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Penny: [00:00:00.18] Welcome back, everyone, I’m so glad you’ve joined me. My name is Penny, and I’m here with my great friend Beatty Carmichael for another session of Get Sellers Calling You. Beatty is the CEO of Master Grabber, the creator of Agent Dominator and one of the top marketing experts in the real estate field. Beatty It’s always a pleasure. How are you today?


Beatty: [00:00:24.42] Hey, I am doing absolutely fantastic. How are you, Penny?


Penny: [00:00:28.38] I’m great. Thanks for asking. We’re excited about this this session today. What do you have for our listeners?


Beatty: [00:00:34.86] Well, this is something I’ve wanted to teach on for a couple of years, and it finally came out to be a good time to teach it. And so I’m excited about doing it. Let me share also for our listeners who may be first time listeners, this is what this is one of our what we call radical faith sessions. And the radical faith session or episode is where we teach on Bible truths for those who are Christians. And we alternate our guest sellers calling you channel with a real estate marketing and Bible lesson real estate marketing Bible lessons. So today is the Bible lesson. So if you’re not interested in Bible lessons, you can skip this episode and come back for the next great real estate marketing episode. Coming up next.


Penny: [00:01:18.60] Ok, sounds great.


Beatty: [00:01:19.74] Yeah. So with this, the topic that I want to share is how do you raise godly kids who remain godly? Is that a good question?


Penny: [00:01:29.49] That’s a great question.


Beatty: [00:01:31.08] Yeah, so what I wanted to do is just kind of set the background on this. I’ve got a question for you. Generally speaking, if you have a couple and they have a child, by the time that child is an adult who is most responsible for that child loving and following the Lord and being godly, the parents or the child, the child? Okay. And why do you say that?


Penny: [00:01:57.87] Because as they’re an adult, they have to start taking their their faith has to become their own.


Beatty: [00:02:05.55] Okay, really good. Really good. So let me ask you another question on a different topic. You’re back in high school and there are two teachers who teach physics. We’ll call them Bill and Mary just to simplify it. Bill every all the students love. Everyone wants to take physics with Bill. The majority of the bill students get A’s on all of their exams, and when they take their standardized test, as they always do with high school, they just aced the physics and science section. Mary, no one likes they can’t stand her. No one wants to take her class. Her average student gets sees in her class, and when they go to the standardized test, they usually fail the physics and science section. Here’s the question. Who’s most responsible for the students learning physics? Is it the teacher? Or is it the student, the student? Ok, so those two teachers, Bill and Mary, they have a track record. Bill students always excel in science. Mary students always fail in science. And it’s simply the students responsibility and nothing to do with the teacher. Well, do you see do you see the the conundrum I’m running into? I do. Let’s just put a little bit of history on this 10 years running. The students who go through Bill’s class. By and large, always excel in physics and science, and the students who come through Mary’s class by and large always underperform. Is it simply the luck of the dice and Mary only gets the bad students? Or do you think the teacher has greater responsibility than the student?


Penny: [00:04:02.10] I think in that case, obviously, you’d have to look at the teacher and say, yeah, what she’s not doing properly. Yeah.


Beatty: [00:04:10.62] And we’ve all seen stories like this even in our own high schools. I remember in my high school, my physics teacher was a guy named Freddy Stephens. And everyone loved him because he made learning fun. I had another English teacher, her name was Karen York, and everyone loved her because she made learning fun. But there is another physics teacher and other English teachers that everyone hated because they made learning boring and no one really learned, does that make sense? It does. Yeah, when you train your children, you know, when they’re little children and you want to teach them manners or little things like that. Have you found that when you make it fun for them to learn that they usually pick up a lot faster?


Penny: [00:04:53.45] Yes, absolutely.


Beatty: [00:04:55.07] Ok, so what we see with the teacher is that the teacher bears the burden of responsibility for their students learning the material. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:05:05.45] It does, yeah.


Beatty: [00:05:07.70] So would the same hold true with parents teaching their children to love the Lord?


Penny: [00:05:14.11] Yes.


Beatty: [00:05:15.58] Ok, so now that’s a different answer than you gave originally. Does this?


Penny: [00:05:22.35] Yeah, it


Beatty: [00:05:23.04] Is. It is, isn’t it? So would it be safe to say? That. To raise godly kids who remain godly. The burden of responsibility is on the parent shoulders who teach not on the children’s shoulders, who learn. Yes, OK. And I want to show this to you in scripture, where it very clearly is the parent’s responsibility. Before I get there, I wanted to walk you through what I call a tale of three families. And so what I started to do is I started. I was watching our children grow up, and as they were growing up, they loved the Lord. They read their Bible. They studied him as they went through college high school. You know, the things that they did were just really focused on on the Lord as they went through college. You see it even mature and blossom. And I looked at other families with children about my children’s age by strong believers. Their parents were strong believers, and I saw several different things. I saw some families who by and large, all of their children follow the same path as ours and other families that by and large, the children were just worldly and had no real desire about the Lord. And I started to ask the question Why so I want to of synopses those three groups. It’s what I call. The tale of three families, and I want to share three families. These are real families. I’ve changed the names just to kind of protect things. But I want to share what I’ve been seeing and see if this makes sense to you, if maybe as you start to think about families that you know, if you see these similar type of patterns. So one family is Bill and Pam.


