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Well, hello, everyone, and welcome back again to this next session of Get Sellers Calling You, and I’m joined again with my great friend Beatty Carmichael. Beatty is the CEO of Master Grabber, the creator of Agent Dominator and one of the top marketing experts in the real estate field. Beatty super excited to be on the call again with you today and excited to have our listeners with us. What do you have for us today?

[00:00:34.97] Well, we’re going to continue on this session with another radical faith

[00:00:41.18] Call and write for those

[00:00:44.30] Who are new to our podcast. Just a real high level overview. We do two types of training on the Get Sellers Calling You podcast, and that is one is real estate marketing. The other is living your life as a Christian. Okay. And we call that radical faith for those of our friends on our Get Radical Faith channel. We just carve the radical faith out only for you guys. But if you’re a real estate agent coming here for marketing, today’s session isn’t going to be about real estate marketing. And if you are a Christian, let me encourage you to stay and listen. You’ll enjoy a lot. And if you’re not if you don’t have any interest in that topic, then feel free just to skip this episode and come back for the next one.

[00:01:29.36] Awesome. So, yeah,

[00:01:31.28] And also for today, Penny, would you like to guess what we’re going to be

[00:01:36.08] Talking about?

[00:01:38.12] Oh, let me take a wild guess. So last week I might need a refresher on last week. I feel like it was a lot. Go ahead.

[00:01:48.41] Yeah, it was a lot.

[00:01:51.29] And and so for those listening in, last week is actually last radical face session, which may have been for you quite a few weeks ago, but for us, it’s one week in. So this is this is kind of the difference between this episode. If you remember, we did called heaven first or second. Things happen in a different time frame in the heavenly realm than they actually happen in the earthly realm. And in the same way, for us, doing the radical faith calls, they happen in a different timeline than they actually do in the podcast when they come out.

[00:02:26.36] So, yeah, that’s right.

[00:02:28.43] So just making that little shadow reference. So what we’re going to do is we are on section five

[00:02:35.87] Of

[00:02:36.41] A topic we’ve been discussing is salvation by man’s free will or

[00:02:42.20] By God’s choosing. And the.

[00:02:47.42] So here’s kind of a real quick recap of what we’ve been talking about. So the first session we talked about what really is free will and can free will exist, we kind of realize that free will cannot exist because your will has to be free. But yet we’re slaves of said before we come to Christ. And therefore we were already enslaved. So we don’t have a free will. And there are some other things. But that’s the primary thing that we looked at. Then the next session we started to look at a bunch of scriptures and we left a lot of scriptures on the cutting table. At least I did. But the ones that we talked about, 19 of them, at least we’re all focus on God chooses, God chooses, God chooses, God chooses not a single place in scripture. Does it say that man chooses

[00:03:33.68] God,

[00:03:34.73] Even though our vernacular in the Christian needs we say

[00:03:38.09] Choose Christ.

[00:03:39.83] But yet we’re never told to choose Christ. We’re told repent and believe. OK, and then the third session we talked about this really difficult concept to understand, called in Christ, where the scriptures teach us that we were chosen in

[00:03:59.03] Christ

[00:04:00.56] Before the foundation of the

[00:04:02.03] World and we were

[00:04:04.85] Crucified with Christ, which happened 2000 years ago. And we were raised with Christ, which happened in the early room 2000 years ago. And so somehow we were in Christ and we experienced what Christ did because we’re in Christ. And we reference this with what Paul talks about in Galatians that Levi Page ties because he was in the loins of Abraham when Abraham palletize. So what happened to an ancestor is, in a sense, kind of reckoned to us because we are of that ancestor sea. Does that you recall that?

[00:04:40.27] Yes. Yeah, I.

[00:04:41.64] Ok, last time

[00:04:43.88] We talked

[00:04:44.54] About. Being part of his sheep, so the

[00:04:48.81] Topic last time is we went through some passages, one or two, maybe Old Testament, but everything else, New Testament, where very clearly God uses the metaphor of

[00:05:00.21] Sheep to

[00:05:01.98] Define those people who are his and those people who actually will receive eternal life, either past, present or future, depending on where they are in the timeline. But we are his sheep. And that leads us into today because we ran out of time last time to discuss this topic. And today’s topic is mine verses, not mine. So this is kind of a continuation of sheep. But we’re now going to look really deep into a number of passages, mostly teachings of Jesus.

[00:05:40.32] And we’re

[00:05:40.68] Going to start to

[00:05:41.52] See

[00:05:45.27] More clearly

[00:05:46.98] This

[00:05:47.46] Real clear separation between those two groups of people, one group that Jesus calls mine and another group that he clearly states,

[00:06:00.36] Not mine. Okay.

[00:06:03.36] This is kind of reminiscent, if you think about last session, we talked about the wheat and the weeds or the wheat in the towers, depending on your translation and how based on the seed that was sown to determine the destiny of the plant. And once he was clearly sown as

[00:06:23.34] Good seed

[00:06:24.60] Mine and the other sea was clearly sown as bad seed, not mine. And the two seeds never made they in other words, you can’t cross one seed to another. It is what it is based on what was sown. So that kind of brings us up today. Is that kind of a good recap?

[00:06:44.07] Yes. Yeah, it is.

[00:06:45.90] Ok, so this is going to

[00:06:47.58] Be a

[00:06:48.84] Difficult session

[00:06:51.15] Because

[00:06:51.69] This is going to if I’m interpreting the scriptures. Right. So what I want to challenge you to do as we go through this pinny is. Don’t simply agree with me because, quote unquote, on the

[00:07:04.93] Teacher, okay, if I’m

[00:07:08.14] Interpreting any of these things in a way that you think is inaccurate, I want you to speak up, because this is going to be one of the most difficult sessions to really grasp. Because this now, if you if you look at a funnel or maybe look at a magnifying glass, taking the sunlight and focusing it down, all the things we’ve been talking about are now kind of hitting in this one session. And this is we kind of been leading into this and this is the

[00:07:36.16] The

[00:07:36.43] Big point that we’re making. OK, so this is where it’s really important that we really understand these scriptures. Right. If we’re going to make a proper conclusion with what the Lord’s teaching.

[00:07:47.44] Ok, gotcha. Yes. OK, all

[00:07:50.05] Right.

[00:07:50.77] So all of these will be in ESV continue to do that. And we’re now going to turn we’re going to first look at the group of people that we would say God says not mine.

[00:08:04.22] Ok, so

[00:08:06.01] Let’s look at Matthew 15. Versus 12 through 14.

[00:08:14.22] All right, Matthew, 15, verse 12 to 14, says then the disciples came and said to him, do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this, saying he answered, Every plant that my heavenly father has not planted will be rooted up. Let them alone. They are blind guy. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.

[00:08:41.39] All right,

[00:08:41.63] So I’m assuming that you probably read this passage a lot of times before in the past,

[00:08:45.71] Right?

[00:08:46.34] Yes, it’s been a while, but yes.

[00:08:48.53] Ok, so the metaphor of

[00:08:50.87] Plant references

[00:08:53.84] People in essence. Would you agree with that?

