Powerful, easy touches for sphere of influence and past client – Part 4 ice cream social
What are simple, powerful touches you can do with your sphere of influence and past clients? This is Part 4 [...]
Powerful, easy touches for sphere of influence and past client – Part 7 unique holiday cards
What are simple, powerful touches you can do with your sphere of influence and past clients? This is Part [...]
Why to market to your sphere of influence in real estate
You're considering targeting your sphere of influence and past clients list, but you're also thinking about buying leads, doing [...]
Simple touches for geographic farming #3 – the “give away”
This is the third in a ten part series on simple things you can do to market yourself in a [...]
The top 9 geographic farming real estate postcards that get sellers calling you
Thinking about doing geographic farming? What type of postcards should you use? Which are best? In working with Realtors [...]
The “market snapshot” real estate postcard is one way to get seller leads calling you
In a hierarchy of marketing postcards for geographic farming, the "market snapshot" is the first of the postcards that start [...]