Beatty: [00:07:20.50] They have three children, all of them are adults. Now all of the children are focused on the Lord. They all study the Lord’s word every day. They have a specific time, or they make time to spend time in the word they’re studying it. They’re taking notes. Their lifestyle is focused on their lord. They walk honorably before the Lord and when they worship. You can just tell that they truly love the Lord. So that’s Bill and Pam’s family. Another family is Tom and Amber. They have three kids. They’re also all adults. Tom and Amber, just like Bill and Pam, love the Lord. Solid Christians study the word worship on a regular basis. But their kids, none of them love the Lord. Not a single one. One of them might actually know the Lord, but you could be a far cry from saying that that child loves the Lord. Two of them are, two of them are sleeping around. And and they’re good kids, but they’re just entirely worldly and totally lost spiritually. And then another family, Bob and Shannon, they had four children, Bob and Shannon also grew up loving the Lord. Everything they did in their life was focused on ministry and therefore kids are all adults. One of those children actually follows the Lord. One of them is what I think is more of a cultural Christian kind of does the Christian thing, but really, there’s there’s no heart. One of them was out living with her boyfriend for several years before they got married. And one of them is a queer. A transgender calls herself non-binary. You know, when he found family as I share those. Do any of those type of families ring true with people, you know?


Penny: [00:09:21.20] Yes, absolutely.


Beatty: [00:09:23.00] So the question is if all of those parents love the Lord? How did they end up with such dramatically different outcomes? And that is what I want to start to peel back the onion with. With all of this looking at scripture and starting to analyze what scripture says and specifically says, that gives us some guidance on how can we raise our children in a way that they not only become godly but remain godly? So let’s go to scripture real quickly, and I want to test your knowledge. Can I test your knowledge real quick?


Penny: [00:10:06.14] Oh, goodness.


Beatty: [00:10:07.76] This is going to be an easy test, OK? I don’t think you. I don’t think you can fail this one.


Penny: [00:10:14.33] That’s a lot of pressure.


Beatty: [00:10:16.13] Yes. Ok. Let me ask the question. And then you can tell me if it was an easy question or not. Ok, who is one of the greatest men of the Bible who loved the Lord so much that God said he is a man after my own heart?


Penny: [00:10:33.20] Oh, that’s easy. King David, yeah,


Beatty: [00:10:35.69] I told you it’d be easy. So I’d like to look at David’s life. So would it make sense that if someone loved the Lord as much as David was anointed by the Lord, as much as David, where he wrote many of the Psalms, many of the prophecies concerning the coming messiah? Yeah, so we look at his life and it says that the Lord loved him and that he loved the Lord. He loved the Lord with all of his heart. And for most of his life. He was entirely obedient to the Lord, does that make sense?


Penny: [00:11:16.87] It does, yeah.


Beatty: [00:11:18.28] But how did his children do?


Penny: [00:11:22.61] Not so well,


Beatty: [00:11:23.75] Not so well. So we have Epsilon. He tries to kill his father and take over the Kingdom Epsilon, who goes out and murders a child. He have another son of his that commits incest and rapes, one of David’s daughters. We have all kinds of challenges in his own family’s life. So, Paul God may look upon Dave and say, well done, good and faithful servant and being a warrior king and conquering the land of the Promised Land. God would never have said well done, good and faithful servant in raising your children, does that make sense?


Penny: [00:12:05.75] Mm hmm.


Beatty: [00:12:07.34] And so I like to look at a little bit of what happened with this children and then start to analyze why and what’s going on. So we find that God says about David. That David, the son of Jesse, is a man after my own heart and acts 13. We look at how David speaks of of of the Lord, and we see this throughout all of Psalms. It’s always the Lord, my God, the rock and my salvation, my deliverer, my only one where the The Lord is very, very personal to David. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:12:46.85] Yes, absolutely.


Beatty: [00:12:49.44] For David, everything was all about the Lord. Now, let’s look at Solomon. What we find about Solomon is while David loved the Lord for who he was. Solomon loved who the Lord was, but did not love the Lord. His heart will say in this moment was never fully focused on the Lord. And in other words, the Lord was the god of his father, not his own personal god. And this is the key if we start to look at this once the Lord becomes your personal lord, that’s how you raise godly children. When it becomes your child’s personal lord, that’s when they really become godly and remain godly. But as long as the Lord is your father but not their father, then that’s when they start going astray. And let’s look at what happened with Solomon. Can we do that? Absolutely. Ok, so I want to start with a verse in Deuteronomy. This is God laying down kind of the requirements for a king that he’s going to give to Israel. I’m going to read most of these because I’m trunk. I’m going to truncate a line just to pull out the main emphasis. But this is Deuteronomy 17 verses 16 and 17, OK, and God says that only the king must not acquire many horses for himself. And he shall not acquire many wives for himself this lest his heart turn away. Nor shall he acquire for himself excessive silver and gold. Ok. Don’t acquire many horses, don’t acquire many wives, don’t acquire many riches. Those are the three commands of the Lord about the king that is going to come. Ok, so now let’s look and see how did Solomon do in accordance with that? So let’s look at second chronicles nine twenty five and rate and tell what? Tell us what that says.


Penny: [00:15:07.24] Okay. All right. Second chronicles nine verse twenty five, and Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots and twelve thousand horsemen, whom he stationed in the chariot cities and with the king in Jerusalem.


Beatty: [00:15:22.78] Wow. So does this sound like he’s obeying the command of the Lord, not to store it for himself and acquire many horses?


Penny: [00:15:31.31] Yeah, no, no.


Beatty: [00:15:33.13] Say what the reason for this is. Many horses says my reliance is upon my weapons and weapons of warfare, right? As opposed to my reliance is on the Lord. And this reliance on the Lord is a key factor in making the Lord your personal god versus just a God that is impersonal. This is what we see with David’s life. The Lord became personal to David because David had lots and lots of struggles, and he had to lean on the Lord and and entrust his salvation to the Lord and the Lord always came through. And when that happens, David’s faith in the Lord grew. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:16:17.26] It does, yes.