[00:08:56.63] Yes.

[00:08:57.62] Ok, so if we go back to the terms mine versus not mine, which would you say represent those plants that the father has not planted? Would they be considered mine from God’s perspective or not mine? OK, so not mine.

[00:09:18.49] Ok. Can a seed

[00:09:21.88] After has been planted

[00:09:24.40] Change

[00:09:25.30] What type of plant it is?

[00:09:30.29] In other

[00:09:30.56] Words, if you sow corn, can choose to become an apple,

[00:09:35.07] No, no.

[00:09:36.53] And we saw this actually last time when we looked at the wheat and

[00:09:39.56] The weeds, what the seed

[00:09:41.78] Was sown determine the plant

[00:09:44.27] And

[00:09:44.69] The plant had no opportunity to change what type of plant it was. Does that make

[00:09:49.10] Sense?

[00:09:50.05] Yes, it does.

[00:09:51.25] Ok, so if these

[00:09:53.63] Plants represent

[00:09:54.92] People that the father

[00:09:57.35] Did not plant, meaning they are not his. What is their destiny? What is the scripture say that their destiny is?

[00:10:07.36] In this first, yeah, that they would be rounded up,

[00:10:12.90] They’d be routed up, exactly,

[00:10:16.23] And then he goes a little bit further. I want to kind of show you, I think, what is foreshadowing here. Let them alone. They are blind. And at the blind lead, the blind both will fall into a pit.

[00:10:29.55] Now, we’ve

[00:10:30.24] We’ve talked a lot in a number of sessions throughout our teaching that God uses

[00:10:36.48] Characters that

[00:10:38.31] Always kind of reference the same thing, like the character of a seed or the character

[00:10:42.69] Of trees, one,

[00:10:45.94] The characters that we see as this character of a

[00:10:48.24] Pit.

[00:10:49.80] And from a spiritual turn, what do you think pit

[00:10:52.89] Might be for shattering?

[00:10:58.76] I think the pit would be I hate to say it, but

[00:11:02.54] Hell yeah,

[00:11:04.07] Yeah. So here’s basically what I think this passage is saying beyond the fact that there’s a group of people that are not his OK, that those who are not his are blind. They cannot see and they will fall

[00:11:20.62] Into the pit of hell.

[00:11:23.38] Ok, in real simple terms, they’re going to be rooted out and they’re going to fall into the pit. This is similar to what we saw last time and the wait in the weeds,

[00:11:34.48] Gather

[00:11:34.99] Up the weeds, bind

[00:11:36.85] Them

[00:11:37.75] And burn them. The same thing that happens in the pit.

[00:11:41.98] Ok, so

[00:11:43.39] I think that’s what we’re seeing. Do you

[00:11:44.83] See that?

[00:11:45.96] Yes. Yeah, I do.

[00:11:47.68] Ok, so

[00:11:48.82] From a salvation standpoint, what do you think this whole passage is telling us

[00:11:53.98] Kind of at

[00:11:54.37] A broad stroke?

[00:11:58.03] Hmm. Well, in a broad stroke, the Lord is the one that does the planting

[00:12:09.73] Laws, the one does it planting and. If you are a plant that the Lord did not plant.

[00:12:18.05] Ben.

[00:12:20.23] If we use the phrase you go to hell, OK, it’s pretty OK and an obvious we’re going to see in a moment that the opposite is true of the Lord Planche. Then you have salvation. And by the way, I just want to clarify a technical term. When I use the word salvation, I’m kind of really talking about justification. OK, but in our Christianities week, we kind of mix the two and it’s just easier to say salvation. So now let’s turn over to John A21 and we’re going to say this even more clearly. So what we’re still looking at is we’re looking at these groups of people that somehow Jesus is saying are not mine. And if they are not mine, they have a destiny that’s

[00:13:06.61] Already

[00:13:08.35] Predetermined this in essence. So this is John A21.

[00:13:14.40] So he said to them, again, I am going away and you will take me and you will die in your sin where I am going, you cannot come.

[00:13:25.83] All right, where

[00:13:26.55] I am going, you cannot come.

[00:13:30.24] If we go to

[00:13:30.90] The amplified Bible and read that same section, it says, where I am going, it is not possible

[00:13:38.76] For you to come. If we

[00:13:40.92] Look at the Greek word that’s been translated into English

[00:13:44.61] Cannot.

[00:13:46.14] It’s defined as an absolute denial. The absolute negative.

[00:13:52.20] No, never. OK.

[00:13:54.63] Does that sound pretty definite that it

[00:13:56.37] Is ever

[00:13:58.26] Ok? So in other words, Jesus is saying to this group of people where I am going. Actually, he’s not saying this, this is what I want to make sure Jesus is not saying where I am going, you will not come indicating that maybe they had a choice in the matter and Jesus simply knew which way they would choose, which I’ve heard a lot of people say, well, God, for new people because he saw what they were going to do and then he chose those who were going to choose him.

[00:14:29.74] That’s that would be what

[00:14:32.38] This would be saying. If Jesus said where I’m going, you will not come. But Jesus doesn’t say will not. Jesus says where I am going, you cannot come. Meaning they have no opportunity at all. It is impossible for them to go for Jesus is going.

[00:14:52.24] Hmm.

[00:14:54.23] Am I interpreting this correctly?

[00:14:57.20] Does it appear, at least it appears. Yeah, okay,

[00:15:01.70] Does it surprise

[00:15:03.11] You that Jesus

[00:15:04.85] Would tell anyone that it was impossible for them to go where he’s going?

[00:15:13.69] No, because in the scripture he’s talking about. This was after his resurrection and he is, if I’m

[00:15:23.89] Correct, actually,

[00:15:25.06] This is before he’s talking.

[00:15:28.41] He’s talking to Jews.

[00:15:29.75] Yeah, yes. In fact, in his death.

[00:15:35.44] Well, hold on. Let’s turn back and look at that. That’s a good point. Let’s look

[00:15:39.67] At

[00:15:41.02] What comes before John A21. What’s the subject matter?

[00:15:45.67] Let’s say in the light of the world. This whole section. Talking about judgment. Saying.

[00:16:00.98] He says,

[00:16:01.38] In the light of the world, whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. So this is all talking about eternal life. I bear witness of myself. My testimony is true. You do not believe me. I don’t judge

[00:16:18.17] Others. There’s one who judges. Okay, that’s right. Yeah.

[00:16:21.89] They say, where’s your father? He says, you know, neither me nor my father. Where I am going, you cannot come. OK, so all of this this isn’t talking about his

[00:16:33.33] Death,

[00:16:34.35] This is talking about the kingdom of

[00:16:36.75] God. Does that make

[00:16:38.31] Sense? This this passage? We’re going to see this more because we’re going to follow this entire passage that goes through several chapters. We’re going to go through it and we’re going to see very clearly that Jesus is talking about

[00:16:51.54] What

[00:16:51.78] We call, in the simple terms, salvation and eternal life. And he’s telling these people where I am going, you cannot. No, never. Absolute denial. Impossible. You cannot come. And. So let’s look at a couple verses later, John, 824. OK, we’re going to see this a little bit clearer, OK,

[00:17:15.42] I told you that you would die in your sins for unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins,

[00:17:23.54] Ok?

