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Penny: [00:00:00.15] Well, hello, everyone, welcome back to this next session of Get Sellers Calling You, I am Penny and I am joined again with my great friend Beatty Carmichael Beatty is the CEO of Master Grabber, the creator of Agent Dominator and one of the top marketing experts in the real estate field. Beatty Welcome.


Beatty: [00:00:20.76] Hey, Penny, you left out “and an overall amazing guy.”


Penny: [00:00:26.61] You’re right. I left that one out. I’m so sorry


Beatty: [00:00:28.26] I need to modify your script and make sure we put that in there next time.


Penny: [00:00:32.34] That’s right. I’m glad to have you back. What are we discussing today?


Beatty: [00:00:37.77] Yeah. Well, thank you. I’m glad to be back. It’s kind of funny. You’re glad to have me back. And yet I’m the one that coordinates these calls. So that’s. We are. We’ll give our listeners a little insight into what actually goes on, right?


Penny: [00:00:50.19] That’s right. Yeah.


Beatty: [00:00:51.63] Well, I’m excited to be back and be back with you, Penny, and share some more for our listeners because this is going to be a great call. This is going to wrap up a series that we’ve been doing, and this is part of what we call our radical faith series and what that means. If you are a new listener to our podcast and you are a real estate agent coming to listen to great marketing, that’s going to be the next episode. Ok, so we alternate episodes in real estate marketing and biblical teaching, and so today is what we call our radical faith biblical teaching. So I encourage you to stay on if you are a Christian and want to learn and if you’re not interested in that. Feel free to skip this episode and come back for the next one. So with that said, what I want to talk about today, Penny, is we have been talking on the concept of is the Sabbath for today, and it’s been a really fascinating study as we’ve gone through it and we’re going to be wrapping it up today. But I want to ask you just more of off the cuff, and I know that you and I have been in quite a bit of alignment with the Sabbath even before joining on this series. But I wanted to say, if there’s anything that stands out for you that either has been an aha or something interesting that you weren’t quite as clear on or just something that just really got reinforced for you. And I don’t want to put you on the spot it make you think that you have to come up with something. There may not be anything, but just kind of curious if you do have anything. Hmm.


Penny: [00:02:29.94] I think one of maybe the AHA things would just be the correlation that we discussed with Jesus and the New Covenant Covenant and people’s perceptions of the Old Covenant.


Beatty: [00:02:46.41] Yeah, yeah. The whole idea that the New Covenant is simply the old covenant reposition to our hearts. But it’s the same covenant that as I’ve studied. This was one of the big aha for me too, because it it clarified that, you know, the idea is, do the Ten Commandments really apply? Ok, so the Ten Commandments is the law, the law of sin and holiness. That law not necessarily the Jewish law of all the laws and regulations. And so we always hear this idea that, you know, we’re no longer under law, but under grace, as Paul tells us in Romans. And so the question is, then do we really need to abide by the Ten Commandments? Because isn’t that focused on works? And what we find is that’s the wrong interpretation. It’s focused on holiness. And even though we’re under a new covenant, what we find is it’s the identical covenant of the old covenant because that covenant was called. Do you remember the other name of the covenant? It was also called the blank of God testimony. Yeah, the testimony of God and God’s testimony is his word, and his word never changes. And his standard of what is holy never changes, either. And that’s what we’re going to kind of get into today. In fact, that probably has a good teeing up of what I want to talk about as we get into today’s call.


Beatty: [00:04:25.06] I want to talk in terms of God’s word is a continuum. We talked last time how most people look at the Bible in the two sections of Old Testament and New Testament, and we say, well, the Old Testament is old and it’s irrelevant. And that’s why we really don’t have to honor the Sabbath because it’s part of the Old Testament, and that’s no longer relevant because we have the New Testament. But what’s interesting is the term and the division of Old Testament and New Testament is a creation of man. It’s not a creation of God. Mm hmm. For God, it’s one continuum. And what the Bible actually is is one continuum of revelation of God. So if you think about it at the beginning of Genesis, God created man, but man doesn’t know all that there is about God. And then we have Abraham, and God reveals a little bit more to Abraham, and then we go on down. And now we have Israel and Egypt, and Moses comes and reveals more about God. God reveals more about himself through the plagues, and then he takes his children out of Israel, and he reveals even more about himself during the wilderness time.


Beatty: [00:05:43.63] Then you move fast forward and you got you’re into the time of David and the writing of the Psalms and Solomon and the writing of Proverbs and God is revealing more of his truth. Then you go into the divided kingdom where you have Judah and Israel and they’re turning away from the Lord. And so God sends all the prophets and most of the prophecies that that come about at that time and God reveals even more. And then you move into the time of Jesus, where God comes to the Earth as in the form of man, and he reveals even more. But it doesn’t stop there. You then have the revelation of John, and we learn even more. So what we see is the Bible is one continuum of revelation. Each revelation adds on the other, but none of that revelation is irrelevant. None of the truths of God become obsolete. We just learn more and more, and he reveals more and more. And this is why we can’t simply say that the Ten Commandments is part of the Old Testament, and the Sabbath is part of the Ten Commandments. And therefore, it’s kind of irrelevant because that was then and today is now what we’re finding is it’s all a single continuum. Is this making sense?


Penny: [00:07:07.81] Yes, it is.


Beatty: [00:07:09.34] So with that, I want to go back and just review a couple of the key things we’ve talked about. And then I want to add a little bit more today and kind of wrap up. So what we spoke about last time and over the last sessions as it relates to the Sabbath again, the question is do we honor the Sabbath? Is that still something that we hold as a separate holy day? Mm hmm. And the first thing we looked at is that the Sabbath is holy to the Lord the seventh day. The pattern of work six days and rest on the seventh. That pattern is declared holy. It’s something God declared holy. It was the very first thing that he declares in his word as holy. So it has preeminence. Something really, really special. And what God has declared as holy is always holy. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:08:04.66] Yes, it does.


Beatty: [00:08:06.70] The second thing we looked at is that the Sabbath is part of the old covenant. And that covenant. God’s word says, is to be followed for how long do you remember


Penny: [00:08:19.20] Forever,


Beatty: [00:08:19.95] Forever? And are we still in that timeline of forever?


Penny: [00:08:23.55] We absolutely are.