Beatty: [00:16:18.58] So this this command to not store many horses for you is designed to keep the king dependent on the Lord, because once the king bee fills, he’s independent. He no longer relies on and trust the Lord. Is that making sense?


Penny: [00:16:35.71] It absolutely does. Yes.


Beatty: [00:16:37.33] So all of these commands about the king, not to store horses, not to store wives, not to store up treasure are all things that pull your heart away from the Lord. So now let’s look at. First Kings 11, one through seven, and I’m actually going to read this one, it’s a long passage and I’m just going to truncate it. She says now King Solomon loved many foreign women from the nations concerning which the Lord had said to the people of Israel. You shall not enter into marriage with them. So let me pause real quickly. So God had told Israel, Stay pure, don’t enter marry with any of these nations because by intermarrying into marrying them, they will pull your heart away from me. And so here, right off the bat, it says Solomon loved all of these foreign women that God said, do not marry. Do you see where that? See where we’re going?


Penny: [00:17:35.65] Yes, I do.


Beatty: [00:17:36.76] All right. Then it goes dot dot dot for a surely they will turn your heart after their gods. Solomon clung to these in love. He had 700 wives Dot Dot Dot and 300 concubines. Totally violating God’s rule. Mm hmm. And then it says, and his wives turned away his heart for when Solomon was told his wives turned away his heart after other gods. Let me pause for just a moment. Say, if Solomon had been godly to begin with, he would have remained godly throughout the end. But we can start to see right off the bat that he was never godly to begin with. He worshiped God. He built the temple, but those were momentum’s from his father, David. The longer we see Solomon go in his reign, the more we see the true character of Solomon. And he was never godly, he may have known the Lord in terms of what we would call a Christian for salvation, but not to the degree of what we would consider godly, who remains godly and that’s what’s happening here. So it says that for when Solomon was old, his wives turned away as hard after other gods. But for Solomon, when after asterisk, the goddess of the sidelines and after Malcolm, the abomination of the Ammonites Dot Dot Dot. Then Solomon built a high place for Chemo’s, the abomination of Moab and for Malik, the abomination of the ammonites on the Mountain East of Jerusalem. What this is saying is Solomon is now worshiping foreign gods, he’s worshiping pagan deities, which are demons. And does a name, so one of these gods is the name Malik. Does that name ring a bell? Do you recall what Malik? What God Malik was in the Old Testament?


Penny: [00:19:43.68] I feel like it was. Oh, gosh, I’m getting it confused with Mammon, which is the god of money, right? Malick was like the flesh or something like


Beatty: [00:20:00.51] That, similar. So Malick is the god that people sacrifice their children to. Hmm. They would give their living child as a sacrifice to Malick. This shows you how far Solomon had strayed from his father, David, toward the end of his life. He is worshiping Malik and likely we don’t know for certain, but possibly sacrifice his children or some of his children with 700 wives, 300 concubines. He has no idea how many children he really has, and he doesn’t even know them personally. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:20:37.62] It does, yeah.


Beatty: [00:20:38.61] So he strayed really far from the Lord because he acquired for himself many wives. Now let’s look at one last thing. It also said don’t inquire for yourself silver and gold. So let’s go to second chronicles nine 13 through 20. And again, I’m going to read this one, since it is kind of long and I’m just going to truncate it. Now, the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was 666 talents of gold. Ok, that’s. Yeah. So the weight of goal that came to Solomon one year was 666 talents of gold, besides which the explorers and merchants brought, King Solomon made 200 large shields of beat and gold, 300 shields, a beat and gold. The king also made a great ivory throne and overlaid it with pure gold. All king and King Solomon’s drinking vessels were of gold, and all the vessels of the House of the Forest of Lebanon were a pure gold. Silver was not considered as anything in the days of Solomon. Does this sound like he acquired much silver and gold?


Penny: [00:21:57.47] Yes.


Beatty: [00:21:58.40] Yeah. In direct violation to what the Lord had said, right? Mm hmm. So here’s what happened. Solomon seem to have started strong if you read the Bible because he starts. The Lord gives him a vision. He speaks to the Lord, he asks an honorable thing helped me to rule your nation well. He builds a temple for the Lord. He does all of these things. But while it seems that he started strong. It my assessment is he actually only carried forth the momentum his father had, but it wasn’t really in his heart because he finished weak. He finished very poorly. And I want to show you how poorly he finished. This is his epitaph. Read King’s. I think this his first king. 11 six.


Penny: [00:22:53.54] Ok, First Kings 11 verse sick six says so Solomon did what was evil in the side of the Lord and did not wholly follow the Lord as David, his father had done. Wow.


Beatty: [00:23:07.84] That’s a pretty bad statement from the Lord to say that Solomon did what was evil. Mm hmm. Ok, so now Solomon ends up like all these other kings that just did not amount to anything so that Solomon. Now let’s look at Raya. Raya Bome is Solomon Sun. This is David’s grandson. Keep in mind, David was this mighty man of faith. One The greatest of all men in terms of worshiping the Lord, knowing the Lord personally and pursuing the Lord, we see that his son, Solomon ended poorly. And now let’s look at his grandson, Rathbone. So with Raya going. While Solomon loved. Who the Lord was, but did not love the Lord. Ray had no relationship with God at all. His mother was an Ammonite. An Ammonite is the nation that worshiped Malik, and some of these other pagan gods likely Solomon never raised his son rainbow. Usually in that time, when you have all these wives, the wives raise the children rather than the father, so we can say that Ray Bloom is likely trained in the traditions of worshiping pagan gods. Okay. And now we’re going to read First King fourteen. Twenty one three twenty four. And and I’ll read this again, just to truncate it now, Ray Bomb, the son of Solomon, reigned in Judgo Dot. His mother’s name was Nima the Emini, and Judah did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, and they provoked him to jealousy with their sins that they committed more than all that their fathers had done before they had built for themselves high places and pillars. And there were also male cult prostitutes in the land. They did, according to all the abominations in the nations that the Lord drove out before the people of Israel. Can you see the depravity that’s now going on in Judah?