[00:17:24.27] When Jesus says unless you believe that I am he, you will die in your sense.

[00:17:30.90] Is that true? Only if they had the

[00:17:35.52] Ability to believe or is it true entirely by

[00:17:39.24] Itself whether

[00:17:40.89] They had the ability to believe or not?

[00:17:45.24] I believe it’s true regardless, because it’s the words of Christ.

[00:17:49.46] Yeah, that’s right, it’s true.

[00:17:50.61] It’s true.

[00:17:51.00] Regardless, what

[00:17:52.71] Happens a lot of times is when we see passages like this, we make assumptions that for him to make a statement like that, then they must have

[00:18:00.33] The ability

[00:18:01.77] To follow through. But I don’t think that’s the case because the statement is not predicated on I mean, just a moment ago he said you cannot even come, which means that they cannot believe. So here’s what’s

[00:18:14.85] Interesting.

[00:18:16.77] We had the statement of truth that unless you believe you will die in your sins. And then we have another statement of

[00:18:24.69] Truth that Jesus tells that group of people they

[00:18:29.85] Cannot go where he

[00:18:31.83] Is going.

[00:18:33.57] So we have these two statements and when you put those two statements together. That you must believe in him, but they cannot go where he’s going. It almost seems like Jesus is saying they do not have the ability to believe.

[00:18:50.65] Do you see that? Hmm hmm hmm, mm hmm. Now, am I

[00:18:54.62] Pulling out of the scripture something

[00:18:57.20] That is wrong or

[00:18:58.73] Does it seem like that’s kind of what

[00:19:00.71] This is saying?

[00:19:02.63] I feel like, yeah, that’s probably what he’s saying, and that would make sense for this period of time that he was speaking,

[00:19:10.35] Ok, now

[00:19:11.51] You make a statement period of time to define that a little bit further.

[00:19:15.87] And, well, he’s prior to his death, so you haven’t had the Holy Spirit come yet. So. So there’s parts that they don’t understand because I have not had the promise of the Holy Spirit to come in and bring the revelation.

[00:19:34.96] Ok, so when the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit comes, does that change? His statement that you cannot come

[00:19:43.29] To

[00:19:43.53] Now, you can come.

[00:19:46.60] Well, no, it doesn’t change the statement, no,

[00:19:49.48] Does it change the truth of the statement? No, I’m going to. OK, so so then does the timing, whether this is before or after his death and resurrection,

[00:20:00.01] Does it

[00:20:00.46] Change any of these truths of what Jesus

[00:20:03.52] Is teaching? No.

[00:20:06.10] Ok, if it doesn’t change the truths.

[00:20:09.94] Then.

[00:20:12.02] Is Jesus saying that some people have the ability to believe or does it appear that he’s saying that some people have the ability to believe in? Some people don’t, regardless of the timing of when he’s making the statement?

[00:20:27.45] This.

[00:20:28.92] Ok, yeah, does it sound

[00:20:32.16] Like Jesus believes that man has a free will

[00:20:36.60] To

[00:20:36.84] Choose? To believe and have eternal life or not. Or does he does it sound like, Jesus, please, man, has that freewill or that man does not?

[00:20:51.86] Well, he says, you will seek me and then he says, and you will die in your sins.

[00:20:58.88] Yeah, and he says, you cannot come where I’m going. So does that sound like a free will or does that sound like not a free will?

[00:21:07.23] Not OK?

[00:21:09.06] Yeah, that’s kind of the way I read it, too. And we’re going to see why as we go through some more of this conversation. Jesus has. But are you starting to see what I believe is a pattern? And I think we’re going to see this pattern more, that there appears to be a group of people who cannot believe, not necessarily a group of people who will not believe this. They see that starting to form in these passages. That pattern.

[00:21:36.97] I do. Yeah. OK, so let’s

[00:21:39.90] Turn we’re going to go a little bit further into this conversation he’s having with these guys. This is now going to be, John, eight versus 37, 347, John, eight, 37 through 47. I’m going to read this because I’m going to truncate a lot. I’m going to jump around a little bit

[00:21:59.70] Just to tighten it up.

[00:22:01.17] So Jesus is saying this. I know that you are offspring of Abraham, yet you seek to kill me because my word finds no place in you. I speak of what I have seen with my father

[00:22:14.91] And you

[00:22:15.36] Do what you have heard from your father.

[00:22:17.86] But if God

[00:22:19.92] Were your father, you would love

[00:22:21.87] Me, for I came from God, Agot.

[00:22:26.27] Why do you not understand what I say it is because you cannot bear to hear my word, you or of your father, the devil and your will is to do your father’s desires. Dot, dot, dot. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me,

[00:22:45.31] Dot, dot, dot, whoever

[00:22:47.68] Is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them

[00:22:53.98] Is

[00:22:54.61] That you are not of God. OK. Oh. Kind of hard

[00:23:01.61] To now that we’re

[00:23:03.35] Starting look at it from this perspective.

[00:23:06.54] It starts to

[00:23:08.43] Maybe read a little bit differently than we might have read it in the past. Let me ask you a few questions.

[00:23:14.07] Does Jesus

[00:23:14.73] Seem to be saying that some people are of the devil while others

[00:23:19.32] Are the lord mayor? If we

[00:23:24.29] Use the terms from God’s perspective, mine versus not

[00:23:28.43] Mine, who would be mine

[00:23:31.19] And who would be not mine?

[00:23:33.67] Mine would be children and the father, not mine would be children of the devil.

[00:23:39.25] Yeah. So Jesus

[00:23:41.71] Seems to be talking about two groups of people in this passage, the first

[00:23:44.71] Group, he says,

[00:23:46.39] Cannot bear to hear God’s word. By the way, that cannot. No, never. Not ever. Absolutely not possible. I cannot bear to hear God’s word. And the second group,

[00:23:57.91] He says

[00:23:58.63] They hear the words of God. Do you see that in the passage?

[00:24:03.04] Yes, I do.

[00:24:04.78] What does

[00:24:05.35] Jesus say is the

[00:24:07.39] Difference between these two groups?

[00:24:12.43] What differentiates the. Tell me that scripture reference again, I seem to have

[00:24:19.07] It’s John a John eight verses 37 through 47.

[00:24:28.51] Well, he references offspring of Abraham, is that what you’re referring to?

[00:24:33.34] No, go

[00:24:35.02] Down, go down to the last half of that is going to be why do you not understand what I say it is? Because you cannot bear to hear my word. You are of your father, the devil. And then he says at the last he says, whoever is a God hears the words of God. So what’s the difference between those who cannot hear God’s word and those who do?

[00:25:03.31] And. What do you think? Well, here’s what

[00:25:08.30] Jesus

[00:25:08.72] Says, he says,

[00:25:10.85] You cannot bear to hear my word. You are of your father, the devil. So it seems

[00:25:15.83] Like those of the

[00:25:18.35] Devil cannot hear God’s

[00:25:20.30] Word.