Beatty: [00:08:24.84] Yes. So there we go. So it’s still part of that continuum. And then what we learned last time, which was really fascinating, is that the old covenant was a wedding vow between God and Israel. And the New Covenant is the same wedding vow between God and us they elect, as the Bible calls us, those who believe in Jesus. It is a covenant between Christ and his bride, and the covenant is the same type of covenant that Paul talks about in his writings, where he says, Do not be unequally yoked. If you marry, marry someone who is of the faith, does that make sense?


Penny: [00:09:06.76] It does, yeah,


Beatty: [00:09:07.81] And unequally yoked for God. He defines his as You shall be holy because I am holy. And so that’s what we learn is that the wedding vow is the standard of holiness. And we see this with Paul when he says in Romans seven that I would not have known that coveting was so sin, except that the law talking about the Ten Commandments said You shall not covet. And so what we find is the wedding vow, the Ten Commandments. The Old Covenant is a standard of holiness that was written originally on tablets of stone, and now God has made a new covenant that makes the Old Covenant obsolete because the New Covenant is the old covenant now written on our heart. And just like what we spoke about last time, your computer. Is the exact same type of operational structure as the computers of many years back. It’s just now made a lot better and because it’s better, it makes the old ones obsolete. But it’s the same process is that wrap up pretty clearly.


Penny: [00:10:16.21] Yeah, it does.


Beatty: [00:10:17.50] Okay. And because. The covenant is the standard of holiness, and we read all throughout the New Testament, where to be holy, where to offer our sacrifice, our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy to the Lord, and we’re to keep our bodies pure and our mind pure. All of that or terms of holiness and the standard of that is goes back to the covenant, the Ten Commandments. So I want to now add some additional insight into this because I think this is really important. Do you remember when in the Bible, the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem? They burned the temple, they took all the people into exile? Do you remember that?


Penny: [00:11:04.54] Vaguely, yes.


Beatty: [00:11:05.83] Ok. Did you know that God directed Nebuchadnezzar to destroy Jerusalem and carry his people away?


Penny: [00:11:15.31] Hmm. I don’t recall that part.


Beatty: [00:11:17.71] Okay. Well, God did. And do you know why he did that?


Penny: [00:11:23.67] Because I don’t remember.


Beatty: [00:11:27.03] Ok, so let’s take a wild guess, we’re talking about the Sabbath. And if I’m bringing this up, what do you think might be the reason he did it?


Penny: [00:11:36.15] I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s because they were not observing the Sabbath.


Beatty: [00:11:40.86] Oh wow, you are absolutely correct. I’m impressed. You know your Bible really well. So I want to look at this in scripture. So let’s turn to Jeremiah. 17 Verse 27 Jeremiah 17. Verse 27.


Penny: [00:11:57.94] Ok, let’s see. And are we doing this in the ASV?


Beatty: [00:12:04.62] Yes, let’s do this in the ESV.


Penny: [00:12:06.63] Okay. Jeremiah, 17, Verse Twenty seven, reads. But if you do not listen to me to keep the Sabbath Day holy and not to bear a burden and enter by the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath Day, then I will kindle a fire in its gates and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem and shall not be quenched.


Beatty: [00:12:30.51] All right, so let me give you a little background on the timeline. So Jeremiah is writing at the time that Israel has been attacked. Israel is called the northern kingdom has been attacked by the Assyrians and the Syrians both and have been pulled into exile. And things are getting bad for Judah as well. And God has been sending the prophets to encourage Judah and Israel to turn back to the Lord or else. Ok, so that’s the time of this writing. And look at what it says. If you do not listen to me to do what to keep the Sabbath Day holy, so this seems pretty important to the Lord and not bear a burden and enter by the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath Day. What he’s talking about there is when you enter by the gates bearing a burden, what that means is you’re doing work. What they would do is they would open the gates on the Sabbath people. The merchants would come into the city, set up their wares and people would come and along the street and buy from the merchants. So they were doing business. This is what we see with Jesus. When he cast out all the merchants from the temple, he gets upset. You’re making my father’s house a place of thieves and robbery, and we kind of see that same imagery here that they’re profane. The Sabbath by doing common work. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:14:04.17] Yes, it does.


Beatty: [00:14:05.43] And then notice what Jeremiah God says through Jeremiah will happen if they don’t turn and obey the Lord, he says. I will kindle a fire in its gates and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem and shall not be quenched. In other words, he says, I’m going to destroy Jerusalem if you don’t obey. And what was it that they were supposed to obey to keep the Sabbath holy because God had declared it holy? So now let’s fast forward chronologically, you’ll actually go backwards in your Bible. But we’re going to fast forward chronologically to second chronicles. Thirty six nineteen through twenty one second chronicles thirty six nineteen through twenty one. And this has set this stage. This is the end of the Kings of Judah. Ok. This is at the very end, and now it’s kind of wrapping up what’s what’s happened.


Penny: [00:15:07.91] Ok. And they burned the House of God and broke down the Wall of Jerusalem and burned all its palaces with fire and destroyed all its precious vessels.


Beatty: [00:15:18.11] Stop for a moment. That’s exactly what Jeremiah said would happen if they continue to profane the Sabbath Day, right? Mm hmm. So now we see the prophecy of Jeremiah. And now we see the fulfillment. All right, keep going.


Penny: [00:15:33.52] Ok. He took into exile in Babylon, those who had escaped from the sword and they became servants to him and to his sons until the establishment of the Kingdom of Persia to fulfill the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah until the land had enjoyed its Sabbaths. All the days that it lay desolate, it kept Sabbath to fulfill 70 years.


Beatty: [00:15:59.14] Wow. So although there are many reasons that God destroyed Jerusalem and Judah, what’s interesting is the primary reason that God actually gives in his word as to why he destroyed Jerusalem was one thing they did not keep the Sabbath Day holy. Does that seem like God is trying to make a point of how important keeping the Sabbath holy means to him?


Penny: [00:16:31.51] Yes, of course.