Penny: [00:25:20.13] Yes.


Beatty: [00:25:22.26] And this is under Ray-Bans reign. Because Reagan did not know the Lord. So what happened? What do you think happened with all of this? Why did it start so strong with David? And absolutely fall apart. With Solomon. And his grandson, Rathbone.


Penny: [00:25:46.56] I don’t know, that’s a good question.


Beatty: [00:25:51.24] Let’s look in today’s world. Why do you think some families as they raise their children, those children? Universally, and I’m speaking in broad terms, what I call generally speaking, there’s always going to be a minor exception here or there, but generally speaking, what is it about those families? That their children love the Lord and follow the Lord all the way through adulthood and others by the time they get to adulthood, they’ve really gone either gone grossly astray or they’re just totally worldly. They’re still kind of good in terms of society. But there’s no love for the Lord. What’s the what do you think the main difference is?


Penny: [00:26:37.73] I mean, I guess if I’m comparing it to Solomon and David. Part of me wants to say some sort of sin. But David was a murderer and an adulterer and a right. And so then I get stopped by. Well, it can’t be that because look at David and Sand and compared to Solomon, so I’m not real sure.


Beatty: [00:27:08.24] Okay. Well, that’s the purpose of this call, because I think there are a lot of people not real sure. By the way, when I’ve asked these same questions about whose responsibility is it even to pastors, most of them tell me the same thing that you gave me at first. Well, it’s really the child’s responsibility because it’s their heart. Do you think David ever trained Solomon? To follow the Lord.


Penny: [00:27:36.00] Yes.


Beatty: [00:27:39.43] You do.


Penny: [00:27:40.87] I mean, he had to. It was King David, and I mean, I’m just thinking about how much the Bible describes how much he loved the Lord. Yes, he was that in love with the Lord. The description. And in scripture, then I would think that that would come out in his home.


Beatty: [00:28:00.85] You would think so. And this is the point. I want to really stress there’s a family that I know their elders at their church. They have beautiful daughters who are both in modeling. They’ve gone and they raised their children in Christian school, and they’re they’re modeling now. And you look at their Instagrams and they’re they’re slutty looking Instagram’s ever. How does that happen? Or another family that I know there are also elders there, church, they’re involved with all kinds of ministries, great, upstanding love the Lord, Christians, their children went through incredible Christian school as they were growing up. And we go to a wedding of one of their children and it was the most worldly wedding, the vows. There was never any real mention of following the Lord and serving the Lord. There was no from the wife. No. And I promised to be submissive to my husband and the husband to love your wife. As the Lord loves the church, all the the groomsmen were out there grinding with all of their dates. They’re coming in from out of town. They’re all shacking up in the hotels with their dates. This is the child. Of these really strong Christians. So what we have to do is we have to look and say just because David loved the Lord doesn’t mean that his son Solomon caught it, by the way they live their life in the house. Just because these other people love the Lord doesn’t mean that that’s the standard that you’re held to. And as long as you love the Lord, then you’re absolved of how your children turn out. Mm hmm. The Bible is specific. Can I share a couple of things in the Bible? Yeah. Okay. Proverbs 22 six Let’s read that I want to show you something. Ok.


Penny: [00:30:06.44] All right, Proverbs 22, verse six says train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old, he will not depart from it.


Beatty: [00:30:16.43] Even when he is old, he will not depart from it. Most people read this as saying If you train up a child in the way he should go and we’re talking about training him up in the Lord in this context, most people read it, even though he may depart from it as he flies the coop by the end of its life, he’ll come back to it because he’s been trained that way. And I think that is a valid way to interpret it partly. But I think the primary thrust of this passage is completely different. Even when he is old. Generally speaking, this means that he never departs from that training, even when he is old. In other words, when you train up a child in the way you should go, when you train up a child in the Lord properly, then the child will follow the Lord and continuing following the Lord, even when he is old. In other words, the trajectory starts strong and in strong. It’s not that the trajectory goes down and then bounces back up. We saw that with Solomon. His trajectory went down. Redbone went down almost every king in the Bible of Judah. If they started with their heart, surely focused on the Lord, they ended strong. A lot of times that they started with their heart focused on the Lord. It says, like with Israel, when they moved into the Promised Land, it said Israel followed the Lord as long as Joshua and the elders were alive, but as soon as they died, they strayed. So we see that sometimes the close proximity of those who adhere to the Lord will keep their children following the Lord until that proximity leaves and then their children fall away. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:32:10.29] It does, yeah.


Beatty: [00:32:12.00] When they fall away is because there was never they were never trained in their heart, and therefore they never personally were following the Lord. They were, I mean, into to a sense, they were simply following the momentum of their tutor and their mentor as that person was keeping them guided on the word. This is what you start to see as you read through the Kings, and this is what I think Proverbs here is talking about. I have a dear friend. He loves the Lord, follows the Lord, became a Christian and in high school, married a really sweet Christian girl. They both worshiped the Lord, but he did not want to push his beliefs on his children. He has three children. And so rather than teaching them what he believed, he thought it best to let them explore and learn to believe on their own, but they wanted to believe, how do you think his children turned out? What are you saying?


