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[00:00:01] Well, welcome back, everybody. We’re so glad you joined us for this next session of guests. I was calling you.

[00:00:08] I’m joined once again with my great friend Beatty Carmichael. Beatty is the CEO of Master Grabber, the creator of Agent Dominator and one of the top marketing experts in the real estate field. And if you came with us on the last couple weeks, I’ll hold on.

[00:00:24] I hate to interrupt you. You said one of the top marketers, how they talk.

[00:00:29] They talk marketing expert and real estate excited of Beatty that we’re having part three today, if I recall.

[00:00:38] Yes. So we’ve been on a on a journey of geo farming mastery on this session. And so this should be wrapping it up. We laid a lot of the groundwork and today will knock it over the top, start to show you some sample postcards, how to wrap it all this together, and then also how to pick the right form that makes it profitable.

[00:01:01] Awesome. Yay! I’m super excited.

[00:01:05] I am, too. So just also as a reminder for those who are listening in on the audio version of the podcast, the previous versions, you could probably do OK without seeing some visuals. But if you get a chance to go to our website, get cellar’s calling you dot com and actually watch the video of this, then you’ll actually start to see a lot of things that we’re talking about. So you might find that helpful. Also, let me encourage everyone who’s watching and listening. We would love to show you what we do. And if you want, I remember a friend of mine, he’s a real estate agent and he trains other realtors across the country. And one of the things that he talks about is if is if you think hiring a professional is expensive, try hiring an amateur, and especially with geo farming, because geo farming is expensive, because what you’re doing is you have to use expensive marketing to touch those people and and you want to put your best foot forward. OK, so you can visit our website Agent Dominator dot com if you want to see what we do. We got some great information, some overview of what’s going on with all of our services and you can request more information. Also, let me encourage you to subscribe to our podcast so you never miss an episode. And that way you can stay on top of all kinds of things on how to build your business. Yes, great. OK, so, Penny, shall we turn it over to you? Would you like to begin?

[00:02:44] No, I think well, I think I’ll leave the important things to you and I’ll just help commentate. How about that.

[00:02:49] Ok, well let you know that reminds me leaving the important things. So, you know, my wife and I made an agreement when we got married that I would make all of the major decisions and she would make all the minor decisions.

[00:03:07] Hmm.

[00:03:09] And after 27 years of marriage, I can say there’s been no major decisions I’ve had to make.

[00:03:18] Yeah, I don’t think that really worked out. Do all of it? No, I’m just teasing.

[00:03:23] She makes a lot of decisions. OK, so nine efford, I’m sure. Yeah. Playing off of your comment, there may be the connection of that joke wasn’t all that great. It was playing off of your comment that the important things you’ll leave up to me.

[00:03:38] I got you. Yes. Perfect.

[00:03:41] Ok, so I’m going to share my screen, OK? And let’s just a real quick review session.

[00:03:51] For those who are just joining in and those who have not seen the previous ones, so what we’re talking about is geo farming mastery to dominate a geo farm. And what’s interesting is it’s not only dominating the geo farm, it’s really dominating any list. So that could be your personal list, your experts list, your neighborhood list or anything else. So we talked about initially marketing for listings, told the story of Schlitz Beer and Claude Hopkins and and going through the details of what causes the beer to be pure. And then he wrote those details in the marketing and started educating people. And once they start to understand why Schlitz was different, then went from number eight to number one in less than a year. And we then tie that into what happens in real estate. In real estate, you have the outside perception versus inside reality that the homeowners out there typically view you as a realtor, as just like everyone else, and nothing that distinguishes you. And if there’s nothing that distinguishes you, then there’s no reason to choose you over anyone else. Do you remember that?

[00:05:07] Yes, I do. Yeah.

[00:05:09] And then we talked about then your inside reality and your inside reality is who you are is what makes you unique. And it may not necessarily be what makes you unique from all the good realtors. It’s simply what makes you unique in the homeowner’s mind and therefore the term perception. OK, we talked about then how do you make your inside reality become their outside perception? And there’s a formula we call the three S’s that’s showing off your sales, consistently explaining the secrets behind those sales on an ongoing basis and then having some sort of a unique selling proposition that you can use to make you stand out even more. And when all your marketing includes those three things consistently, then it starts to change their perception of who you are to make you become unique in their mindset. Yes, yeah. We then talked also in this kind of where we started to end up on our last session, using direct response to identify sellers and to identify sellers is simply offering information that a seller wants to know before they sell their home and then having them respond and using stealth technology to identify who actually responded. And that then brings us to today. And so that’s the short recap. And now we’ve got let me pull my watch out. I feel sort of like that Baptist preacher. You know, any time you say the preacher, take his watch off and stick it on the podium. But you know what that means.

[00:06:45] He’s he he’s got a lot of information to cover and he’s got to make sure he stays on on task almost.

