of that group that’s producing fruit? Because that’s the only group that truly is walking by the spirit. That’s the only group that has truly surrendered their life to the Lord. That is the only group that is truly the born again. And therefore, all the spiritual blessings are being born again of the law being fulfilled in us and the debt being paid. That’s only that one group. So if you’re not producing fruit, you know, this no longer under law, but under grace is not a license to sing. Go out and have fun. If you want to go out and have fun and you do all these things and you know it’s wrong, but you do it anyway because you’re forgiven. You’d really need to stop and say, am I really forgiven? Because that’s not what the spirit is producing in you.

[00:44:23] And if the spirit of Jesus has united with your spirit, and now his spirit is your spirit, you’re going to be changed from the inside and you’re not going to want to do those things. That’s just what Paul said. I do the things I do not want to do. But if you find yourself doing these things because you like it, you want it, and you’re using no longer in the law but under grace. I think you’re probably fooling yourself. You need to take a real, real clear look as to what’s going on. Okay. And so that’s why no longer under law, but under grace is not a license to send more than anything else. It’s a safety net. It’s a safety net that says even though you do sin, you’re not bound by the law. And those consequences. Okay. And but if you do find yourself constantly pushing that direction, you’ve got to stop and say what’s going on? Is Jesus really in me? Or did I just think he is okay? So that’s kind of the message of no longer under law, but under grace.

[00:45:31] Yeah, that’s really good. I really enjoyed that today. You know, I was thinking a lot about cause you were you were reading Romans a lot and Romans six point twenty three. I think it is. It’s the King. James says for the wages of sin is death, but God’s gift is real life, eternal life through Jesus Christ. And that just made me think about that. You know, there are, like you said, consequences in the natural. When we choose to our actions, we choose to sin. But Jesus paid for these spiritual consequences so that we no longer have to suffer that death if we have accepted him as our savior. So that was really good. I enjoyed this.

[00:46:14] Good. Very good.

[00:46:16] Awesome. Thank you.

[00:46:20] Thank you so much for today. I really enjoyed this conversation. I look forward to our next one to see what you got planned for our next conversation. Is there anything you want to discuss with our listeners today before we wrap up this call?

[00:46:36] You know, there actually is. If you’re just joining in on the radical faith calls, I’d like to encourage you to go back to the earlier sessions. There’s two sessions that kind of lays a lot of the foundation of walking by faith. What it really means and I like to encourage you to go through those in sequence. They’re listed as what is faith sessions, one, two, three and four. They’re short sessions. And then getting out of the boat, which is sessions one and two and start there because those build a lot of what we end up talking about. And there’s a lot of great stuff. The last thing is I would love any questions that you have. And a lot of times if you ask a question, it may become topic for a radical faith call. And if you have questions, please email us support at master, grab AKAM to say, hey, I got a question for Beadie and radical faith. Okay. And then I’ll probably try to reply back to you personally, but also help me. Yeah, that might be a good question to talk about. So those last few things I’d like to share. Thank you. Yeah.

[00:47:53] That was great. Everybody, thanks for joining us today. And we look forward to hanging out with you again soon and having some more discussions on radical faith.

[00:48:03] Hey, man, you’ll be blessed. All right.