[00:25:21.32] And then Jesus says, whoever is of God hears the words of God. So that would mean that whoever is of God will hear God’s word. Does that make

[00:25:30.26] Sense?

[00:25:31.37] Yes. Yeah. Yes.

[00:25:33.56] Do you see that differentiation? Mm hmm. OK, now let’s go a little bit tougher.

[00:25:41.42] Ok, keep your thumb there, but turn real quickly to Romans, 10 17.

[00:25:51.29] Ok, all right, Roman ten, verse 17, I feel like I have this memorized and I should have known you do.

[00:25:58.58] It’s just a matter of recall. It requires a different to memorize. Okay, I guess.

[00:26:03.53] So faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ o k.

[00:26:10.80] So if they cannot hear Jesus, his words. Is there any way they can have faith to believe in Jesus?

[00:26:18.90] No. Hmm, do

[00:26:21.81] You see this little box that starting to be built around these two groups of

[00:26:25.71] People? Mm hmm. All right.

[00:26:29.02] So does this seem to reaffirm what Jesus said earlier? That those who were not planted by his father. Cannot go where he’s going because they cannot hear God’s word.

[00:26:40.25] Yes, absolutely.

[00:26:41.96] Ok, now let’s ask

[00:26:43.25] A few more

[00:26:43.58] Questions on this, OK?

[00:26:46.67] Must you first hear the words of God? To have faith, to repent and believe in Jesus. Yes. OK. So how does someone become of God so they can hear those words of God?

[00:27:08.78] Someone has to tell them. Someone has to speak it so that they can hear,

[00:27:14.99] So if there are the devil and someone speaks God’s word, then they can hear the words

[00:27:19.25] Of God.

[00:27:20.54] Yes, if the person is speaking the words of God.

[00:27:24.14] Ok, well, let’s go back up to John 847.

[00:27:29.57] Ok, and just read that.

[00:27:34.82] All right, let me go back to that, John, a verse 47 and what he says, whoever is of God hears the word of God, the words of God, the reason why you do not hear them is that you are not a God.

[00:27:48.02] So does this mean that simply anyone speaking and they’re going to hear God’s word or must first be of

[00:27:54.26] God to hear those words

[00:27:56.81] Must first be of God?

[00:27:59.27] Ok, so then the question is, how does someone become of

[00:28:02.90] God so

[00:28:04.40] They can hear the words of God? Because we’ve already said

[00:28:07.91] That you can only have faith.

[00:28:11.15] Faith comes from hearing the words of

[00:28:12.92] Christ, but you have to

[00:28:15.53] Be able to hear the words of Christ to have that faith. But then Jesus says only those of God can hear my words, the

[00:28:22.79] Words of Christ.

[00:28:24.50] So how does one become of God so they can actually hear those words and respond.

[00:28:31.83] They have to be told about the word of God, they have to be told about Christ.

[00:28:36.83] But if they’re

[00:28:37.31] Told about Christ and they’re not a God. Can they hear those words?

[00:28:46.46] Not unless the Holy Spirit reveals it to them.

[00:28:50.19] Ok, but

[00:28:51.14] The Holy Spirit only reveals, according to this, you have to be of God to hear the words of God. In other words, does hearing the words of God convert you from being not of God?

[00:29:05.19] Let’s call it Sons of the Devil to being of God?

[00:29:09.95] Or does the being of God allow you to actually hear the words which one comes first?

[00:29:16.52] Being of God,

[00:29:18.17] Ok,

[00:29:18.83] So then the question is, how do you become of God? It can’t be someone preaches the word of Christ and then you hear it. Because you can only hear it if you’re already a God. So the question is, how do you become of God? Does that make sense? I’m asking.

[00:29:37.36] It does, yeah, that’s a hard question.

[00:29:41.68] All right.

[00:29:42.28] So if we go back to the passage in Matthew, we started off with this says. You had to be planted by my father.

[00:29:52.19] Mm hmm. Does that make sense? Yeah, if we

[00:29:55.86] Go back to last session, it says for he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world, if we were in Christ, would we be of God? Yes, if we’re not in crisis, would

[00:30:10.71] We be a God? No.

[00:30:14.74] Ok, so there’s something here about God’s choice long before we were born, at least this is what the scriptures. Seem to possibly be indicating

[00:30:27.07] That

[00:30:27.64] Being of God is nothing of what we do on our own, but something that God did. Before us, does that make sense?

[00:30:37.43] Yeah, it does.

[00:30:38.96] Now, am I interpreting this wrong or is am I

[00:30:43.40] You know, because

[00:30:45.38] These are really tough things, I want to make sure we’re all kind of on

[00:30:48.54] Ok. Yeah.

[00:30:50.78] Oh, gosh. Interpretation is such a big of it causes a lot of conundrums, as you like to say, because, yes, I feel like everybody could read the exact same passage and get something totally different. Even if you’re letting scripture interpret scripture, you’re still only you’re still only going to have the capacity to understand the way your brain understands. Does that make sense? Like you might almost

[00:31:22.97] Let me change it. Let me change your thinking, your the words, because I know where you’re going. If we’re trying to interpret this based on our own brain, we’re trying to interpret it based on man’s wisdom. And that’s always folly. What we need to do is interpret it based on the Holy Spirit revelation of what’s going on. Of course. Of course. And and that revelation should resonate with us in light of other scriptures. And we start to say,

[00:31:51.25] I see this pattern

[00:31:53.41] And this pattern now makes sense. So this must be moving the right direction in this interpretation.

[00:31:59.41] Is that would you agree with that? Yes.

[00:32:02.95] Ok, so then I guess the question

[00:32:04.93] Is, is looking at

[00:32:07.48] Description, answering these questions this way appear to be within the pattern

[00:32:13.06] Of all those

[00:32:14.35] Verses we talked about where it says God chooses, God chooses, God chooses

[00:32:19.63] The

[00:32:19.78] Pattern, where it says there’s wheat and weeds,

[00:32:22.81] The

[00:32:22.96] Pattern where it says God chose us in

[00:32:25.33] Christ before the foundation

[00:32:27.70] Or the pattern where it says our names are already written in the last book of life before. Does this seem to be following that same pattern that there are some who are already of God and that’s why they hear the words of God and those who are not, and that’s why they cannot hear the words of God?

[00:32:42.09] Yes, it certainly does not appear that way.

[00:32:46.09] That’s why I think to.

[00:32:49.35] So when we

[00:32:51.33] Start looking at this pattern, OK, we start to see what I think is coming out, which is a mine group and a not mine group, and we see this pattern. If we actually go back to the Old Testament and some of these other things, we see this pattern with the nation of Israel. Israel is mine. Everyone else is not mine, like last time we talked about. Do you recall any place in scripture where God is giving his Ten Commandments or directing directions on how to sacrifice and worship him to any other nation besides the ones he’s chosen?

[00:33:27.91] No.