[00:06:52] It means absolutely nothing. But that’s typically the way the preachers are. They take their watch. You think, good, he’s going to be right on time and he just isn’t on time. But I’m not a Baptist preacher, so if you’re familiar with the disc profiles, I’m a high C, very regimented. And so we will be on time on this. Awesome.

[00:07:14] Ok, so now what I want to do is with that really short recap, I want to start to talk about how do you implement these topics of showing off your inside reality, using direct response, using showing off your cells and showing off your USP. How do you tie it all together into a marketing system? And what I want to show you is what we’ve actually done with our clients and with our postcards. This is not a postcard only approach. These are concepts that you can use anywhere, whether you’re using it on Facebook or whether you’re using it in postcards or whether you use it in fliers or even if you’re using it in face to face kind of interactions. What happens is the delivery method doesn’t matter is the content is the content. That’s King. So with that, let me walk you through. I’m going to show you kind of how to use this direct response approach first. So direct response, if you’re if you recall, is where you offer something that a seller is interested in knowing before they sell their home and then get them to respond and then using stealth technology to identify. And I’ll walk you through that. So this is one of one of the postcards. So we tested over a two year period. We went through about two million postcards. Twenty one split a B marketing test where we tested one thing against another to see which one outperforms the other. And then we tested an additional about. Thirty seven variations of messages and marketing content to really identify what works, and we narrowed it down to four postcards. OK, this is one of those now. We’ve added a few since then as we’ve gotten better. But this is one of the ones that is very effective. Now, by the way, everything I’m sharing, these are copyrighted by us, OK? And I love what Zig Ziglar. Now, do you remember Ziggler was before your time?

[00:09:21] The name is familiar. OK, I can’t remember you as a musician or if it had something to do with food.

[00:09:29] Well, actually, he talked about music. He did talk about food, but he was a motivational cell’s trainer is OK. And but I love what he back in the days of the cassette tapes and at the beginning of each of his cassette tape, as these tapes are are protected by law and prevented by your integrity to duplicate. So that’s kind of the way these this copy is. All this stuff is that I’m about to share is copyrighted by us and it is protected by law and prevented by your integrity to copy. So with that, as I imagine right now, Penny, I want you to picture yourself in the mind of the homeowner. You and your husband have been thinking about selling your home and you’re probably going to put it on the market in and two or three months maybe, and you get this postcard. OK, so first thing you say is the headline. If you’re thinking about selling your home, I may be able to sell it immediately because the special buyers I have suddenly paused to ask your question if you got that postcard and you saw that message. Are you does it entice you to want to read more? Yes. OK, so now we’ve grabbed your attention, and now if you’re not thinking about selling, you probably have no real desire to read it, so you’ll toss it.

[00:10:56] So what we’re doing is using this, we’re identifying the seller, OK? And then you start to read if you’re planning to sell your home in the next six months, got to move around because my camera is right in the middle of my block in the next six months. And there’s a specialist in the area. I often have special buyers who may buy it as soon as you’re ready to sell. Even before you listed, these immediate buyers often pay full asking price or more because they want a specific home in the area and we’ll do whatever it takes to ensure they get it. My website shares what they’re typically looking for. If you are thinking of selling, visit my website immediately to see if your home is a match. If it is, let’s talk follow the link below to go directly to the correct page on my website. So now. If you got that postcard and you’re thinking about selling, are you more likely to go to the website and check it out, see if your home is a match for what these people are looking for? Are you more likely to throw the postcard away?

[00:11:54] Oh, for sure. I’d go to the website.

[00:11:57] Ok, so you’re going to go to the website. And so this is the first step in identifying sellers. You use information that the seller is wanting to know that a non seller has no interest in. So that creates what we call self selection. It separates the crowd immediately. And then you come, you create compelling copy that creates such high, compelling curiosity that it forces you to take action. Hmm. And then you have an action that they take in this case. We’re going to go to the website. OK, now, what happens on this website is this is where we have our stealth tracker built in. So stealth trackers, a technology we started to develop back in nineteen ninety seven. And we’ve improved on it since then. And the way it works with postcards is when you go to the website, we’re able to pinpoint exactly who you are without filling out a form. Let me show you how that works. So a prospect then it’s going to go pick up that postcard. They’re going to type in that you URL. And when they hit that you are our stealth tracker matches it to the prospect to whom it was mailed.

[00:13:04] So we had the mailing list with the you Orozco’s every single postcard we mail to every single homeowner uses a different you url. So for mailing out one hundred thousand postcards or mailing out one hundred thousand new URLs. So what’s happening is our system is looking up that you are matching it to the mailing address we mailed it to, and now we know instantly exactly who you are. Now your name is actually Melissa Moore Maraca, OK, as opposed to Penny Thomas. But as soon as you go there, then two things happen simultaneously. Number one, the agent that we’re mailing for instantly gets an email that a prospect is just went visit their website and it gives your name and information simultaneously. You go to the website and you get all the information that it was redressing. OK, so and what’s cool with this is I don’t know if you know this, but let me ask you, without reading the content on the screen, OK? Do you know if you send someone to a website and say, fill out this form to get my free information, what percentage of people actually fill it out?