Beatty: [00:16:32.59] Yeah, it really does, doesn’t it? So what’s interesting is God did not destroy Judah and Jerusalem because of their actions, but because of their heart and their heart creates the actions. This is where Jesus says as he reaffirms the Ten Commandments. By the way, he says, if a man lust in his heart for a woman, even though he doesn’t commit an act of adultery, he has committed adultery in his heart. And if a man says to another man in his heart, you idiot, then he is guilty of murder. In other words, Jesus is saying it’s the heart, not the action. The action comes from the heart. Does that make sense? Absolutely. Yeah, and that’s what we find here with Judah. Their heart was cold toward the Lord, and because of that, their actions were they did not keep the Sabbath holy. The so the bigger question with all of this. Is why does God make honoring the Sabbath so important? Do you have any idea any thoughts on that?


Penny: [00:17:48.93] Because it has to do with remembering him. And I think they set aside to focus on him.


Beatty: [00:17:57.27] Yeah, it’s it definitely has to do with remembering him, but I want to I want to take your understanding even deeper. The Sabbath, it says, was and this is one reason people say, Hey, you don’t have to honor the Sabbath because it was a sign of the old covenant. We’re no longer under the old covenant. But if you think about what a sign does, so it was a sign of the old covenant, but it was actually an integral part of the old covenant. Ok, so you can’t just say it was a sign in that set. But what’s interesting is a sign points to something, right? Mm hmm. So if the sign if the Sabbath was a sign of the old covenant, what did it point to? Hmm.


Penny: [00:18:41.97] Good question.


Beatty: [00:18:43.17] It pointed back to back in Exodus that keep the sign of the covenant that you may know that I, the Lord, sanctify you. It helps us remember. That is the Lord who sanctifies us and not our actions.


Penny: [00:19:02.51] Okay. Yeah.


Beatty: [00:19:04.58] And I want to show you that a little bit more in just a moment, but I want to cover one more thing. A lot of times people say, Well, gosh, Jesus never preached about the Sabbath. Paul never really talks about the Sabbath other than he says, Hey, you don’t have to stay one day greater than another. Ok. So is the Sabbath really for today? But I would suggest that those observations or wrong interpretations of what you’re seeing in scripture. So let’s look at Jesus for just a moment. Can we? Mm hmm. So the first thing we see when we’re not going to pull up this scripture, we’re just going to kind of recount it. And that is, he teaches about the old covenant, the Ten Commandments, when he says. If a man looks at a woman with lust, he’s commit adultery and things of that sort. But then let’s look at what he says actually about the Sabbath. So turn with me real quickly to Matthew, 24. Verses 20 and 21. And this is when the his disciples had asked him, when did the end times come? And so Jesus is now talking about things to happen in the future. And especially as it relates to helping his disciples understand what to what to prepare for.


Penny: [00:20:22.07] Okay, all right. Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sabbath. For then, there will be great tribulation. Such has not been from the beginning of the world until now. No, and never will be.


Beatty: [00:20:37.01] Wow. So Jesus says, pray that your flight may not be in the winter, which is going to be really tough time, OK for them at that time or on a Sabbath. Does that sound like Jesus is reaffirming that the Sabbath is still applicable after he’s died and been resurrected? Hmm. Yeah. Mm hmm. Because if it was to have been abolished, why would he say pray that this does not happen on a Sabbath if the Sabbath was no longer for today? Does that make sense? Mm hmm. So even Jesus reaffirms it. So I want to go back to the main question is the Sabbath for today as we keep hitting this from multiple angles? And when I say is a Sabbath for today, what I’m really meaning, is it an obligation the Lord requires of us? As a standard of holiness. Mm hmm. What is your thought, is it an obligation or do we simply do it because we love the Lord, and that’s a way that we choose to express our love to the Lord?


Penny: [00:21:52.43] Well, I think according to what scripture has been showing, that it’s an obligation.


Beatty: [00:21:56.87] Yeah, it’s an obligation. It’s part of the covenant, which has an obligation between two parties. And and we we see that. And if we do not honor the Sabbath and keep it holy. It is sin. Just like if we do not honor the marriage and keep it pure and we commit adultery, it too is sin anything that we do that we violate the covenant. Is sent, does that make sense?


Penny: [00:22:29.51] It does, yeah.


Beatty: [00:22:30.38] So I just want to be real clear with our listeners that not keeping the Sabbath Day holy is sin. There’s you can’t just say, well, it’s a matter of the heart. Then you say, Well, what about what Paul says? We’re going to say that in just a moment. But before we get there, the question then is what does it look like to keep the Sabbath Day? Holy? I know you and your family honor the Sabbath. What? What does it look like for your family?


Penny: [00:23:00.84] Rest from work, definitely just not in a hurry. We spend time at church. We worship and we have time in prayer and we study the word and we just are together with each other. And it could just be that we go do something fun together. You know, it could just be that we sit around the house and watch a Christmas movie or whatever it is. We’re just not we’re not focused on our jobs or focused on family and being together and worshiping the Lord.


Beatty: [00:23:34.21] You know, as I think back on our family, how we do it, it’s really almost identical. We focus on rest, rest from work. A lot of times we, you know, been working hard all week. So we’re just going to take a nap, you know, literal little bed rest as we need to. So Sunday is when we take our Sabbath. Ok. I don’t think it. The pattern is work six days rest on the seventh. So I don’t think it’s regulated. It’s got to be a Sunday. Some people take their Sabbath on a Saturday. I know my pastor takes his on Monday because he works on Saturday preparing for sermons, and then he works on Sunday, pastoring the church. So I think it’s the pattern, but one of the things we do like as you is it becomes our family day and we allow as a general rule, no interruptions to family. So if one of our one of our kids wants to go out and do something with one of their friends, we say no, do that another time. This is our family. Time again, we keep the family unit together. So I want to go back to on our first episode, we talked about four main things that people get hung up on when they think about the Sabbath.


Beatty: [00:24:49.60] And these become kind of the reasons they say, you don’t really have to honor the Sabbath today. So the first one was we just talked about it, as I say, well, the Sabbath was a sign of the old covenant, and the old covenant is no longer applicable. It was just a sign. Well, we already covered that. It was a sign that points to the fact that it’s the Lord who sanctifies us. And then the second thing that people talk to talk about is, well, it’s the old covenant and the old covenant is obsolete. Well, we already covered that that the old covenant is only obsolete because the same covenant valves have been now written on our hearts as the New Covenant, but it’s the same covenant, so we can’t really say what’s obsolete. The fourth item I know skip number three, we’re going to do three in just a moment, but the fourth item we talked about was that we live in the seventh day already. We live in the Sabbath, and so every day is a Sabbath, and I say if that’s the case. Then do you do come and work? Do you actually go to work, have a job, earn money, do things to make provision for your family? If you’re actually in the Sabbath, then that means you cease from all common work.