[00:33:28.96] And then we see this pattern. Even with the Levitical priesthood, only those of Leevi

[00:33:35.41] Could be a

[00:33:35.92] Priest of God. And now we are priests of

[00:33:39.49] God, but only through the priesthood of Christ,

[00:33:44.59] Through the through being in Christ. Just as Leevi the Levites were in Leevi, we see these

[00:33:50.44] Patterns and and

[00:33:52.75] I think it goes even deeper. So I want to go to a couple more verses and show this to us. So. John, 10

[00:34:04.14] Versus

[00:34:04.50] 25 or

[00:34:05.46] 26 now, John, this is still, to a

[00:34:10.17] Degree, a continuation of these passages in John eight. Okay, it’s all the same kind of

[00:34:17.28] Genre as he’s discussing with Jews that

[00:34:22.20] He claims will not come to him or cannot come. And those are there. So let’s John, 10, 25 and 26.

[00:34:31.50] Okay. Jesus answered them. I told you. And you do not believe the work that I do in my father’s name, their witness about me. But you do not believe because you are not among my sheep. So now there’s this sheep.

[00:34:48.63] There is a sheep again, OK. And why do they not believe? Because they choose not to. Because the spear just hasn’t revealed them yet.

[00:34:58.29] Or is it because they’re not as his sheep.

[00:35:02.82] They’re not as his sheep. Meaning they’re not his.

[00:35:05.79] Oh so they are not his. OK.

[00:35:10.41] Notice also the cause

[00:35:12.87] And effect in this

[00:35:13.71] Statement.

[00:35:15.09] Jesus doesn’t say you are not my sheep because you do not believe. He says, you do not believe because you are not my sheep. In other words, if they were his sheep. They would have believed,

[00:35:33.60] But they

[00:35:34.29] Cannot believe, they do not believe because they are not of this ship, D.C., do you see that in the scripture? Hmm.

[00:35:41.23] Ok.

[00:35:42.59] Do they have any choice in being of his sheep or not?

[00:35:48.80] No, no, no free will

[00:35:52.25] To choose to be a sheep or not. That’s what this seems to indicate.

[00:35:57.10] That’s what it’s saying.

[00:35:58.04] Yeah, OK, so it looks

[00:36:00.92] Like Jesus is making a distinction. If you are not already of my sheep, you cannot believe and you cannot come where I’m going. Now, here’s the question. Does that seem fair?

[00:36:15.26] No. OK, from

[00:36:18.05] God’s perspective, is it fair?

[00:36:22.85] Yes, because God is fair.

[00:36:25.07] Ok, so if

[00:36:26.42] We don’t agree,

[00:36:27.47] It’s fair, but from

[00:36:29.21] God’s perspective, it is fair, then how do we handle this?

[00:36:34.27] Hmm. We asked for his wisdom and how he wants us to understand. Enlightened guidance.

[00:36:43.91] All right, I’d like to

[00:36:45.14] Suggest a little bit different answer.

[00:36:47.01] Ok, OK.

[00:36:50.49] We just need to submit to God, know that his wages are higher than ours and simply accept it, is that a good is that a good answer for how do we handle it?

[00:37:00.13] Ok, that’s good.

[00:37:01.32] So what happens is, is this we fall into these conundrums that as we dig deeper into his word and we learn more and we look at what he says and we compare it with all these other things that he says, we see this overwhelming pattern. We have to choose to conform our belief with what he tells

[00:37:21.23] Us rather than keep

[00:37:23.72] Rather than resisting as we read through the scriptures, they must say something different. And this is kind of what I was talking about earlier. If we come into these things, this is what happened when Jesus was talking to the Pharisees about render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and things to God, the things that are gods. They were so

[00:37:42.50] Adamant that there’s

[00:37:44.12] Absolutely no way they can serve Caesar if they serve God, that they became blind to the truth that was right in front of them all the time.

[00:37:54.74] We have to lose our

[00:37:57.20] Determination that we are adamant with what we

[00:38:00.59] Believe and

[00:38:02.12] We have to be malleable to say, let’s seek what God’s word says and be willing to conform our belief with his truth. Does that make any sense?

[00:38:13.73] It does, yeah.

[00:38:15.11] Ok, so so what I want to do now is

[00:38:20.84] Kind of

[00:38:21.11] Tie this back before. So we’re about to shift into these are the passages that our focus on, not mine. But I want to tie this back to our main topic is salvation by man’s free will or by God’s sovereign will. God’s choice in choosing a man’s destiny. And so far, we’re kind of coming to the pattern that there ain’t no free will

[00:38:43.84] In this, right? Do you see that? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[00:38:49.06] And it starts to conflict with what we want to believe because we want to believe

[00:38:54.22] That it’s

[00:38:56.38] Not God but man. And therefore, if man doesn’t go to heaven, it’s his fault, not God’s fault. But we see that that may be too simplistic. Now, this doesn’t eliminate human responsibility. I’m only focused on

[00:39:12.87] Who

[00:39:13.26] Is ultimately

[00:39:15.03] The deciding factor in

[00:39:17.49] Salvation, and this is actually what we talked about, I think it was two, three sessions ago, I was asking you, you know,

[00:39:23.55] Do you pray for God

[00:39:25.65] To open the hearts and the eyes of people that they may hear his word? And you said yes. And so that already allows us to understand that it really is a man’s decision at all. It’s God who opens his eyes. But now we start to see even more what may be going on. But I want I want to take this down a little bit further. I want to shift

[00:39:47.52] Groups to

[00:39:48.84] The mind group. And I want to show you this to you, because it’s really amazing. OK, so we’re going to continue this passage in, John. OK, so now we’re going to do, John, 10 verses, 27 through 29.

[00:40:05.43] Ok, my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me, I give them eternal life and they will never perish and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the father’s hands.

[00:40:26.53] Ok, so this is, as I mentioned, the continuation of the last passage we looked at that says you do not believe because you are not among my sheep here. Jesus now says my sheep hear my voice. And so Jesus seems to be saying like this, we’ve labeled that there are two

[00:40:47.56] Groups, his sheep

[00:40:48.97] And those who are not his.

[00:40:50.02] Ok, so

[00:40:52.49] Last session we talked about in looking at the verses, that sheep appear to

[00:40:58.24] Represent only those people who

[00:41:01.60] Receive salvation and eternal life.

[00:41:03.40] Do you recall that?

[00:41:04.93] I do,

[00:41:05.44] Yes. OK, so think about this.

[00:41:08.83] When do we become his sheep?

[00:41:12.54] See if Jesus

[00:41:14.34] Says here, my sheep, hear my voice. Does that seem to indicate a present ownership

[00:41:22.26] There already has a shape or

[00:41:24.30] A future ownership? In other words, are they are they already here and that’s why they hear

[00:41:29.79] His voice or

[00:41:31.98] Are they not currently his sheep? But when they hear his voice, then they become his sheep. What do you think?

[00:41:37.32] Is he he’s teaching.