[00:14:20] My guess is it’s going to be really low, really low, yes.

[00:14:25] Probably 10 percent a yeah, somewhere between five and 10 percent, which means for every 20 people that you get to go to that link because they’re thinking about selling. If you say you got to fill out my form to get this information, you’re only going to get notified on between one and two of those. Wow. Those other 18 or 19 prospects that you worked so hard to get are going to just disappear and you’ll never know who they are. And so this is why the stealth tracked stealth tracking technology is so important, because there’s no form to fill out. As soon as they go to the website, we instantly know who they are. We instantly notify the client. And so if you get 20 prospects going to the website, you get 20 prospects that you’re notified of. Does that make sense?

[00:15:13] Yes. Yeah, that’s great.

[00:15:16] And if I can put a plug in. OK. So this is one of the reasons our clients have been so successful in geographic farming. So here is some interesting statistical anecdotal data. I’m not sure anecdotal statistical doesn’t really fit, but bear in mind that’s good. So in typical geographic farming, you’re an agent you’re going to start marketing to for the typical person takes one to two years before they get their very first listing. Wow. And they take two to three to four years before they start to get really consistent listings. OK, wow. Put that in perspective. Using this technology of stealth tracker, just getting people to identify themselves, requesting information. Our clients were getting multiple listings within their first two months. Wow. We had a number of clients earn seventy five to one hundred thousand dollars in commissions in their first 12 months. Wow. Of geographic farming. So this starts to break the mold of what’s possible because you’re now able to get those people to raise their hand and say, I’m thinking about selling, and now you can be proactive. So now if you’re a real estate agent, if you knew who was thinking about selling before anyone else did, do you think you were you’d be good enough to actually go and get that listing first? Oh, for sure. Yeah. So that breaks down all the barriers. So that’s using the direct response. Now, let’s talk about the other part of marketing, which is the. Inside reality and making it become their outside their outside perception. So there’s a lot of work that goes in this. Essentially what we end up doing is we have an interview process. We have professional copywriters and we kind of compile all this together. But I want to show you that the net result so you can kind of see what goes on.

[00:17:15] So this is the address side of the postcard. And we know that’s an address side of the postcard because it has the address right here. OK, so I’m being funny. You can laugh. Hmm. OK, great. Thank you. So anyway, on the address of the postcard, this is the site that everyone always sees when you go through your mail, your you got your stack of mail and you’re flipping it over saying, you know what, you know, you’re you’re dividing it into a this is something I need to do. And B, it goes in the trash. So this is the side that you want to put your primary message on. And so what we do with this. So Bill Smithson is actually a client of ours. The name isn’t, but the content is, is what we did for our client. And and so what we do is we start to show off the reality of who he is and why you should choose him. Hmm. So the first thing we show off is, is how does he compare against the others in the marketplace? So we put this Bill Smithson’s home so 18 days faster and get sixty three hundred dollars more money for three hundred thousand dollar home than other agents. Now, this is always tailored to the geographic farm that it’s focused on. So in this particular case, where Bill is targeting would be an average sales price, about three hundred thousand dollars. So that means when a homeowner is picking this up, they’re going, well, that’s probably what my home would sell for. And his home sale 18 days faster and sixty three hundred dollars more money. Yeah. Does that impress you?

[00:18:55] Yes. Then I know who I’m going to pick.

[00:18:57] That’s right. And it starts to make you want to pick him over someone else, doesn’t it? Sure. OK, so then the next step. So that’s showing off that that’s showing off kind of showing off sales is kind of the first test somewhere, actually somewhere down the line in another mix of marketing, that’s not quite the three S’s, but is hitting the target of your inside reality, becoming their outside perception. Then there’s a USP. Now, there’s a lot of things that you can do in a USP. I’ll just I want to show off what Bill does, because it’s a really brilliant USPI and unique selling proposition. And so it says Bill Smithson pays handymen and painters to prepare your home at no cost to you. Save money on painting, repairs, carpet cleaning, staging minor updates and other expenses when preparing your home. So have you ever sold a home before? Penny?

[00:19:55] We have multiple.

[00:19:57] Ok, and have you ever had to fix at the home and prepared to. Yes. And when you go through the home, do you start adding up how much all these things are going to cost? Yes, it it’s very depressing. Yes. So just ballpark on average. What do you think for the homes that you sell, the average repair costs and getting it ready to go in the market was on average, I would say five thousand dollars.

[00:20:24] Ok, so fair enough. Five thousand dollars. Now you’re that homeowner thinking about selling and you get this postcard and you say that Bill Smith is going to pay the handyman and painters to prepare your home at no cost to you. What’s the first thing that hits your mind?

[00:20:39] How can he afford that? That’s right, you start thinking five thousand dollars, is he going to pay all five thousand dollars, right?

[00:20:47] Or I’m thinking that’s too good to be true, OK. Does it create interest and curiosity and does for sure.