Beatty: [00:26:13.86] So we can’t really use that explanation because all of us go to work every day, right? So if we’re really going to be living in the Sabbath, then we had to cease all of that. And I think that time may be coming in the future. And the new Earth, I don’t know. I don’t want to get into semantics on that. But the reality is we’re not treating it as holy, if that’s the case. But the third thing that we talked about, which I think is the bigger things that most people pull out when I’ve spoken to people, they always talk on these matters. And so I want to cover them real quickly, and that is the writings of Paul. So turn with me to Romans 14 versus five and six. And this is where Paul tells us to really esteem no one no day greater than another. There are two passages one is in Romans, one is in Galatians, and they all kind of focus on the fact that we’re not we’re not to set one day apart from another that all days are the same. Ok. So let me know when you’re ready.


Penny: [00:27:22.16] Romans 14, five and six one person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. The one who observes the day honors it in honor of the Lord. The one who eats eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God, while the one who abstains abstains in honor of the Lord and give thanks to God.


Beatty: [00:27:51.60] So just from this first, how would you interpret that because it sounds like, I mean, it sounds pretty clear that we’re not to treat one day any more special than another, and it’s really what we do in our heart. If we choose to honor the Lord by treating a day special, the Lord will honor that. And if we choose not to do that because we don’t feel it’s necessary, the Lord honors that as well. That kind of what it sounds like is saying is that


Penny: [00:28:16.80] Yes, yes. Yeah.


Beatty: [00:28:19.02] So look at the key part of this. This is it says each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. And based on how you’re convinced in your own mind, that’s how you should treat that day. But how does this get interpreted with what we’ve been looking at over these last several sessions? Hmm. What’s your thought? How do you reconcile? The day is holy, holy is forever. Honor the covenant forever. And now Paul says, Hey, you don’t have to esteem any one day more special than another. Do whatever you’re fully convinced in your heart. How do you reconcile that?


Penny: [00:28:59.73] Well, for me, I just want to. I, I read it literally. And he’s he’s talking about just in general terms. One person does this, another person does that. It’s almost like he’s just generalizing. Some people honor the Sabbath. Some people don’t. Okay. I read


Beatty: [00:29:18.15] It. Ok, very good. Now, I think that’s how most people read it. And that’s why they no offense. That’s why they read it wrong. Hmm. So when we interpret scripture, scripture out of context is a pretext. Right? Mm hmm. So what we’ve been looking at for these last several section sessions is the context of scripture as a whole. But let’s even look at the context of scripture here in Romans 14. This entire chapter, Romans 14, is talking about clean versus unclean foods. And Paul is basically saying that in the Lord, nothing is unclean. And let me I’m going to read you several passages from Romans 14 that come before this passage here and come after this passage to show you what the context of Romans 14 is. So here’s just a few excerpts. One person believes he may eat anything while the wheat person eats only vegetables. Another verse I know and unpersuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself, but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it unclean. For if your brother is gry by what you eat, you are no longer walking in love by what you eat. Do not destroy the one for whom Christ died. You remember that passage? I do. Yeah. And then toward the end, it says it is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble. So let me ask you if. Everything before and after this passage that we just read about a steaming one day better than another. If everything was talking about food and clean versus unclean and causing your brother to stumble by eating something he feels may be unclean. What’s going to be the proper way to interpret this passage where it says not to esteem one day better than another? Versus all days alike. Is it proper to interpret this, that he’s talking about the Sabbath? Or is it more proper that he’s likely talking about feasting days, days that were talking about eating foods and whether it’s a clean or unclean food?


Penny: [00:31:38.85] Hmm. I feel like it’s about food.


Beatty: [00:31:45.08] Yeah, in context, it’s very clear about food. Even if you go a little bit further, watch this It says the one who observes the day observes it in honor of the Lord, the one who eats eats in honor of the Lord. Since he gives thanks. The one who abstains, abstains in honor lord and gives thanks. In other words, it’s all focused on days that are feasting days. The Sabbath is not a feasting day. Mm hmm. Here’s another interesting observation. No, where in all of Romans? 14 does Paul ever mention the Sabbath? And in fact, nowhere in the entire book of Romans, this Paul even mentioned the Sabbath. So the question is when we read this. How why do we? This is a rhetorical question, I’m not asking you. Why do we push into this interpretation? It must be talking about the Sabbath, where the Sabbath is nowhere in the context of the entire book. Hmm. So what happens is we read these things. This is what we called on first session sound soundbite interpretation. We get a sound bite and now we make a full interpretation and we interpret it wrong because we don’t look at the entire context. Let’s look at a another similar passage. This comes from Galatians. This is the other main passage that people use to say, Well, Paul says. We’re really not to. We don’t have to honor the Sabbath because look what he says here. Ok, so let’s read this. This is Galatians four vs. nine, 10 and 11.


Penny: [00:33:22.41] Ok, but now that you have come to know God or rather to be known by God, how can you turn your back? I’m sorry. How can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world whose slaves you want to be once more? You observe days and months and seasons and years. I am afraid I may have labored over you in vain.


Beatty: [00:33:48.71] Oh, so we talked about this on our first session that Paul is rebuking the Galatians because there are now, you know, back into observing these special days and months and seasons and years. And he says, but you are free from all of that. You are free from the law. You’re under grace and don’t go back under the law. You remember that?


Penny: [00:34:11.19] I do. Yes.


Beatty: [00:34:12.30] So how how do we fit this passage where Paul clearly says and rebukes them for observing special days, which the Sabbath would be considered a special day? How do we fit this into the context of everything else we’ve seen in scripture thus far? Hmm. Because it looks like it conflicts with that context, doesn’t it?


Penny: [00:34:32.40] A little bit. Yeah, yeah.


Beatty: [00:34:35.64] Let’s look at the broader context of what Paul is talking about. Go back one verse and regulations for eight, so we get the entry point into the soundbite that we’re reading.


Penny: [00:34:48.57] Ok. Formally, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that, by nature, are not gods.


Beatty: [00:34:58.10] How does this sound like this might be talking about false religions?


Penny: [00:35:04.02] Possibly, yes.


