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What are simple, powerful touches you can do with your sphere of influence and past clients? This is Part 3 of 9 in a short series of touches you can do. On this post I’ll share about the branded ice cream scoop. A simple, appreciated gift everyone will use and remember you throughout the year, year after year. Watch the video for more details.




Simple real estate lead generation touches for your sphere of influence – the branded ice cream scoop

Do you know another great, yet simple touch you can do when marketing to your personal contacts and sphere of influence list to generate seller leads? I actually got several real estate marketing tips from a fabulous coach. I’ll promote her name, Genny Williams. She does an excellent job. One marketing idea I got from her I thought was the most creative thing. She was doing this for an agent who sells and does lead generation down at the lake.

So, you’re at the lake and what do you do?  You have parties and activities. You celebrate the 4th of July and there is usually a lot of ice cream. The idea is to create an ice cream scoop as one of your real estate marketing products. Get one that’s inexpensive and use it to display your branding information (name, contact information, etc.) to keep yourself top-of-mind with homeowners who may also be potential real estate leads. This utensil becomes something that’s going to stay in that drawer, year after year, because it’s useful. It’s a great value-add tool to use in real estate agent marketing.

How to use a simple kitchen tool to stay top-of-mind with potential motivated sellers in your sphere of influence

Think about the simple tools, whether it’s an ice cream scoop or anything else, you can use in your marketing to attract motivated sellers. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it stays in the kitchen and it’s got your real estate branding information on it. Every time someone opens the drawer to get it, there’s your name and information constantly staying in front, reminding potential seller leads to always thing of you. The great thing about this type of touch is that it is a one-time expense that then keeps you top-of-mind, year after year.

So don’t think of these real estate marketing products as, “Boy, these are expensive.” What you have to consider is the value this bring to your branding in terms of touches to your sphere of influence for the next 3 to 5 years. That’s powerful.


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