[00:20:54] Now you’re starting to think about selling and you’re planning to sell maybe three months from now and you’re starting to look at the things that you need to update. Are you going to wait until you’re ready to actually list your home before you call them or you can call them ahead of time.

[00:21:07] Ahead of time. And why is that? Because I know how long it takes to get the house ready. That’s right.

[00:21:12] And you probably don’t want to get it all fixed up if he’s going to pay to fix it up, right? That’s right. Yeah. OK, so so I just want to promote that this USPI is really cool because it starts to give you early warning notice. Hmm. All right. Now, the other thing that happens, and this is what a lot of agents say, well, how in the world can you afford to do that? I can’t afford that. Well, I understand you put limits on what you do. So assume for a moment that I’m Bill Smith, OK. And you’re thinking about selling, so you’re going to call me up, my phone rang rings, I pick it up.

[00:21:49] And I go, Hello, this is Bill.

[00:21:53] Hi, Bill, it’s Penny. I would love to sell my house, got your postcard in the mail and I would love some more information.

[00:22:01] What type of information? I’d love to help you sell your home. What type of information are you interested in?

[00:22:06] Well, I’m actually really curious about this phrase that you have on your card that says that you will pay handymen and trainers to prepare my home at no cost to me. And I’m just I just need some more information on that. Are you really willing to pay every expense that I have?

[00:22:26] Well well, that’s a great question. The answer is, is yes and no. We don’t actually pay all the expenses depending on the expenses. But what address are you? Let me just look up at your home real quick.

[00:22:38] One, two, three. Smith Street.

[00:22:41] Ok, OK. So. Oh, yeah. You’re in the the Smith neighborhood over there, Smith Heights and your home. Yeah. So what I do is if a home is listed for three fifty or less, which your home would probably be about three hundred ballpark I would guess, just based on other homes in that area, then I pay up to five hundred dollars in helping you put that together. And if your home was a lot more expensive then I’d pay more. So I can’t pay for everything but I pay for enough. That really helps give you a jump forward and a lot of times to start to do some of those little other additional touches that most homeowners don’t do. And one of the things that’s really been effective for my clients, Penny, is that when we add these little extra touches that that just add extra cost, but they make a really big impact that causes my home, that I’m list to sell a lot faster and get more money because it grabs a lot more attention up front. And I don’t know if you’ve ever sold a home, but you get the most money right up front. If you can sell it faster, you get more money. The longer it stays on the market, the less you get.

[00:23:53] Did you know that? Yes. Yes. Yeah. So so that’s kind of how we do it now. Can pull out of roleplay. OK, so now what happens is, is you’re on the phone with me. It’s a limited amount that I’m going to spend. But what that does is I’m basically buying the opportunity for you to call me first. Yes. Yeah. Because now that you’re on the phone, five hundred bucks is a good amount. Yes. Not five thousand. But you weren’t really expecting me to pay all of it. You just had this great big question mark curiosity. How much is he going to pay? So you call me and now I’m on the phone. I know who you are. We’re engaging. We’re building a relationship. I can offer information to help you get it prepared. I can walk you through. And basically, I now win the relationship and you’re going to choose me. Does that make sense? Yes, absolutely. Yeah. So so that’s how the USP can be worked out and that you and USPI starts to reinforce the trust. Hmm. Why you should use me. OK, then let’s go into the other side of the cart. So this is the message side and I’ve got just a lot of little notes showing you off what’s going on.

[00:25:06] But here’s what’s happening. Real interesting. The eyeball goes first to the photo and then over here to this section we call the subhead. So the photos important. So on the photo, we put this tag or this button we call that reinforces what just happened, sold for top dollar. Because if if you don’t get anything else out of that photo, I want you to know that it was sold for top dollar. Does that make sense? Yes, absolutely. If the more my sells will be sold for top dollar or sold for fast, then it continues to reinforce my key attributes that mine always sell for more money and sell faster. And then I’m going to bring your eye over to the subhead over here. And this is where we’re going to reinforce again, why does Bill Smith and get sixty three hundred dollars more money for three hundred thousand dollar home than other agents. OK, so now we’re going to start to explain some information. We call in the secrets behind it. So every postcard is going to have different content about, in this case, Bill Smithson. So now as you read the content, you’re going to go, wow, that makes sense. And every time you read it, you’re going to go, wow, that makes sense.

[00:26:16] And so all that’s going to start to shift your perception of me from just another real estate agent to now I’m uniquely special and better is this I can sense absolutely a little bit more of the psychology on the postcard. OK, so we’re going to show off not just that the home sold, but we’re going to write a little something about it because social proof is important to create trust. And so that social proof is going to say, like in this type case, Bill Simpson did it again, OK, wow. He did it again with aggressive mark. He sold this home in only five days for seventy nine hundred dollars over asking price. So now it’s more than sell for top dollar. We give you some details about it. And those details are even more impressive than just the fact it sold for top dollar. You agree one? Yes, absolutely. So now persuading you as a homeowner, Bill, is really good. OK. And then down to the bottom. We then use some salt content, usually the USB or something else, to then always drive them back to the Web site to get more information so we can identify sellers. So that’s kind of the organization part of this card.