Beatty: [00:35:05.07] Yeah. So keep in mind, Paul is writing to the Galatians, which are outside of Israel. It’s a pagan community, for the most part. They had false religions, and within those false religions, they had sacred days and months and seasons and years and all kinds of rituals. What Paul is talking about in context is why are you going back to your pagan religious practices? I fear I have labored to for you in vain. Paul is not talking about the Sabbath. He’s talking about their pagan sacred days, does that make sense?


Penny: [00:35:44.70] It does, yeah.


Beatty: [00:35:46.02] And here’s another observation. Nowhere in the entire book of Galatians does Paul even mention the Sabbath. So we can’t even say it’s anywhere near the context of what Paul is talking about. So these things, once we start to take these deeper looks at context, we start to realize that the things that a lot of us may be may have been holding on to as justification not to honor the Sabbath. Are false. And honoring the Sabbath and keeping it holy is still as important today as it was back in the time of Jerusalem, when God destroyed them for not honoring the Sabbath and keeping it holy. It still is important because what God is declared holy is holy. So now I want to talk about I want to shift topics a little bit further and say, Well, why do we honor the Sabbath? Ok, obviously we honor it because God said so. But what’s the value of it? Is there really any value in honoring the Sabbath because it takes sacrifice to set aside one day and treat it? Holy, doesn’t it?


Penny: [00:37:02.40] It does, yeah.


Beatty: [00:37:04.32] Is there any value in making that sacrifice?


Penny: [00:37:09.21] Yes, of course.


Beatty: [00:37:10.95] So what’s the value?


Penny: [00:37:14.03] Being closer to God.


Beatty: [00:37:15.98] And how does it make you closer to God?


Penny: [00:37:18.23] Because you get to know him better


Beatty: [00:37:20.39] Just by taking a day of rest


Penny: [00:37:23.30] While you’re focusing on him like you do with your family. You spend with your family. You get to know your family. And if you have your focus on the Lord on a day of rest, then you get to know him better. Yeah.


Beatty: [00:37:36.77] So let’s look at this and look at it in scripture because you are absolutely correct. Let’s go to Isaiah, 58, 13 and 14, I want to show you something interesting. The question is, what’s the value of sacrificing our life and the things that we do and all the things that we currently do on a Sunday and changing that and actually treating that day as holy, what’s the value to do all that?


Penny: [00:38:08.85] You ready? I am Isaiah, 58, 13 and 14. If you turn back your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on my holy day and called the Sabbath a delight and the holy day of the Lord honorable, if you honor it not going your own way or seeking your own pleasure or talking idly, then you should take delight in the Lord and I will make you ride on the heights of the Earth. I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob. Your father for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.


Beatty: [00:38:42.43] Wow. So that’s a lot. But let me kind of dissect it because it it’s really interesting notice that it’s God says if you turn back your foot from doing your own pleasure on my holy day what he’s talking about, he’s he’s not saying you can have no pleasurable activity on my Sabbath. What he’s talking about is when he says, do your own pleasure. He’s saying, do what you want. You know, you want to catch up on all the things you haven’t caught up on during the week because you’ve been too busy, you want to keep working and if you have a storefront. Open it on Sunday. If you sell real estate, you know, go do your real estate business on Sunday or on the Sabbath. Let’s just call it the Sabbath. Most people use it as Sunday. Bill, those are the things that he says. Do your own pleasure, OK, without regard to my holy day. But he says, if you turn your foot back from doing that, in other words, if you sacrifice those things and actually treat my day as holy. Then it says. You will take delight in the Lord. This is what you were saying, that you grow closer to the Lord, your relationship, and it’s not that you’re spending the whole day reading his Bible in prayer, meditating, going to church for morning, afternoon, evening. It’s that you take the day off in honor of him and somehow, in his mysterious ways, the simple fact that you have sacrificed your activities to treat his day as holy. It causes you to take delight in the Lord. It’s a cause and effect treat. My day is holy. You will take delight in the Lord. He doesn’t say If you take delight in the Lord, you will treat my day as holy. Mm hmm. He says if he treat it as holy, you will take delight in the Lord. Does that make sense? Do you see


Penny: [00:40:47.36] That? Yeah.


Beatty: [00:40:48.77] And so if you want to take delight in the Lord and if you want to increase your delight in the Lord. One way to do it is to go through the action of trading his day as holy. And when you go to the action of trading the status holy, then you start taking greater delight in the Lord and you start to do it more out of love than obligation. But then also look at what it says. Not only will we take delight in the Lord, but the Lord says he will do something for us. He says if you turn your foot from my holy day, you sacrifice those things that you’ve been doing on my day and now you treat my day as holy. Not only will you take delight in me, he says, but I will take delight in you. And he says, I will make you ride on the heights of the Earth. The heights of the Earth, that means that he will place you above and not underneath, this is a this is a language of promise and blessings that we get back from the time as Israel is coming through the wilderness and headed toward the Promised Land, he said. If you will honor me, then I will make you above and not beneath. I will make you the head and not the tail. That’s the language that we’re used that we see here that will ride on the heights of the Earth and watch this, he says. And I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob, your father. Do you think riding on the heights of the Earth and being fed with the heritage of Jacob? Our father is a good thing or just a so-so don’t really matter type of thing?


Penny: [00:42:33.56] I think it’s pretty amazing.


Beatty: [00:42:35.09] I think it’s pretty amazing, too. Those are good things, and all of that comes from doing one thing. And what is that one thing?


Penny: [00:42:45.08] Honoring the Lord on the Sabbath.


Beatty: [00:42:47.15] Wow. Honoring the Lord on the Sabbath isn’t that amazing? Mm hmm. And so it’s really important. So now let’s talk about last thing before we wrap up. God keeps using this word. Holy. The opposite of holy is a word common. We see this in Romans nine. As Paul is talking about God’s sovereign choice. We talked on this as we went through a salvation by man’s free will or God’s choosing. And I think this was the very last session as we went through Romans nine. Mm hmm. And he brings that this concept of a potter. And he says the potter makes from the same lump of clay, one vessel for honorable use and another vessel for dishonorable use. Do you remember that? I do. Yeah. So we can use the term one vessel for holy use. That’s what honorable means and one vessel for common use, which is what dishonorable. So the picture that Paul is giving is that Potter will make a vessel. One will be used to worship the Lord. Let’s just think about a bowl of some sort, a bowl that’s being used to honor the Lord. That’s for honorable or holy use. And another bowl. To put dung in, and that would be common or dishonorable. And so how you treat that bowl determines whether it’s wholly or common. Is that is this making sense so far?


