If you are marketing to your sphere of influence and past clients, here’s a simple way to identify potential sellers within that list and get to them before another Realtor. It’s with a simple tool called the home valuation website and a marketing postcard. Learn how to use this simple process now. Watch this short video.
Sphere of influence in real estate – how to use home valuation site prospecting postcards to identify seller leads
When you are marketing to your sphere of influence list, there are a number of real estate marketing tips you can use. Here is one that is very powerful. If you think about it, there are people in your sphere of influence list who are thinking about putting their home on the market, people will sell their home this year. There are seller leads in your sphere of influence that you simply have not identified yet.
If you could find out who those potential motivated seller leads are, you could pick up the phone and call them. They are already a contact on your sphere of influence list and already your friend. That makes it easier for you to get in front of them first so that they choose you as their real estate agent. We know that statistically, 2/3 of the real estate agents interviewed first get the listings. That’s where we want to go for your real estate business. So, how do we use real estate agent marketing tools to do it?
Marketing to your sphere of influence with real estate postcards to identify motivated seller leads
With real estate postcard marketing, there are a number of ways to identify sellers. The first way is to use a home valuation website on your real estate postcards as one of your real estate marketing products. The idea is that you go online and purchase a home valuation website. Do an internet search on how to get one if you don’t have one already. If you don’t know what a home valuation site is, or how you might be able to use this as one of your real estate marketing strategies, let me explain. It’s a very simple concept. Someone enters their address on your website because they want to know what their home is worth. The website captures their address. Think of Zillow, but you own this website.
Here is one of the challenges. Real estate agents often say, “I don’t want to use one of those things because they always give the wrong information to sellers.” I get that, but, which would you rather have? Would you rather have access to one of your contacts in your sphere of influence by phone that you know is thinking about selling, even though they got some wrong information? Or, would you prefer not to have a clue that seller leads in your sphere of influence are thinking about selling until you see their home listed with another agent?
Don’t worry as much about accuracy. Worry first about getting the deal. You can always correct accuracy if you need to for sellers after you get the listing.
Prospecting through the home valuation website provided on your realtor postcards as one of your real estate marketing strategies to identify seller leads
Here is how you use the website. You take a real estate postcard, whether it’s your just listed postcards or just sold postcards. Let’s say you are living in an area called Morgan Heights; that’s your suburb. Your contacts in your sphere of influence are in the Morgan Heights area. You mail them real estate postcards that say, “Hey, if you are thinking about selling your home anytime soon, find out what your home is worth. Go to MorganHeightsHomeValues.com.” That is your domain that goes to your real estate businesses website.
The seller leads go there and enter their address. The site tags them, so now you know which person is responding. As they go deeper into your site, you’ll find out how serious they might be about selling their home. Just the fact that they went there means that you owe them a phone call.
How to get listings using your sphere of influence list to identify sellers
The call could go something like this when prospecting to determine the interest of the seller leads that your home valuation website catch. “Hey Sue, this is Beatty. I saw that you went to my website and that you are looking to check out your home value. It may seem kind of sneaky, I know, but anytime someone enters an address, I get notified. So I’m just wondering if you guys are thinking about selling your home anytime soon?”
See how easy that is? Now, because Sue already knows you and knows that you are a real estate agent, she trusts you. She’s not afraid that some sales person is going to be breathing down her neck, so she’s probably going to be honest. “Yes, we are. Little Billy is graduating this year and John and I are thinking about downsizing.” This gives you the inside scoop on what is happening with your sphere of influence list so you can begin working with interested prospects.
If you start to do that, seller leads are not going to go somewhere else. They will choose you as their realtor. That is the value of it.
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