[00:27:34] I will say to Beatty that I noticed the photograph is just stunning. And it actually and then when I started reading on the left, talking about the presentation and I think you and I talked about this in our last call about using professional photographers and making sure that you’ve got a really good photograph and that really gets my attention.

[00:27:59] Yeah, that’s really super helpful.

[00:28:02] Yes. So this whole thing, in fact, let me just read it for those who are just listing as opposed to seeing it. So under the subhead where it says why this bill is missing, get sixty three hundred dollars more money for three hundred thousand dollar home than other agents. What we did for Bill is we identified four things that he did and then we articulated it in a little tiny encapsulated bullet. Point number one is preparation. He pays for handymen and painters to insure your home is fully prepared to make a great first impression. So as a homeowner, I go, wow, well, that makes sense. The number two is pricing. He knows the limit to push the listing price without exceeding the market. Well, that’s what I want. Yes, I want to get at the very top. Number three is presentation. Ninety five percent of buyers start their search online. He use his professional online marketing that gets the best buyers attention. Well, that’s impressive and that makes sense. OK, so what’s happening is we’re educating the consumer on what drives the results and the consumer is going, well, that makes sense.

[00:29:06] And then the fourth is promotion. He aggressively markets the home using a proven multistep strategy that finds more buyers and sells it faster. So all this starts to bring me down into a funnel that says this guy knows what he’s doing. Yes. Yeah. And knowing what he’s doing creates trust. Yes. And if they will trust you, they will choose you. Does that make sense? Yes, absolutely. So everything we do is focused on that trust. Let me show you another another way we do this. So here’s another photo. This is a family photo. OK, so the eyeball goes the photo, then it goes to the subhead. Notice that the subhead changes. Now we’re talking about the USPI bill’s missing piece, handyman and painters to prepare your home at no cost to you. OK, and then the content talks about it expands on that a little bit more. But the photos, the part I want to show you on this, because everything is about trust. And when you get you I’m assuming you’ve gotten postcards from real estate agents in the past, right?

[00:30:09] I have, yes.

[00:30:12] Did you ever learn much about the real estate agent as a person?

[00:30:15] No. OK.

[00:30:17] When you choose someone, do you want to choose someone that you know is a person or just someone that you’ve never met before?

[00:30:23] Someone that I know. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:30:26] And the more you feel like, you know, then the more likely you’re going to feel you can trust them. Absolutely. Yeah. So I was talking to one of our clients. His name was Zack and he’s been doing geographic farming with us for a while. And he on this call, he has a Beatty the card that we mailed out back in January. So this is like probably October, maybe the year the card that we mailed in January. Can we mail that again? I probably could. But why? He said, well, it it produced half of all the listings I’ve gotten in the farm this year. Wow. Now, keep in mind, this is when do you think most listings come on the market in January or in spring and summer, spring and summer for sure.

[00:31:12] So this is a postcard from January. Wow. Generating half the listings for the entire farm that entire year. Wow. And I asked him a question about which card was that what you know, and he said, it’s the one with my family photo.

[00:31:32] So I dug out that postcard now looked at all of his postcards. I want to see what did we say about on about him on that postcard that was so effective it generated half of all the listings. And do you know what the postcard said about him?

[00:31:48] Probably just a couple things about whatever the picture was, maybe.

[00:31:52] Oh, I thought yeah, I wasn’t sure. So I read the postcard and it was a bunch of mumbo jumbo. It said absolutely nothing. But there was one last sentence that said, and this is a picture of my wife and children and we live in this area, OK? And what dawned on me is the photo is what sold the people, because you’re getting these postcards normally from real estate agents and they’re all very kind of professional. It’s just a real estate agent. I made the sale or so. Yeah, but you know nothing about their family. When you see this photo, this family, does this start to bring maybe trust to that? Looks like a really exceedingly handsome guy and and a gorgeous family. So he must be trustworthy. Yeah, I thought about that. OK, yes. OK, so you see the kids, you see the wife or you see the husband depending on who the agent is. And then it starts to endear you because now you get to see a little bit of their personal life. Yeah. And that’s what this is doing, because there is a book out there called Millionaire Real Estate Agent, and it separates two types of leads. It says, Out of all of the surveys they did with thousands of agents, they narrowed the lead source into two types. Those that you’ve met and those that you’ve never met, which one of those Lee types do you think produced the most money, those that you’ve met? That’s right. Those that you met, would you like to guess by what percent?

[00:33:29] Increase over things that you haven’t met, I think it’s greater than 50, greater than 50 percent.

[00:33:36] That’s my guess.

[00:33:37] That’s that’s a pretty you’re in the right direction. OK, 800 to 1000 percent more results from those people who met you. That’s eight to 10 times higher results than those who haven’t met you. It’s mind boggling in it. Yeah, that really is. And so what’s going on is this. Once they’ve met you, they trust they start to trust you. And that’s the biggest hurdle to overcome in getting people to do business with you. So what these postcards do.