Penny: [00:44:29.71] It does, yeah.


Beatty: [00:44:30.82] Okay. So when we look at scripture? And God declares the Sabbath as a holy day. The question is, what does that really mean? And what’s the difference between holy and common as it relates to the Sabbath? And as it relates, if we take a step or two backwards and say in a bigger picture, how does God treat things that he considers holy? And I want to walk you through an example with the Ark of the Covenant. Would you think that the Ark of the Covenant is pretty holy?


Penny: [00:45:08.92] Oh yes, of course.


Beatty: [00:45:10.27] And do you know why it’s holy?


Penny: [00:45:14.35] Well, because


Beatty: [00:45:17.47] Because it’s a pretty box.


Penny: [00:45:19.33] No, because it’s the Lord’s, it’s testimony, it’s full of his testimony. It’s clear that he wanted in for us to remember him.


Beatty: [00:45:28.18] It carries his testimony. That’s why it’s called the arc of the testimony or the Ark of the Covenant is carrying his covenant and his covenant is super holy. Ok, so let’s look at what he considers holy and how he considers it. Do these in the NIV. Ok. And we’re going to go back to Exodus 25. And I want you to read the first part of verse 10 and then verse 14.


Penny: [00:45:59.01] Ok. Verse 10, have them make an ark of acacia wood two and a half cubits long.


Beatty: [00:46:08.21] The first 14, right,


Penny: [00:46:09.47] Ok, and then 14 says insert the poles into the rings on the sides of the arc to carry it.


Beatty: [00:46:16.52] Okay, so just to give you a quick picture remake, we’re talking about the arc that’s going to be made of wood, a special wood. It’s going to be overlaid with gold. And then there’s going to put rings on on either sides and you’re going to insert poles that are covered in gold to carry it. Ok. Do you get the picture? Mm hmm. Now turn to numbers for verse 15. And now we’re going to look at how we’re to carry it. This is real important. Keep in mind, this is considered holy to the Lord, so now he’s giving instructions how to treat what is holy. That’s holy.


Penny: [00:46:53.76] All right. After Aaron and his sons have finished covering the holy furnishings and all of the holy articles and when the camp is ready to move. Only then are the kickoff highlights to come and do the carrying. But they must not touch the holy things or they will die.


Beatty: [00:47:12.68] That’s OK. You can stop there. Ok, so now he’s saying when you move all of this, there are certain things that are holy. The art is one. You have the table of the show bread. You have other implements and and furnishings within the tabernacle itself. And he says. But the people who carry them, only one group of Israelites can carry them, the Cohen writes, and he says, but they must not touch the holy things or they will die. Does that same kind of strong language?


Penny: [00:47:55.25] A little bit, yeah, yeah,


Beatty: [00:47:57.44] It seems we don’t understand why God says if they touch it, they will die. But God declares it is so holy that they must not touch it or they will die. So now let’s go. Let’s fast forward a few hundred years and we’re going to go to first chronicles 13, nine and 10, first chronicles 13, nine and 10 give you the back story on this. The Israelites had been raided by the Philistines. The Philistines took the Ark of the Covenant and and then they were. They sent it back because all kinds of plagues that the Philistines. And David goes and brings it back. They put it on a cart and they’re bringing it back to Jerusalem. Ok, so that’s kind of the background. So I’ll let you read it from here. First chronicles 13, nine and 10.


Penny: [00:48:53.51] When they came to the threshing floor of Kid On, Uzi reached out his hand to study the ark because the oxen had stumbled. The Lord’s anger burned against Uzi, and he struck him down because he had put his hand on the ark. So he died there before God. Wow.


Beatty: [00:49:11.75] So in the previous passage, God says, but they must not touch the holy things lest they will die. And here we see that, Uzo. Put his hand on the art to protect it. And the are the oxen stumbled. The art cart was about to bounce around, the art could have fallen off, so ooze from a good heart with good intentions, placed his hand on the art to stabilize and protect it and what it got to do.


Penny: [00:49:46.37] Killed him, killed him.


Beatty: [00:49:49.10] So let me ask you. What’s your perspective on this? I mean, how do you feel, do you feel that was a harsh response or a justified response by God?


Penny: [00:50:07.22] Hmm. I’m torn part of me feels like it was very harsh, but also. God is a covenant keeping God. And if he had already talked about how if anyone touched it, they would die. Well, he he’s not capable of lying, so he has to follow through with what he said.


Beatty: [00:50:30.67] Well, let me ask you, the Philistines touched it with their hands, and we have no record that they were killed. True.


Penny: [00:50:39.43] So they didn’t have a relationship with God.


Beatty: [00:50:41.86] Perfect, right? They didn’t have the relationship with God. So did God kill Uzo because of the promise that if anyone touched that they would die or because. It was holy, and there’s a treated it as common.


Penny: [00:51:01.78] I think probably because it was holy and he treated it as common.


Beatty: [00:51:05.26] Yeah, when you really get down to it, do you think God felt that killing Uzo was harsh or was justified? Hmm.


Penny: [00:51:17.42] He probably felt it was justified.


Beatty: [00:51:19.25] Yeah, and how do we know he felt it that way because he did it right? You know, because he did, he did the act and God never does an act that he does not feel is justified. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:51:33.81] It does, yeah.


Beatty: [00:51:35.19] So this is how whole this is, how God looks at things that are holy so important that even with the good intention of what is attempted to do, God struck him down because he violated what was holy. But we had to look a little bit further back on this. What happened is they did not follow the holy laws of how to transport it. They put it on an ark, on an oxen cart that was supposed to have been transported by poles, so no one would ever touch it. And we say in future verses where David comes back and they do it right, OK? And they now treat it really holy. In other words, they were treating it as just a nice relic, but not holy. That was the key. And when we say, well, that seems too harsh, I want to bring you back to one more verse. And as Isaiah, 55, verse eight and God says, for my thoughts are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways. My ways, declares the Lord. And so when we look at these things in treating the Sabbath Day is holy. We can’t look at it and try to justify it or in our rationalize it or intellectualize it on our in our own thinking. But what we have to realize is God’s ways are different than ours. And what he considers holy and what he means by holy needs to be followed the way he says that even though we may not fully understand it, his ways are different than ours and we’re called to follow him. Does that making sense?