Penny: [00:33:20.93] Probably not the way he wanted them to. Yeah.


Beatty: [00:33:25.27] Yeah, exactly. See if you give your children a map and a compass on how to get where they need to go and teach them how to follow the map and follow the compass, then they’ll always get to the destination. But if you simply say go there and never trained them, they don’t know how to go. And most of them fall into a ditch in a ravine and die. Hmm. And that’s what happens with our children raising godly kids who remain godly as a pattern that God directs. And I want to show you that. But first, I want to give you one final verse. Ok, I want to prove that it is possible. That it is your responsibility as the parent for the outcome of your children. Turn with me to tide us one six So there are two passages in the Bible where Paul teaches how to select an elder, an elder or an overseer. There’s someone who is to lead the congregation, be a leader of a church, not the pastor, but a leader, and help manage the the trajectory of the church. And he gives some qualifications and read the qualification that he gives and titus one six.


Penny: [00:34:45.15] Ok. If anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination.


Beatty: [00:34:58.08] All right. And his children are believers. Does that seem to be the father’s responsibility to make sure the children are believers? Mm hmm. Yeah. The amplified Bible, which takes the Greek word and amplifies more of the meaning in its translation, says his children are well trained and believers. Ok. This doesn’t say that his children might become believers down the road that says that they are believers. It’s emphatic it is the parent’s responsibility, and I would say when you have a husband and wife living together. That the bulk of the responsibility rests on the father. We see that leadership throughout the Bible is a male role. We see it with Christ leads the bride, husband leaves the wife all the way down the line. So if you’re a single parent, then the responsibility is yours, period. But if you’re married, the burden of the responsibility is the fathers. So one of the mark? Of a qualification of an elder is. The children are believers, which means it says over in first Timothy three, where it talks about elders. He said that he must be able to teach. And so we see this whole idea of teaching. Your children to believe. So with that, I want to now walk through the three things I see in the Bible very clearly and specifically that God gives us on how do you raise godly kids who remain godly? So the first one? Is to teach it. Ok, so very simply, number one is to teach it. Number two is to live it. And number three is to let them struggle. Each of these are significantly important. So let’s go through each one. So let’s talk about teaching it. We are called to deliberately and systematically teach our children. About the Lord and to love the Lord. They don’t catch it by osmosis. We’re taught and commanded to teach. This is one of the things that David did not do. We know he did not do it because if he did it. Solomon would have turned out different. So let’s read this. This is Deuteronomy six, five five three seven, I’ll let you read that for us.


Penny: [00:37:34.71] Ok? Deuteronomy six, verse five through seven says You shall love the Lord, your god with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. Keep going. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and you should, you shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise.


Beatty: [00:38:05.48] Wow. So you’re to teach them diligently to your children. Does that seem to be just haphazardly or does that seem to be more systematically and structured when it says teach them diligently? What do you think?


Penny: [00:38:21.17] I think that would be a little bit more structured.


Beatty: [00:38:23.57] Yeah. It means to be diligent, to do it, not just do it. Oh, by the way, right? Mm hmm. And then also notice what it says. You shall talk of them the ways of the Lord and the words of the Lord. You shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk, by the way, when you lie down and when you rise. Does that sound like all the time?


Penny: [00:38:53.35] It does. Yeah.


Beatty: [00:38:55.18] Have you ever been to a Christian camp before? I have, yeah. Were you a counselor or were you maybe a camper camper? Okay. In a Christian camp? I don’t know which one you went to, but did they turn every activity into a Bible teaching lesson?


Penny: [00:39:13.21] They did, yes.


Beatty: [00:39:14.35] Yeah, that’s what this is talking about. One, the camps that I was a board member of, I was a counselor there many years back. Christian camp, every activity had a spiritual implication. So if we cross this little bridge to go across the little creek, we would always talk about, man is on one side, God is on another. There’s a chasm of sin and there’s only one way to get across and that’s through Jesus Christ. And what he did is he created a bridge that he laid down so we could walk across it and get to the other side. Everything we did in that camp was structured to teach a spiritual lesson to the children. That’s what God is telling us here in Deuteronomy. Everything you do, you should be teaching your child talking about it all the time, but it starts with you loving the Lord, your god, with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind, so that everything you do, you’re doing because it’s it’s loving the Lord. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:40:21.70] It does. Yeah, absolutely.


Beatty: [00:40:23.92] The other thing that we find is teaching is not telling you remember those two teachers Bill and Mary I talked about in physics. Ok, so. Bill taught Mary told, if you really get down to what makes a good teacher versus a bad teacher, if all the teacher does is tell the facts. All right, we have for today’s lesson outline number one bullet point number two physics is an exciting science. You know, you can tell the facts and no one learns. Mm hmm. So teaching is not telling. Teaching is illustrating and communicating in a way that they get it, and this is why. It we clearly saw that it was the teacher’s responsibility to teach the students. Because one teacher consistently outperformed the other. And this is where it’s the parent’s responsibility to teach the child. Think about, you know, when you’re trying to teach your children ride a bicycle. Mm hmm. You don’t just tell them you actually go out there and do it with them. That’s what I’m talking about. This is the teaching. You’re helping them through that. Here’s something interesting. Most Christians in America. Put more effort in teaching their children sports than they do teaching them to follow the Lord. Would you agree?


Penny: [00:41:49.78] Yes, yeah.


Beatty: [00:41:51.31] Which is more important,


Penny: [00:41:53.35] Obviously following the Lord.


Beatty: [00:41:54.97] Yeah. And where do we place more priority with our time and. And what we allow to rule and govern our time, teaching them and training them in the ways of the Lord or letting sports rule it?