[00:34:09] I’m looking at my clock.

[00:34:11] I thought we were going to finish on Section three, but I think it might be Section four, but but what happens is once they met you, they trust you. And what the photograph does is it gives them a chance to meet you vicariously through that postcard and start to warm up, that you’re a real person, you you have a real family. And if you got a family and they look as cute as that photo, you know, all the family photos always look cute, OK? It just shows you in a natural habitat and instantly now you become a real person, not just this this professional real estate agent. Yeah. Makes you real. Does does that make sense? What I’m talking about?

[00:34:56] It totally does. I mean, like, the first thing I thought of when I saw this was almost it just reminded me of, like, getting a Christmas card. You get a Christmas card and you’re so excited because you get to see a family picture of someone that you know, that maybe you haven’t seen in a while. And it just makes it feel more personal.

[00:35:15] That’s it. I remember. So we started now California. So we’ll talk about it. Maybe the next session we’ll talk about how long does it take to really produce results. And the big the greatest answer is it depends. OK, not the underwear, but it depends on what’s going on. So gamer’s dry. It depends on primarily, believe it or not, depends on the weather in the United States. You are in kind of what’s going on. But one of the things that we find is as you go west, like into Arizona, New Mexico, California or Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Washington, that section of the country, then it takes a lot more effort to start to have results in geographic farming. The biggest reason is trust me. And I remember getting a phone call. So and I say that because we have a client that was just starting to do geographic farming out in California. And the first card we sent out was a picture of his family. And then the second car and the third car, he gets a phone call on the third call card from a lady, he’s going to be selling her home and it’s a good price. And she said, I got your first phone postcard with your family photo. And I said, anyone with a family like that, there’s got to be trustworthy. But I waited till this last card because now I’m ready to really start to do something. So it was the first card, three postcards earlier that won her trust. Then she actually responded to a later postcard. Isn’t that cool?

[00:37:04] That’s interesting.

[00:37:05] Yeah, that is so what we do in incourt and bringing the inside reality to the outside perception and in developing this trust is interspersed personal content. Now, sometimes I talk to agents and they don’t want to promote anything personally. I say, well, do you have a Facebook page? Right. Is that not promoting things? Do you show pictures of your family and your kids? That’s right. What’s the difference if you’re showing it to the public, into the World Wide Web, why not show it into the farm where you’re trying to build trust? Yeah, that’s so true. OK, so then another way that you can buy the way you may be noticing these headings, these are the header part changes colors. And it does that because we can modify it to your branding color. I’m just kind of pointing that out. So one of the other things that we do is in taking your inside reality and making it their outside perception is start to quantify more specifically exactly what’s going on. Why should someone choose you over someone else? And there are only three reasons that a homeowner wants that homeowner will choose an agent over someone else. And ideally, all three is what they want. Can you sell my home for more money? Yeah, and less time with less hassle. OK, if you can satisfy those three, I don’t care if their brother is a real estate agent.

[00:38:39] If yours if you’re going to get them a lot more than their brother can, they’ll most likely choose you. OK, yeah. So one of the things that we do is we through this process is we then quantify and I want to show this to you so you can see kind of how to do this. We quantify the agents inside reality against the markets, inside reality, because what happens is most homeowners believe that everyone’s the same. That doesn’t make any difference. But once you can quantify and verify and specify that there is a difference, then you can start to change their perception and they always buy on perception first. So if you can make their perception that you are better, then they’re going to choose you. So why choose Bill Simpson? Because his homes get more money and sell faster. That’s what they want. Yeah. So then we say for an average sale price for home listed at three hundred thousand dollars, the market average sales price is two hundred and ninety one thousand. Bill Smithson’s average sales price is two hundred and ninety seven thousand, which is sixty three hundred dollars more for those who are listening and not just watching, I’m living off the hundred dollar marks just to simplify. So now we’re quantifying what Bill is actually gets for the same home listed at three hundred thousand versus the market. That’s pretty impressive, isn’t it?

[00:40:09] Yeah, it is.

[00:40:09] And it really helps just sort of pinpoint and narrow down what makes him different.

[00:40:17] Yes. It really does. It starts to say there is a difference between agents and Bill is a safe bet. Mm hmm. OK, then the the second thing we do is we look at average days on market. So for that home listed at three hundred thousand dollars, the average days on market for the market average is forty three days. Bill Smithson’s averages 25 days, 18 days faster sale. So now we’re proving the statement that all agents say I can get more money in less time, but now we’re taking statistical data and actually backing it up. The same thing that Claude Hopkins did, which slips before he took the very specific information and backed up the claim that there was more popular than others. So we go through and we back up the claim that our agent gets more money.

[00:41:15] And he wrote about it. Clode wrote about it.