Penny: [00:53:16.47] It is, yeah.


Beatty: [00:53:18.21] But also want to clarify I’m not suggesting in any way shape or form that if we don’t honor the Sabbath is holy, that God’s going to strike us down. Mm hmm. Okay. I want to be real sensitive on that. Even Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for men, not men, for the Sabbath. Right? Mm hmm. God established the pattern and he said, Honor the Sabbath and keep it holy and do not do any work that you and your servant and your cattle and your oxen may rest. So we know that it’s for our benefit, but it is holy. And so the rule of thumb that I’d like to suggest that what we’re talking about is we treat the Sabbath in the big stroke of things in our lives as we treat it as wholly. What that means is just like Jesus said, you know, how many of you if a servant fell in a well or your ox fell in a ditch? You wouldn’t go in immediately, pull them out on a Sabbath? Jesus is saying, I’m not saying, you know, honoring the Sabbath and keeping holy doesn’t mean you don’t do things. It just means that you cease from your common work and you treat the Sabbath as set apart to me so that you will take delight in me and that you will take delight in my laws of holiness. That’s that’s really what it means. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:54:46.59] Yeah, it does.


Beatty: [00:54:48.63] So with that, it’s now time to wrap up and kill the sacred cows. Ok, if we are to honor and obey the Lord, we must worship him in holiness. Would you agree?


Penny: [00:55:05.19] Yes.


Beatty: [00:55:06.78] And one way that we worship in holiness is to sacrifice to him those things that he calls us to sacrifice to him, right?


Penny: [00:55:14.40] Mm hmm.


Beatty: [00:55:16.11] And one of those things he calls us to sacrifice our our sacred cows. Back in ISEE, he said, to cease from doing your own pleasure on my holy day, that’s the sacred cow. And we have a lot of sacred cows and especially in America, we have many sacred cows because we feel we have a right to do all these things. And we’ve gotten so focused on worldly ways that we have misconstrued the world and holiness and what’s actually sacred. So can I address three sacred cows that will make everyone uncomfortable? But I believe it’s what the Lord wants to be addressed.


Penny: [00:56:02.85] Sure.


Beatty: [00:56:04.59] Let’s talk about school athletics. Hmm. Ooh. Let’s don’t talk that prying in someone else’s business now. I won’t ask for any names, but do you know anyone that as their children are going through grade school? That they’re involved with athletics, and one of the requirements in those athletics is that they go practice on Sundays or even have games on Sundays. Do you know anyone like that?


Penny: [00:56:32.58] I do, yes. Yeah.


Beatty: [00:56:34.38] Is that trading the Sabbath Day as holy or as common? Common and why is it common? I mean, it’s not work. I mean, mom and dad go to work. So what’s the big deal? These are the children.


Penny: [00:56:52.51] Well, because it’s modeling to the children, it’s painting a picture, it’s it’s making an example. So if the children are not taught as children to honor the Sabbath, then as they grow older, they will not honor the Sabbath.


Beatty: [00:57:06.79] Good, that’s good. Let me add something to that. If you look at the Hebrew word for work when it says you saw cease from your work, the definition means your daily labor or your occupation. So for a student, that means that your daily labor is studying your schoolwork and doing your school athletics. Ok, that’s your daily occupation in labor. So Sunday should be a day when you cease from that. Do you remember the movie years back called Chariots of Fire?


Penny: [00:57:40.57] I do, yes.


Beatty: [00:57:41.44] Ok, so you got this guy. He is a missionary. He loves the Lord, and he runs. And so then he joins athletics. There he goes to the Olympics and his heat that he was supposed to run was going to be on a Saturday, and then they moved it to a Sunday, the Sabbath for him. And do you remember what he did?


Penny: [00:58:04.15] I actually don’t remember.


Beatty: [00:58:06.61] It was the only race he was going to run in the Olympics. And he came to the Olympic Committee and said, I will not run. I will not dishonor the Sabbath, and they try to convince him backwards and forwards, including the Prince of England, to say, we want you to do this. He said, No, I will not. And because he honored the Lord. The Lord made a way for him to run. Another person, also in the Olympics, had a heat on Monday, and he said You can take my heat. The problem was. This guy is Christian had been training for the 100 meter dash and watched the heat on Monday was was a 400 meter run. It was four times as long. He never practiced for that. So now he’s about to enter another man’s games. But it was interesting. A man came up to him, one of the Americans, and gave him a note as he was about to run and the note was scribbled, said the Lord says whoever honors me, I will honor. So he ran the race and he won the Gold Medal because he sacrificed his his sacred cow. Hmm. And with school athletics with our children. They as they coming up one or two of them at times wanting to play football or some sort of school athletics, we said that’s fine. We have no problem, but. You will not play on Sunday and you will not practice on Sunday. But the coach says that’s a requirement. Well, you tell the coach you cannot do it, and if that means you can’t be on the team, so be it. But we’re going to keep the Sabbath Day holy. So we do have to sacrifice some things, so that’s one of our sacred cows, that school athletics, another sacred cow, usually as you’re more of an adult is Sunday becomes our catch up day for all the things we hadn’t been able to get done during the week. Mm hmm. Do you know anyone that puts together their shopping lists like grocery shopping and they go grocery shopping on Sunday because they’re too busy the rest of the week?


Penny: [01:00:16.28] Yes.


Beatty: [01:00:17.51] Is that treating the holy day as common?


Penny: [01:00:20.36] Yes.


Beatty: [01:00:21.68] When we go out and we go down to the mall to go buy some stuff and go down to the hardware store picked up other stuff because we need those things and it’s just convenient. We got time on Sunday afternoon after church. Is that treating? God’s holy day is coming or we treating it as holy.


Penny: [01:00:39.91] Common.


Beatty: [01:00:41.02] Oh, wow. Does that honor God? No, does that cause us to take delight in the Lord? No, does that cause him to make us right on the heights of the Earth and feed us with the heritage of Jacob?


Penny: [01:00:57.88] No.