Penny: [00:42:06.94] Sports seems to be pretty dominant.


Beatty: [00:42:09.49] Yeah, we talked about on our last episode on the Sabbath how most people allow sports to dominate their Sabbath, and this is all part of this. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:42:21.28] Yeah, it does.


Beatty: [00:42:22.69] So here are some action tips, I think. How do you teach it? I think there’s two things. Number one, you need a planet. And be systematically deliberate on when and how you teach. And the second thing is, you need to make it fun. Ok, if it’s not fun, your kids won’t fall into it. So here’s what we did. We had a plan and a process, and it was very deliberate. After dinner, we would always sit and read a Bible story. And this is from where children were very young, all the way up into high school. Ok. We never read from the children’s Bible, which is man’s reinterpretation interpretation of stories. We always wanted the true, unadulterated word of God. So we would actually read the real Bible, and we’d go to all the stories in the Old Testament and we’d read through the Gospels. And so we systematically taught them after dinner. Every every day we would read a Bible story or some sort of fun story at night, and we teach throughout the day whenever we could. But the other thing we did is we made learning fun. We came up with what we call skittle questions. Do you know what a skittle question is?


Penny: [00:43:38.41] I do not know


Beatty: [00:43:40.54] As we would read the stories. I would give background information of what’s happening and then I would ask good questions and skittle questions were in two forms. Can you tell me what we just read? And then can you give me and then I’d ask a question that would cause them to have to think about what we just read based on other things we had taught about the Bible in times past, so they could start to see the relationships of how God is working through these stories. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:44:08.19] It does, yeah.


Beatty: [00:44:09.30] So sometimes it was a one scuttle question, and sometimes there was a two or three scuttle question, depending on how difficult was, and they would raise their hands and they’d want to answer the question first, because it was fun because they got to skittle. So that meant that they became attentive.


Penny: [00:44:23.88] Mm hmm. Ok.


Beatty: [00:44:25.77] So that’s teaching it. The second thing the Bible teaches us on how to raise godly kids is to live in. To live what you teach and don’t be a hypocrite, have you heard the we call them PQRS Pastor Kids? And if I were to ask you, generally speaking, when you think of a pastor’s kid, do you think of someone who is godly and loves the Lord or someone who’s kind of rebellious or is the general flavor?


Penny: [00:44:56.09] General flavor is probably rebellious. Yeah.


Beatty: [00:44:58.76] So why is that? You would think that the pastor would raise their children best because they love the Lord the most and study the word the most, right?


Penny: [00:45:09.79] Mm hmm.


Beatty: [00:45:11.53] You know what? Now this is my hypothesis. I think most pastors spend so much time trying to study the word so they can teach it. That they lost sight of loving the Lord. And when they lose sight of loving the Lord, they become a hypocrite in their children’s eyes. You say one thing, but then I see you at real life dad, and you’re really not the same person. I may be wrong on that, but


Penny: [00:45:36.65] I feel like mine kind of goes along with what you think. My hypothesis is that they put too much pressure on their children to be what they think is is a perfect believer like them.


Beatty: [00:45:52.55] I think you’re right, which is, again, is more hypocritical.


Penny: [00:45:56.25] Yes. Ok. And then of course, the child cannot live up to that standard. So then there’s where the rebellion comes in.


Beatty: [00:46:03.11] Yeah, you there’s a lack of love. So teaching and living it is is fraught with love and your children. Catch it. Ok, so there’s an old saying I watch the, you know, listen to the tongue in your cheek, but I’m going to watch the tongue in your shoe. And I think that’s what happens with our children as well. They watch the tongue in our shoe. What we do more than they simply listen with tongue in cheek with what we say. So let’s look at this passage. This is James two 14 through 16 and then ending with verse twenty six.


Penny: [00:46:42.21] Ok. What good is it, my brothers? If someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him if a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food? And one of you says to them, Go in peace, be warmed and filled without giving them the things needed for the body. What good is that? And then verse twenty six four as the body, apart from the spirit, is dead. So also faith, apart from works, is dead.


Beatty: [00:47:13.77] So what the Lord is telling us is live out what you teach. And that’s really what we’re talking about here. You’ve got to live it out. Are you familiar with those fathers that they love sports so much, maybe football or baseball? Their man cave is all about that sports team that they love. They’ve got a big screen TV. They’re always watching the game. Anytime there’s a live game, they take their children and go watch the game. They have friends over and they talk about the game. They talk about that sports and he goes to that school and he’s telling his children, You’re going to go to that school and you’re going to play football. He teaches his children football. He’s the coach of the football team and all that stuff. Mm hmm. Do those kids usually love football and follow the same team that their father followed usually?


Penny: [00:48:01.10] Yeah.


Beatty: [00:48:02.48] Why is that?


Penny: [00:48:04.22] Because they, the father, takes the time to teach them and is excited about it and the children in turn, get excited about it.


Beatty: [00:48:11.93] Oh, so there’s the father’s responsibility to teach. And if he’s a good teacher, they follow. And when you’re excited about what you’re teaching in, it becomes your life. Your children catch it. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:48:26.36] It does.


Beatty: [00:48:28.12] That’s how it is with raising godly kids who they remain godly. The question for our listeners is, is that your life? Are you as enthusiastic about the Lord? As you are about that sports team. Because your children will catch it. So here’s a couple action tips. Now, how do you do it? Number one, you’ve got to make the record your priority if you want your kids to make him their priority. And number two, you’ve got to let your kids catch you all the time. With the Lord being your priority, one of the things that we would do. This was not structured to do it this way, but it was our life. Every morning I spend time with the Lord. I get the Lord the best part of my day and that goes into working hours. And the kids would come in, sometimes in the morning. Hey, dad, I got a question or run in and just give me a hug. And they’d always interrupt me spending time with the Lord. They saw that the Lord was important to me. They saw their mother spending time with the Lord and worshiping him. They saw her studying the word. They saw our interaction with each other, our interaction with others as we applied our enthusiasm for loving the Lord into our daily lives. In other words, we lived it before him because of who we were. And because we taught it and we lived it, they started to catch it. Does that make any sense?


