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One key to marketing to your past clients and sphere of influence is frequently touching them, and the “Under Contract” postcard helps you do that, Not only that, it give you ability to show off a sale twice, getting twice the bang in your contacts’ minds to promote your brand. Watch this video to learn how best to use this postcard.




Sphere of influence prospecting postcards – getting sellers with the Under Contract real estate card

So we have the sequence of coming soon postcards, just listed postcards, and just sold postcards. There is one final type of real estate postcards in this series that you can send out. The idea is this. How many real estate postcards can you send—especially if you do low volume—that continue to touch the contacts in your sphere of influence and educate them on why they should choose you? How many real estate postcards can you send that will allow you to continue to let seller leads know that you are actively selling real estate?

If you are a real estate agent doing five sales a year, how can you make it look like you are at 20 sales a year? You do the sequence of cards. Send a ‘Coming Soon’ postcard that educates them on what you are doing. Next, send just listed postcards out to your sphere of influence.

Sending a sequence of real estate postcards to your sphere of influence to show off your skills as a realtor and get seller leads to choose you as their real estate agent every time

Finally, the last type of real estate postcards I’m going to talk about is the ‘Under Contract’ card.

Your real estate postcard templates for this type of real estate postcard will go something like, “We just got a contract on this home. We actually had five offers. We accepted the highest one and it’s for a great price. Here is what we are doing now to ensure that this goes through. We are doing the inspection report. We are going to make sure that everything is handled smoothly, without hassle. We are going to use our expert, negotiating skills to make sure that the deal does not fall through.”

Follow this card up by sending just sold postcards to your sphere of influence once the home sells.

Marketing to your sphere of influence with real estate postcards

So now I’m able to take five sales in a year and start marketing them into 20 different touches to my sphere of influence. What happens with the homeowner is that they don’t mentally keep up with, “this is the coming soon sale” and “this is the under contract sale.” They don’t keep up with that. Don’t worry about the address. Don’t emblazon the address to try to make them remember by saying, “Remember, I told you about this home earlier.”

All you want those seller leads in your sphere of influence to remember is that you did it again. Wow! You are moving through as a real estate agent, generating sales. And every sale is talking about your realtor expertise and the homeowner is going, “Wow! This guy understands it. I can trust him to sell my house.

That’s the value of all of these real estate postcards.


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