Beatty: [01:00:58.72] Hmm. What about, you know, gosh, the grass is getting overgrown or the leaves are down and you know, we got a party coming up this week, and so I use Sunday to catch up on yard work. Is that honoring the Lord?


Penny: [01:01:13.60] No.


Beatty: [01:01:14.95] Ok. Maybe another sacred cow is, you know, I’ve got a big test on Monday, so I’m going to study all day Saturday or I’ve got a big sales presentation on Monday, so I’m going to prepare for it on Sunday or. I’m in real estate, and it’s always that open houses are on Sunday because that’s when you can get people to the open house. So I’m going to do open houses on Sunday, but I don’t treat any other day as a Sabbath. I don’t treat any other day as holy, but I’m going to take my take God’s holy day and use it for work. Did any of those things honor the Lord?


Penny: [01:01:58.02] No.


Beatty: [01:02:00.15] Would God consider any of these sacred cows that we do on? And we’ll just use the word Sunday for the Sabbath? But does God consider those things sin when we do those things habitually?


Penny: [01:02:14.61] Yes.


Beatty: [01:02:15.72] Yeah. What if you have a business and you normally never work on a Sunday, but some, but you have a fire in the business? Some catastrophe, some crisis. Is it OK to break away on a Sunday and go handle that crisis?


Penny: [01:02:34.46] Well, no, because that would just be treating it as common.


Beatty: [01:02:37.67] Well, but Jesus did say, if your ox falls in the ditch, which is your business or your servant, which is one your employees falls into, well, would you not pull them up out of the well on a Sunday on a Sabbath? So Jesus makes space that says the idea is the Sabbath is made for men, not men for the Sabbath. It’s a holy day. But it’s not a day, it’s not like you shall not ever. You know, you shall not commit adultery. You go sleep with someone else. Wow, you’ve just broken a big sin. What my understanding of scripture is based on what Jesus said about the ox falling in the ditch. Or he even says even David went in on a Sabbath and took the holy bread and ate it and gave it to his men. The Sabbath was made for men, not men, for the Sabbath. That’s kind of that context there. And so what I think scripture is saying is what we’re looking for the Lord is looking for is that we treat that as holy, but it. There are extenuating circumstances that it’s OK to handle extenuating circumstances, but the thrust of our life should be that we deliberately treat it as wholly. We don’t allow the world to creep into it. Say, like if I had someone in sports and I said, you can’t practice or play on Sunday. And so we’ve kept that as a rule, and now they’re in the final playoffs and in the playoffs were on a Saturday. They got rained out. So they now they have to play on Sunday. Yeah, I would let my son play on Sunday because it’s an extenuating circumstances, but it’s not the general rule. Does that make sense?


Penny: [01:04:24.15] It does, yes.


Beatty: [01:04:25.32] I think that’s the way to look at it. And based on what Jesus says, I believe that fits within the confines of if you have an extenuating circumstances, you can take time out and handle that circumstance, but don’t treat it as common as a general rule. I think that’s a proper balance of looking at it. Would you agree?


Penny: [01:04:46.06] I would. Yeah, that’s good.


Beatty: [01:04:48.37] We are way over time. So let me encourage our listeners. If you’ve been convicted on with any of the sacred cows, start making changes in your life. Be deliberate with treating God’s Holy Day as holy. Shift your things around you don’t have. If you’re a real estate agent, you don’t have to do open houses and handle phone calls and emails on Sunday. You don’t have to do it if you. I mean, Chick-Fil-A doesn’t have to open on Sunday, either. They say that Sunday is the highest grossing single day for fast food restaurants. Really interesting. And Chick-Fil-A chooses to be closed on a Sunday.


Penny: [01:05:28.87] Yeah, I sure do.


Beatty: [01:05:30.10] And they are the highest grossing restaurant chain out there, right? They sure are. So the Lord can bless you when you honor him. So figure out how to do it, but honor him. So let me wrap up. I want to cover for things not on the Sabbath, but I want to cover covers for final things. I want to encourage you to listen a second time to these podcast episodes with your Bible in front of you, that means you’re sitting down, you’ve got your Bible. And as I as we go through the scriptures, read it yourself out of the Bible and take notes because just listening to it, maybe in your car or in the kitchen is great, but you miss a lot when you go back through a second time with your Bible in hand. Wow. All the nuances come out and you really get a lot more out of it. Number two, I like to encourage you to share it. If this teaching helps you grow spiritually, then help someone else grow spiritually and share it. That’s what making disciples is all about helping them grow. So one way you can fulfill the commandment of making disciples is say, Hey, you need to get on this podcast. Number three is I would encourage. For those who have interest on this is to watch it live. I do a Bible study in my home where I start to go through these same podcasts, but I do it live in front of other people in my home and I’ve got a whiteboard and I’m drawing out diagrams, and it really makes a lot of the concepts come to gether.


Beatty: [01:07:01.88] And you can see that on my website at Get Radical Faith and just click on Live Bible study on the menu. And then the final thing is, I like to encourage you to subscribe. If you are listening to this on your computer or you just go on your mobile phone and you go to my website and you listen to it from there, but you have not subscribe to the podcast, maybe because you don’t listen to podcast normally. Let me share how easy it is and how to do it. All you have to do to subscribe because if you subscribe every time we put out a new podcast episode instantly you’ll get notified on your phone and you can listen to it at your convenience and it’s really easy. You simply go to your App Store or your Play Store if you’re on Android and you type in the word podcast. If you’re on Apple, you select Apple Podcasts. If you’re on Android, you like Google Podcasts? Really easy. You open up the podcast app, and first thing you do is you just search for our podcast channel. Now we have to put the radical faith that’s on both. Get sellers calling you if your real estate or get radical faith. If you’re not in real estate, you’ll find that channel and you just click Subscribe. And that’s it. It’s really simple. So let me encourage you guys to do that. Now, let you close this out.


Penny: [01:08:16.40] Well, awesome. Beatty, thank you so much. I second all of those bullet points there at the end, and I just appreciate your time and effort as all of our listeners do and and putting into this study and just opening our eyes a little bit more to what the word has to say on the Sabbath. This has been a great series for all those who are listening. We’re just looking forward to whatever our next series comes to be and Beatty, thank you again and we will be chatting again very soon.


Beatty: [01:08:45.53] Thank you. And you guys have a blessed day.


Penny: [01:08:47.81] You too.