[00:41:40.10] Well. When it says my father had given them to me, then they must already be his

[00:41:48.42] And it’s because they are already his that they hear his voice, right? Yes.

[00:41:54.74] And we know this to be true because in the previous verses says you do not believe because you’re not among my sheep. And then prior to that, he says only those of God can hear the words of God. So we see this continued pattern of truth

[00:42:09.91] As Jesus is teaching here. So somehow we are already his sheep before we hear his voice.

[00:42:20.68] And then look at the last part of this, it says, My father, who has given them to me, we see two things in this.

[00:42:28.09] First, as you mention, the

[00:42:30.40] Father has given.

[00:42:31.99] But notice it’s past tense.

[00:42:35.29] Jesus says, My father has already given my sheep to me, and then he basically says in the previous passage, and you talking about the

[00:42:44.95] Jews are not of my sheep. So Jesus, guys, already

[00:42:51.06] Giving me my sheet, but you’re not out of it, very clear distinction. Do you see that?

[00:42:55.58] Yeah, yeah.

[00:42:57.30] The other thing we see in this is it’s the father

[00:43:00.24] Figure, the shift to

[00:43:01.02] Jesus. Does that seem like man had a

[00:43:04.12] Choice or that is

[00:43:05.80] All God’s choice?

[00:43:08.99] All day, God’s choice.

[00:43:10.62] Yeah, so

[00:43:12.74] It’s because the father gave them to

[00:43:15.02] Jesus and because

[00:43:16.88] They already belonged to Jesus, that’s why they listen to his voice and follow him. You see this pattern being formed.

[00:43:25.83] Yes, I do.

[00:43:27.45] Ok, let’s look a little bit further, John, ten

[00:43:30.90] Versus

[00:43:31.35] 14 and 16, 14 through 16,

[00:43:34.68] John

[00:43:35.01] 10 the same chapter,

[00:43:37.08] Same chapter

[00:43:38.58] 14 through 16.

[00:43:40.44] Yeah, I kind of got this out of order, I think.

[00:43:43.32] No, that’s OK. I’m the Good Shepherd. I know my own and my own know me just as the father knows me and I know the father. And I lay my life down for the sheep and I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd.

[00:44:10.29] All right, so now as we know, you

[00:44:15.27] Have your perfect right there, so now that we have this frame of reference from all these other passages we’ve seen, we can start to see this maybe in a different light than we

[00:44:28.50] Have

[00:44:28.62] Possibly read it in the past. Let me ask a few questions on this. When Jesus said he has other sheep that are not of this

[00:44:36.03] Fold,

[00:44:37.62] Would those fit into the mine or the not mind group?

[00:44:44.88] Hmm, that’s a good question.

[00:44:48.98] All right, so let’s just listen, let’s

[00:44:50.99] Break it down.

[00:44:51.65] Sheep represent who his or not his.

[00:44:55.96] Ok, so if he has other sheep not of this fold,

[00:45:00.53] They would

[00:45:00.83] Still be his right.

[00:45:03.17] Yes, OK,

[00:45:05.66] Now Jesus is talking to the Jews, and when he says, I have other sheep that are not of this fold. Who do you think he’s talking about?

[00:45:18.50] Must be more of his right?

[00:45:22.61] Yes, I would suggest they are the gentiles, right,

[00:45:25.82] Because he’s you know,

[00:45:27.83] Remember last session we found, you know, go

[00:45:30.71] Out and

[00:45:32.15] Seek the lost sheep of the House of Israel? Israel is the Jews, right, and now Jesus is here saying, I have other sheep that are not of this fold. So that fold, I’m assuming, is representing the Jewish nation and the other

[00:45:49.74] Sheep is representing the

[00:45:52.68] Gentiles, everyone else, we kind of infer this both because of another passage we’re about to see. But but Paul

[00:46:00.27] Tells us the

[00:46:01.65] Great mystery has been finally revealed, that God’s promises are not only for the

[00:46:08.94] Jews,

[00:46:09.66] But for the Gentiles as well. You remember that passage? I think it’s somewhere. OK, so I think that this other sheep that are not of this fold is representing the Gentiles. Well, that makes sense.

[00:46:24.55] Yeah, OK.

[00:46:27.43] Had Jesus already preached to the Gentiles by this time.

[00:46:33.46] Honestly, I don’t recall. OK, well, yeah,

[00:46:37.69] So I can tell you absolutely no, because he never preached to the Gentiles, he said I came only to the house of Israel. All he said was a few exceptions, where he went outside of the boundary of Israel. He stayed within the boundary of Israel.

[00:46:56.20] And so

[00:46:57.91] And he cannot not preach to the Gentiles at this time. So if the sheep not, it’s his fault represents Gentiles. Then he’s talking about sheep that are already

[00:47:07.12] His, but

[00:47:08.65] They are a long way from even having heard any preaching about Jesus. And and then Jesus, let’s see. Here’s another question. Jesus says, I have sheep that are not of this fold. Does that seem to indicate presentence, they already are his

[00:47:32.63] Or future

[00:47:33.29] Tense, they’re going to become his

[00:47:36.41] In the future.

[00:47:40.10] To me, it seems like it would be indicating future, OK?

[00:47:46.99] So I have sheep,

[00:47:50.17] But it could be present because the present

[00:47:54.07] Yeah, so I have sheep. If I say I have

[00:47:57.85] 100 dollars in my wallet, does that indicate I got it right now where I’ve got it, I’ll get it sometime in the future. But I don’t have it now.

[00:48:05.35] You have it now.

[00:48:06.72] Yeah.

[00:48:07.42] So when he says I have sheep. That indicates presentence there already his right as opposed to Future Tense, and the reason I asked this is when we look at this is he’s talking about

[00:48:20.59] There’s

[00:48:20.86] These people that he knows are going to come to him and then become his sheep in the future. But they’re not his

[00:48:27.16] Already or are they already

[00:48:30.07] His? And because they’re his, that’s why they’re going to hear his voice and follow him. And as we read through all the little passages, Jesus talks about sheep. You know, the shepherd comes in the sheep following calls his sheep by name. They hear his voice and they follow him and all these other passages. It always indicates that those sheep are already owned and already will know his voice when they hear it.

[00:48:53.98] And Jesus uses sheep as the metaphor of

[00:48:59.68] Those people who are of God, who are the ones who will hear his voice. And he says when a stranger comes in, they won’t recognize his voice and they won’t follow him. So he makes these very clear ties that the sheep know, the shepherds voice. Even though right now in the present, some of these people haven’t heard of him, like when he says I have sheep that are not of this fold, if he’s talking about the Gentiles, they haven’t heard any preaching of Jesus yet, but he says they’re still mine and they will hear my voice and follow me.

[00:49:30.06] Which seems like it’s it’s a

[00:49:31.80] Given conclusion of what’s going to happen to

[00:49:34.77] Them, that kind of makes sense.

[00:49:37.55] Yes, absolutely. Yeah.

[00:49:39.69] Ok, let’s go to John 11. We’re going to see this a little bit

[00:49:45.91] Further, Tony

[00:49:47.56] Levin versus 49 52.

