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How to successfully follow up with contacts who visit your website

Following up with prospects who visit the postcard links

To follow up with contacts, it’s best to do a “live connect” — either call and speak to them by phone, or door knock and speak to them in person.  Based on agent feedback, if you do not make a live connect, you’ll get about 10% of the listings; if you live connect by phone, you’ll get around 50% to 75% of the listings; and if you live connect in person you’ll get around 90% to 100% of the listings.

To find the phone number, you can do a reverse look-up based on the address.  These sites typically provide great reverse look-up information: and

When following up with a contact you do not know, such as Geographic Farm prospect, follow these general guidelines:

  • Don’ts
    • Don’t be up front — don’t say “you went to my website”
    • Don’t be assumptive — this is not a listing appointment. They merely went to your website
  • Do’s
    • Say “I’m a realtor in the neighborhood and just wanted to meet you and say hello”
    • Introduce yourself, give the “About Me” marketing pack and gift
    • Be friendly. Build a relationship
    • Ask “Have you received any of my postcards?”
    • Ask “Are you thinking about selling in the next year or two?”
  • Follow up
    • Personal follow up note immediately
    • Phone calls, pop-by, etc over time

Download the “About Me” Marketing Pack

Click the button to download the About Me Marketing Pack below.  This is a Zip file.  Save it to your computer then copy the Word documents from it.

Download the About Me pack now