[00:41:18] That’s right. He wrote about it. And so it’s an educational piece. And so then we write a little bit more about it. This is what we did for Bill. So and for those who are just listening, this is now the bottom of the postcard says, why choose Bill Smithson and notice that we’re reinforcing. By the way, how many times does it say Bill’s missing on this website, Web page, on this postcard? My guess, five percent by the name headline Bill’s Missing, which is Bill Simpson and Bill Simpson. Bill Simpson. OK, Bill. All right. So the other thing we’re doing is we’re making sure that the name is always remembered. It’s all these little things that grab the psychology of what causes a homeowner to choose one agent. Did I do that? I think I did the experiment with you on toothpaste branch, right? Yes, you did. So Toothpaste Brands is all about remembering a brand over another. One of the things we do to make sure our client’s brand is remembered is where quantifying why to remember them. We’re showing off your sales, explaining the secrets and all these other things, but the other thing is we’re using your name everywhere on in fact, if we went back to the address of the postcard, watch this.

[00:42:36] Bill Simpson. Bill Simpson. Bowles Simpson. Bill Simpson. Bill Simpson.

[00:42:42] Ok, so there’s a secret is all over the place and Beatty it, can I interrupt and just say that I think that that is so important for the agent because I used to be a teacher and one of one of when I was learning to teach, one of my English professors taught us that the key to memorizing something is to repeat it three times, three times. Just keep saying it’s like the power of three. Yeah. And ever since then, if I need to memorize anything, I just read it or write it three times in a row and it commits it to memory. So the fact that his name is on here multiple times, I mean, even if I didn’t know this person, if I was thinking about real estate, he’s probably the first person that would pop in my mind because I saw his name over and over.

[00:43:32] Know, that’s brilliant. You’re absolutely right. And, you know, the more times you can have your signage out there, they keep saying your name. Yeah, that’s part of the psychology behind this. I just want to bring that out. So let me show you this last thing. So what so the other thing in this this repetition, I think you hit the nail on the head. We repeat the same message over and over again on each marketing piece, but we repeat it differently on each one because the more times you consistently hear more money and less time, you know, 18 days faster, sixty three hundred dollars more, then the more it kind of sinks in and you get it. OK, so this whole paragraph at the bottom, which is Bill Smithson, because his home sale 18 days faster and get sixty three hundred dollars more money for three hundred thousand dollar home than home told by the average agent. Repeating what we just said up above. One reason is he maintains a list of over 97 buyers who want to purchase a home right now. As soon as he lists a home, he has buyers who want it and will pay top dollar. So we’re going to introduce another piece of information into the process. OK. Learn more on his website below and then we drive him back to the website.

[00:44:46] You know, as a homeowner, if I’m going to be selling my home, reading something about the agent and there how many buyers they have is going to really, really make me interested. Because when you need to sell your home, you need to sell your home and you need to sell it quickly. So knowing that he already has a list of people ready to buy is going to make me be like, OK, I need to call Bill.

[00:45:14] Yes, exactly. And and so there’s a lot of things that we found and have uncovered over time that are those keys that the homeowner is motivated on. And so through the interview process with our clients, we go through and try to identify those key points. We then wrap it into the copywriting and and make sure that those are highlighted. So now let me just ask your question. So this is self-command Diceman on this one. OK. OK, just so you know, the typical agent goes out there and just puts together a postcard. And then we get a client and we put together their postcards for them, which postcards do you think are can produce more results ours? Yeah. So back to the statement. If you think hiring a professional is expensive, try hiring an amateur here. Here’s the thing that, you know, think about this one. Sell more. Yeah. Covers all of the cost for a long time. Yeah. To do it right the first time. That’s right. And so anyway, that was just my self aggrandizement. OK, so that is marketing for Listing’s.

[00:46:35] Now. I’m looking at the clock.

[00:46:40] And unlike the preacher, I don’t have time to finish everything else, so let me share what we’re going to go through the next session, OK? The next session we’re going to go through and talk about now that we know how to market in a geographic forum for listings, how do you actually pick the right geographic farm? Because I think as we mentioned last time, you know, just like stocks, some were winners and some are losers. Yeah, the same thing happens with geographic farming. And you can’t just say, hey, I’ll pick that farm over there because that’s where I live and expect it to produce. There’s actually a formula. There’s there is a primary formula that we uncovered that pinpoints with laser accuracy the exact form you need to be going after economically. OK, and then there’s another set of I think it’s three or four. I think it’s three. Another set of three additional items that you can do to then take those that are most profitable and figure out which one you will actually perform best. And so all of this is a science and we’re going to show you that on the next session. And we’re going to also show you some other things and set some expectations on what I call geo farming fundamentals. And if we have time, I think next session will go fast enough because it’s more just saying, here’s what you do. So we’ll be able to wrap up that and also talk about expires. So before we have just a couple of minutes before we wrap this call up, not enough time to get into the next, but any questions, any comments, anything that’s rambling through your head that you like to probably clarify?

[00:48:25] Actually, nothing that I need clarification on, but I will put in a plug for those who are listening.