[00:49:52.23] Ok. All right, first, 49 to 52, but one of them, Caiaphas, who was a high priest that year, said to them, you know, nothing at all. Nor do you understand that it is better for you than one man to die for the people, not that the whole nation should perish. He did not say this of his own accord, but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation and not for the nation only, but also together into one the children of God who are scattered abroad.

[00:50:25.93] Hmm.

[00:50:26.80] What it says gather into one, the children of God.

[00:50:31.33] Does that

[00:50:31.72] Mean that those children already exist as God’s meaning presentence,

[00:50:37.45] Or

[00:50:37.69] That there are people out there who are not yet God’s children, but they will

[00:50:41.41] Become?

[00:50:43.26] Children of God at some point in the future.

[00:50:48.14] I would think there are already children of God and they’re just scattered around,

[00:50:53.03] Yeah, because the way

[00:50:54.83] It’s

[00:50:55.01] Written.

[00:50:56.78] It’s stating that these children are God are already scattered. Does that make sense?

[00:51:01.62] Yes.

[00:51:02.33] Yeah, it

[00:51:02.66] Does. OK, and where

[00:51:04.38] Are they scattered? What does it say?

[00:51:08.82] Abroad, so that was all over the world,

[00:51:12.08] Yeah, all over the world. So had the

[00:51:15.91] Gospel been preached all over the world yet?

[00:51:19.30] No.

[00:51:21.06] But their children already all over the world, children of God already there.

[00:51:26.54] Mm hmm.

[00:51:27.66] So to be a children of God, does it mean that you’ve had to have heard the

[00:51:31.47] Gospel and believed. Yes, yes,

[00:51:40.11] No, yes or no.

[00:51:43.65] Ok, you see the conundrum, right?

[00:51:46.77] Yes, because all of these

[00:51:49.05] All of

[00:51:49.32] These passages indicate there already

[00:51:51.04] Is. We were in Christ

[00:51:54.00] Before

[00:51:54.48] We were ever born. We are his sheep, his sheep,

[00:51:59.28] Before we’ve ever heard his voice

[00:52:01.74] Here.

[00:52:02.01] It says they’re children of God scattered abroad. And the gospel has never been preached abroad yet. Does this blow your mind that we could be children of God long before we ever repented and believed?

[00:52:16.76] Yes, but does it

[00:52:19.34] Is that what these passages seem

[00:52:21.38] To be saying?

[00:52:26.35] Yeah, clearly it does,

[00:52:29.26] Yeah, does this

[00:52:30.61] Blowing your mind from what you originally believed was true?

[00:52:34.69] Yes, OK.

[00:52:37.36] Am I making my not am I making my point? But am I making the point that I think God has made to me?

[00:52:44.25] I think so,

[00:52:45.27] Yeah, OK, let’s look at one more, we’re going to keep it off with this one.

[00:52:51.30] First, John, five one.

[00:52:56.91] This is going to blow your mind even further.

[00:53:01.80] All right, first, John, five, verse one. Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God and everyone who loves the father loves whoever has been born of him.

[00:53:16.21] All right, does this

[00:53:17.32] Say that everyone who believes becomes born of God, future tense or everyone he believes has been born of God? Past tense.

[00:53:29.60] Has been OK. Does that

[00:53:33.20] Mean then to be born of God, you must first believe Jesus is the Christ,

[00:53:39.50] Meaning

[00:53:40.64] That believing initiates being born

[00:53:43.07] Of God?

[00:53:44.85] Or does it mean that if you believe in Jesus,

[00:53:47.58] That you have

[00:53:48.21] Already been born of God, meaning that believing is the evidence of having been born and God? Hmm.

[00:53:59.02] Well, I think probably someone who believes the former and someone who believes the latter.

[00:54:06.82] Ok, great. So let me ask you a question. The previous first we just looked at gathering the one, the children of God who are scattered abroad. If you’re a child of someone, have you already been born in.

[00:54:18.65] Yes.

[00:54:20.83] All right, so. Could we say get

[00:54:24.98] Together into one,

[00:54:27.41] Those

[00:54:27.80] Who have been born of God, who are scattered abroad? They’re the children of God, had they been born of

[00:54:34.98] God, yes.

[00:54:38.26] Before they repented and believed. Yes, so if we come back to this passage in John five one, does believing in Jesus, is that is that what initiates being born of God or is that simply the evidence of having already been born of God?

[00:55:00.74] It would appear that it would be the evidence. Yeah. Of being born of God.

[00:55:07.03] Fame born of God, does that mean being born again? I don’t I don’t I don’t know, I don’t have scriptural on that, you know, I haven’t. That’s okay.

[00:55:19.67] But but he kind of counted

[00:55:22.22] It goes into that line of wondering which comes first, the chicken or

[00:55:26.18] The egg or reborn

[00:55:27.65] Of God. And that’s why we repent and believe

[00:55:29.69] Or that

[00:55:30.68] We repent and believe and that’s why we’re born of God. But all these passages seem to indicate

[00:55:35.15] We were his you know, the

[00:55:37.07] Father was the good seed. As I said before, it grew into a plant, and yet that plant references the righteous sons of God.

[00:55:47.63] And yet we’re already good.

[00:55:50.24] Ok, so we got these this whole stuff is it’s

[00:55:54.71] Tough because what

[00:55:59.60] Happens is these truths of God,

[00:56:03.02] Their

[00:56:03.20] Spiritual truths, number one, which means that our natural mind really can’t comprehend it, OK? How can you comprehend Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three completely separate

[00:56:15.92] Persons,

[00:56:17.15] But yet they’re all the same person in the natural. You can’t do it right.

[00:56:21.44] But in the spiritual,

[00:56:23.06] There’s so many more dimensions. And I think what we’re seeing on all this is spiritual truths that are so deeply dimensional.

[00:56:31.25] That we

[00:56:31.58] Can’t quite grasp it, but we can see the evidence

[00:56:35.63] Of their truth, and I think

[00:56:37.79] That’s the key I want to show here, the evidence of the truth

[00:56:41.45] Is everything we’ve looked at

[00:56:44.84] Eliminates any

[00:56:46.25] Possibility.

[00:56:48.41] That it is man’s free will. That causes him to repent and believe everything points to the fact that God is sovereignly in control, that doesn’t eliminate human responsibility. But what it seems to be indicating

[00:57:03.81] Here

[00:57:04.77] Is he’s sovereignly in control. And human responsibility is only for one group of

[00:57:09.03] People, those who are already his. His sheep, those of God,

[00:57:16.52] Those chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, those whose names are already written in the Book of life, spoke of life before the foundation of the world, that there seems to be this group that are his and there’s everyone else that’s not his. And and that’s what all of this

[00:57:36.53] Seems to be,

[00:57:38.36] Seems to be talking about, I want to talk

[00:57:41.60] Further

[00:57:43.25] On a lot of questions. This raises up.