Penny: [00:50:03.67] Yes, it does.


Beatty: [00:50:06.33] The third and final thing that the Bible teaches on raising godly kids is you’ve got to let them struggle. Trials are good and you don’t want to shelter your children, and this is hardest for the mother. The mothers, the nurturer wants to protect their child and keep them from harm. The guard routinely puts people in the midst of trials to train them, because when they’re trained through trials, they learn to lean on the Lord. When they learn to lean on the Lord. They’ll not depart from him. So let’s look at this passage. This is James one versus two, three and four.


Penny: [00:50:48.80] Ok. Count it all. Joy, my brothers. When you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and steadfastness have its full effect that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. Wow.


Beatty: [00:51:07.10] So think about this. God is saying that these trials are good, that we should count it joy because it perfects our faith and produces steadfastness and makes us perfect and complete. That’s a good thing, right? Yeah. Most of us of his parents, when trials come up, we try to. Shield our children from those trials and not allow them to suffer. And what does that do with their walk with the Lord? If if that trial were to cause them to have to lean on the Lord and we know block that trial from their life, what are we doing in their spiritual life when we do that?


Penny: [00:51:45.82] Hmm. We’re not doing them any favors, that’s for sure.


Beatty: [00:51:48.59] We’re blocking one of the key methods the Lord uses to train his children, how to trust in him and how to be perfect and complete. And so we want to be very careful. About blocking our children from trials and trying to take those trials upon our own shoulders so that they don’t have to struggle. If you look at David Solomon and Rathbone, we see this really, really clearly. Sea trials produce a dependency on the Lord and build your trust in the Lord. The David had many trials.


Penny: [00:52:28.56] Do you recall? Yes.


Beatty: [00:52:30.57] Did, yeah. Saul was always trying to kill him. One moment after another, after another, after another, and every time Saul was trying to kill David, David would turn to the Lord. David would not violate the Lord and kill Saul. But David would always write another Psalm. It seems about then, as David becomes king, he’s king first of Judah and then of all Israel seven years later, and he still has trials and he has enemies that are coming against him, all kinds of trials. And every time he had a trial. What did David do?


Penny: [00:53:11.57] Well, he usually would. He usually would if he had sinned during the trial, he would confess his sin and repent and ask for forgiveness, and then the Lord


Beatty: [00:53:23.39] And worship the Lord. And if a something that he did not send in, he would say, Lord, save me, you are my rock and my shield. And these enemies are like roaring lions trying to tear me apart and I put myself in your hands.


Penny: [00:53:37.94] Mm hmm. Right? Yes. Do you think


Beatty: [00:53:40.64] David’s faith grew through those trials?


Penny: [00:53:44.99] I do, yeah.


Beatty: [00:53:46.19] Do you think those trials were part of why David loved the Lord so much? Yes. Do you think they are part of why he followed the Lord all the days of his life?


Penny: [00:53:58.59] Yes.


Beatty: [00:54:00.12] Let’s look at Solomon. What trials did Solomon have?


Penny: [00:54:05.86] Hmm. He had trials building the temple.


Beatty: [00:54:11.61] Maybe. He had all the money, all their architecture, all the supplies already laid out. He might have had trials, but really Solomon inherited a kingdom at peace. There were no warring enemies against them the whole time. He had nothing but peace and money and time to do anything he wanted, which is why he probably had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Ok. Yeah. And he had no trials. He had no struggles of any sort. We probably feel think that he probably had no struggles growing up. His mom was the queen. Essentially, OK, very was the favored wife of David, and I’m sure that he was pampered the whole time. Any trials that came up were probably thwarted by all the caretakers that Solomon had, so he never had an opportunity to have to trust the Lord on anything. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:55:16.50] Yes, it does.


Beatty: [00:55:17.94] How often with our children do we prevent them from having to trust the Lord? How often do we handle whatever their needs are? And when that happens, they just don’t. They never learn to trust the Lord. And then you have a bomb. Because Solomon never had trials in his life, was never really taught, and saw the word lived out quite so clearly. Then he didn’t even teach his son. And so that’s how you go from a really strong believer and you lose it in three generations. You actually lose it in your first generation, but by your grandkids, you’ve really lost it. So trials? Is how you grow in the Lord, they cause you to lean on the Lord in a couple of action tips. On this topic is let your children struggle. Let those trials become their struggle that they lean on the Lord and teach your children, Hey, you know, I know this is tough time you’re going through. You need to pray and let’s pray together. But let’s ask the Lord to to move this trial and struggle out of your life. Hmm. Ok. And you let them engage the Lord, so when it happens, the Lord did it for them. Not daddy did it for them, does that make sense?


Penny: [00:56:44.88] It does, yeah.


Beatty: [00:56:46.47] The other thing is, when appropriate, let your children into your struggles so that your struggles become their struggles. So like, if it’s a family struggle, again, this is when appropriate. Let’s say that you’re going through tough times in your business. Things are really tight financially. Christmas is going to be a really slim Christmas this year unless the Lord does something, or we’re not going to be able to take this trip that we’ve been wanting to take for spring break unless the Lord does something. Hey, children, let’s pray and ask the Lord that he would make a way for us to take this trip. Let’s ask him to grow daddy’s or mommy’s business. And so now you bring the children into that. And then when the business grows or you get the money for the trip, you celebrate it as a family. And what does that do to the children? Hmm.