[00:57:47.27] You know,

[00:57:47.90] Second, Peter, three, nine, all these other things that we keep bringing up that are

[00:57:52.88] Good reasons

[00:57:54.74] To question, we’re not. But but here’s the key. We cannot question the veracity. Of the truth of what the scriptures are saying, we simply have to modify. What we understand God’s truth are. Yeah, and I’ve got a another

[00:58:14.02] Theology to help

[00:58:16.30] Us with this. OK, so in this session, in this topic, we talked about the least theology,

[00:58:22.45] You know, sovereign will versus free choice. Right. OK, or free

[00:58:27.40] Will versus free choice based on walking your dog. We talk

[00:58:30.73] About God’s

[00:58:32.35] Sovereign will

[00:58:33.76] Over

[00:58:35.20] Changing your nature of man with a turkey sandwich theology. You remember that?

[00:58:40.75] I do, yes.

[00:58:42.16] Ok, so now we have another theology to help us really understand kind of what all these passages may be saying. Are you ready for this one?

[00:58:51.46] I’m ready. OK, I think I am.

[00:58:55.21] It’s an easy one, but I think it makes simple. This really complex subject, because we don’t think of it in these terms, but I think everything we’ve read today and yesterday, last time all pointed this one thing and I call it my rich dad. Poor dad

[00:59:12.83] Theology. Mm hmm.

[00:59:15.02] So a rich dad and a poor dad both have kids. For some reason, the rich, they get rich dads. Kids are taken away at birth and they grow up with a poor dad. They grow up thinking

[00:59:26.54] That their poor dad’s children

[00:59:29.96] And they grew up and doing all the things the poor dad kids do. They do bad things and everything else.

[00:59:36.53] And then the rich

[00:59:38.48] Dad years later decides he

[00:59:41.06] Wants to go

[00:59:42.68] Find his lost children and give them his inheritance. So he sends out his servants and he sends out a servants with three things.

[00:59:53.08] A photo of him, an

[00:59:55.66] Audio recording of him and the proclamation that anyone who passes the DNA

[01:00:02.44] Test will

[01:00:03.97] Receive the inheritance of my

[01:00:05.98] Kingdom,

[01:00:07.57] So those servants go out throughout the countryside and every person they come up to, they stop and say, are you the rich dad, son? He’s the one that lives on the palace up there on the hill. And he has all this kingdom and all this wealth and he wants to give his inheritance to his children. And some of those people ridicule him and and tease him and curse them and say, you were a fool. That’s not true. And they kicked him out. Other people, they get real excited, man. I can get all this free stuff.

[01:00:39.10] And yet they

[01:00:41.71] They just kind of fall away. But then there are some people

[01:00:45.31] That get

[01:00:45.67] Real excited. They come to me.

[01:00:48.34] And I go, well, you know.

[01:00:51.10] I’ve always wondered if I really if my poor dad was really my dad because I just never really felt felt apart, I’d do these things my brothers and sisters are doing. And I never liked it. I felt dirty doing that stuff. Let me look at that photo now. Look at the photo of the rich dad. And then I look in the mirror and go, wow, look at the resemblance. My heart starts to beat fast. Am I finding my father at last? Look at the eyes. Look at the nose, the mouth, the chin.

[01:01:19.27] It looks just like me.

[01:01:21.28] And then I play the recording of the rich dad.

[01:01:24.69] And I go,

[01:01:25.14] Wow, that sounds like me, I could close my eyes and I can hardly tell the difference between his

[01:01:30.06] Voice and my voice.

[01:01:33.00] And then comes the last part, I’ve got to take a DNA test, I do it with with vigor, with excitement, and I go over to the DNA testing location and I’ve got some of my friends are over there and they’re taking a DNA test, too. They’re excited. They may be Sons of the King. And I get my test back and it’s a 100 percent.

[01:01:55.57] Proof positive, I’m

[01:01:57.64] Of the king’s lineage and my friend next to me,

[01:02:00.76] He

[01:02:00.94] Fails his DNA test. Got the picture so far.

[01:02:06.00] Yeah, here’s the question, is the

[01:02:09.57] Rich dad being truthful when he says whoever passes the DNA test will inherit my kingdom?

[01:02:20.96] Yeah, do

[01:02:22.61] All the people have the opportunity to take the DNA test?

[01:02:30.21] If he said whoever, then yes, yeah.

[01:02:34.38] Do all the people have the ability to pass the DNA test? No. Who are those who can pass it?

[01:02:45.25] The ones that are his children,

[01:02:47.41] Yeah,

[01:02:47.74] Those of his lineage, right?

[01:02:49.91] Mm hmm.

[01:02:50.74] Do you see how this starts to illustrate maybe what we’ve been seeing in God’s word?

[01:02:56.22] Yeah, yeah,

[01:02:58.20] It answers all the questions, whoever repents and believes will have eternal life, it’s a statement true by itself. But to repent and believe, you have to have faith.

[01:03:10.12] But to have faith,

[01:03:10.90] You first have to hear the words of Christ, but to hear the words of Christ, you have to already be of God. Which means we are of his lineage already. Now, here’s a couple other questions. Were the rich dads children already his

[01:03:28.36] Long

[01:03:28.90] Before they were lost and took the DNA test?

[01:03:33.37] Yes. Did the DNA tests

[01:03:36.25] Cause him to be his children or simply prove the evidence that they were already his children?

[01:03:43.90] Just proves the evidence revealed the truth.

[01:03:46.96] Yeah, there’s a rich

[01:03:48.64] Dad being unfair

[01:03:50.26] By

[01:03:50.50] Giving his inheritance only

[01:03:52.51] To

[01:03:53.38] His children and not the children of the poor dad.

[01:03:57.37] No, and why not?

[01:04:01.81] Well, because his kids,

[01:04:05.17] Yes, his kids, I’m not going to

[01:04:07.33] Leave my I’m not going to leave my inheritance to your kids, OK? I’m only going to make it right.

[01:04:13.66] Yeah.

[01:04:14.11] So in this

[01:04:15.31] Simple illustration, it kind of wraps up all these things we have been saying to the scriptures and puts it into something that is at least more comprehensible in our natural mind. Does that make sense?

[01:04:28.82] Does.

[01:05:34.07] Well, Beatty, this was amazing. This is a great call as always. Just very eye opening and some things in scripture that I think we all tend to overlook or maybe just choose not to see the way we we actually think it should be read. And so thank you for your time and your expertize today. Thank you for all the time and effort that you put into the studying and learning what God’s word says and and sharing that with our listeners. But before we close out our call, do you have anything final you’d like to share?

[01:06:10.58] I do a number one. Grace is the amazement. That God chose to give us

[01:06:20.43] Salvation and now we start to see the amazement even

[01:06:23.28] More. Hmm. The second

[01:06:25.89] Thing is, if you like this, please subscribe to our podcast

[01:06:31.05] So you

[01:06:31.35] Get it more frequently. And also, please tell

[01:06:34.86] Others if it’s a

[01:06:36.33] Value to you,

[01:06:37.71] It’ll be of value to them. That’s right. Last things I’d like to share.

[01:06:42.54] Awesome. Well, thank you so much again, Beatty.