Penny: [00:57:35.32] Builds their faith.


Beatty: [00:57:36.34] Yeah, they get to experience it because it is now part of their struggle. Part of their prayer and now the Lord did it to them and not just to you. Does that make sense?


Penny: [00:57:48.52] It does, yeah.


Beatty: [00:57:50.47] This is kind of what we did. We freely discussed within reason financial challenges and business struggles along the way. Not all of our Christmases have been plenty of prosperity, and the children understood it and they respected them and they prayed and they realize that it’s Christmas would be more than gifts. It’s loving and serving the Lord. A lot of times they would take a school trip or school related type of thing, like a Boy Scout trip or a choir trip or something like that. And we would never pay for the entire trip even if it was a choir trip, and it only cost two hundred and fifty dollars. Honey, we’ll pay $100 of it. But if you want to go, then you need to go, sell some things or go ask people to help make a donation so you can take this trip and ask the Lord to provide the money. And so they would do their own little fundraising and the money would always come in. And what do you think that did to their confidence in the Lord? Built it, it built it. We allowed them to struggle. Sometimes we would even put them in situations where they had to struggle. Controlled situations where they would have to struggle and lean on the Lord.


Beatty: [00:59:02.83] Now here’s the key is the struggle that they have to lean on the Lord. Not every struggle. They lean on the Lord. So as a parent, take care of the things that aren’t those, but for the most part, work. Every struggle is an opportunity for them to grow their faith in the Lord. And then when you do that, when you teach it deliberately all day long, when you live it out deliberately and they see you living what you teach, and then when you allow your children to struggle and go to the Lord as their provider and say, the Lord work in their lives, that’s how you raise godly kids who remain godly because now you transferred your relationship with the Lord to them. Mm-hmm. David never transferred his relationship with the Lord to Solomon. That’s why Solomon always called him the Lord and my father, David. Mm hmm. I don’t I don’t recall any place in scripture where Solomon says, You are my god. But we see that throughout with David, and that’s how you do it. That’s how you transfer your relationship with the Lord to your children. Is this making sense?


Penny: [01:00:19.06] Absolutely, yeah.


Beatty: [01:00:22.08] So think about the big takeaways. Whether or not your children are godly and remain godly. Rest almost entirely on your shoulders as the parents miss, not the children’s responsibility, yes, they have a heart not eliminating that. But teaching the children to follow the Lord is teaching. And that’s what we saw with Bill, the physics teacher versus Mary. He taught differently in the students, caught it and loved it. That’s what we saw with the father who loves football with this one team. He loved it so much that his children love it as well. We see that all the time. If you want your children. To catch what you’ve got, you’ve got to be the same, does that make sense?


Penny: [01:01:14.62] Absolutely, yeah. Well, this was wonderful. Beatty Thank you so much. As we wrap up here, I just I just agree with you that we’ve always lived very out loud with our children and that’s what we call it. We call it living out loud. They’ve always known what’s what’s in the bank and what’s not in the bank. We too have had, you know, Christmases, there hasn’t been much and things like that where they’ve had to just really watch for the Lord to prove himself faithful. And it really is the scripture and James. It’s so true when he says to count it all joy when you go through trials. And I really can see that as a joyful time because it’s really a setup. It’s just a setup for the Lord to follow, to come in and prove how much he loves our family. For him to come in and prove through the miraculous, through the provision, through the healing, through whatever it is, he can step in and provide what we need, and it allows our children to see that only he could have done that. And so it’s just really built so much character, I think, in faith in our children because they’ve been able to firsthand see, you know, and if we had if we had shielded them from that like you were talking about, not, you know, not like not allowing your kids to have times where they suffer or times where they actually it’s hard for them. If we had protected them from those times and never shared, you know what? We need a miracle. We need $400 to pay this whatever we’ve got to have it. If we’ve never shared that with them, they would have never recognized that it was God who actually provided the miracle.


Beatty: [01:02:57.41] That’s so true. That’s so good. And so often, I think as parents, we want to. You know, keep the children from worrying about money, hey, that’s not the child’s responsibility. You know, we’re struggling, but I don’t want them to get worried about it. That’s shielding. Yeah. So what do you guys do? And what we’ve done is we would share to a degree, whatever’s appropriate for that child at that age and and the child would pray for it with us. And then on his or her own. And then, as you said, the Lord comes through and the child says, God did it again. You did it again. And if you don’t share it with your children, they never see it and they never learn it.


Penny: [01:03:43.13] That’s right.


Beatty: [01:03:43.82] Yep, that is so good.


Penny: [01:03:46.31] Very good. Well, thank you so much, Beatty. Just for your time and effort for putting into this teaching today. I know that our listeners appreciate it and we look forward to our next our next session.


Beatty: [01:03:59.96] May two You guys be blessed?


Penny: [01:04:02.42] Any closing thoughts today before we wrap up?


Beatty: [01:04:05.33] Yes, it’s real quick. Listen a second time through. Go through these passages in your Bible, so you’ll actually see it. They share this if you get a lot out of this. Share our podcast channel. We have two channels get sellers calling you if your real estate and get radical faith. If you’re not in real estate.


Penny: [01:04:23.27] Awesome. Well, thank you again so much. And I second that. Please make sure that you share and share with your friends or with someone you think could benefit from this teaching. And Beatty is always thank you for putting your time and effort into this. Just to open our eyes a little bit more to see what the Lord has for us regarding our children.


Beatty: [01:04:43.61] Well, you’re very welcome and you guys be blessed.