[00:48:33] I absolutely feel like and I’m just speaking from a consumer standpoint, what you’ve put together, Beatty and your company, I just can’t I don’t see how it could not work. So my blog is for people that are listening, that are agents that really need to ramp up their marketing. To give you a call, go to the website, check it out and and see if they can really increase. I know they can. Their sales people.

[00:49:01] I would wholeheartedly promote that plug as well.

[00:49:05] Yes. But I’m saying from a consumer standpoint.

[00:49:09] But just seeing the things that you’ve produced and put together for agents, I would absolutely call Bill Smithson before anybody else.

[00:49:20] He would be the one we would get my call for sure.

[00:49:23] Hey, let me tell you a story on that as we start to wrap up. I want to tell you two stories. Can I? Because this is really, really amazing. So we had a client that was just doing mailings into a farm. It was I think it was a thousand or twelve hundred homes and for an entire year, no results. He calls me up and he says, Beatty, can you help? And I said, Yeah, I think I can. At that time, we were just starting to this is at the very beginning of working out this three S’s formula and creating postcards to do that. So we started to implement that with him. Keep in mind, the first twelve months in that farm, nothing. OK, now he did have a leg up because they at least had been seeing him throughout the year. So we started to change the content on his postcards. And the first three months that we did that, he picked up, I think like maybe two or three listings. And then the next three months he picked up about another four listings. But by the seventh month, I think it was doing this, he was getting to come this me now phone calls every week saying, hey, Josh, you know, so the calls came out like this.

[00:50:48] So half of them were saying, hey, Josh, I’ve been getting your postcards. I’m thinking about selling. Can you come talk to me about selling my house? The other ones who are saying, Josh, I’ve been getting your postcards, my home is listed. It’s not selling. As soon as my contract expires, will you come sell my house? And I go, Yeah, that’s awesome. And so it totally turned his business around. And this test test your guestimating skills one more time, OK? When you do geographic farming, which is the most expensive because it’s your your your your your paying for printing and postage and there’s a lot more time than just throwing a piece of paper, click, add or something up online. So the return on investment with geographic farming is usually kind of low. The. He is it is steady and you can make money at it, and the longer you’re with it, the higher the ROIC goes. But would you like to guess after after that first year that we were doing business with what his ROIC and geographic farming was with us?

[00:51:58] Oh, John, investment firm.

[00:52:05] Well, my guess would be I know he made all of his money back, so whatever he spent on all of his money back would be a one to one. OK, so then I’m going to go.

[00:52:21] Or at least double that, so two to one, at least a two to one, which would be good.

[00:52:27] Oh, my God.

[00:52:28] Three to one, at least three to one, which means for every one thousand dollars he spent, he earned three thousand dollars in commissions.

[00:52:37] Yeah, I’m going to give at least three to one.

[00:52:39] Yeah, well, you’re right.

[00:52:40] At least it was OK. It was a three to one. OK, it was more. It was more. How much more?

[00:52:49] 16 to one, wow. Sixteen thousand dollars in commissions earned for every one thousand dollars invested in geographic farming. Wow. With an average sales price of about two hundred thousand dollars. My goodness. Yeah. It just out of the world results when you do it right. And they started to believe in Josh that he could sell anything. And so he started to clobber the community and dominate it.

[00:53:21] Yeah. Dominating that market for sure. And then just all the I’m just thinking like all the referrals that he would get in the future and just, you know, the constant name dropping from dominant market. That’s great.

[00:53:35] Let me tell you one other quick story and then we’ll wrap up, because in the story is teaching, and that’s what I want you to get. I’m not telling you the story simply to just kind of promote what we do, but to promote, number one, that it works. But also there’s elements of things that you or the agents are listening to us can then pull out of the story and go apply. So a tale of two farms and Los Angeles just outside of Los Angeles, California, actually.

[00:54:05] Can’t do it. Sorry, that was my timer saying we got to wrap up because I got to get to another call so I don’t have to tell the second story another time.

[00:54:14] Ok, so I’m going to write that down. Something about Los Angeles. That’s right. Los Angeles and.

[00:54:22] A 22 percent market share of a fifteen hundred home farm outselling the number two agent by seven times, going from a nobody to the number one agent in Rockit in record time, Rocketship time. And by the time the average agent is just starting to get a a pattern of getting decent sales out of a farm, this guy was already controlling 50 percent of that, half of all of the listings in that farm. Wow. This stuff will just rocket you through. So we’ll cover some of that. Remind me on the next call. Let’s wrap up let me just remind everyone, if you do have interest in hiring a professional as you are doing it as an amateur, please go to Agent Dominator dot com and you’ll see our information about Geo. You can learn more request information. Please also subscribe to our podcast, because otherwise you’ll miss out on some great stuff that we constantly put out on how to grow your business. Anything else from you, Pinny?

[00:55:22] No. Just thank you so much for joining us and thank you to all of our viewers and listeners were excited to be joining you from the comfort of our own homes and enjoying a cup of tea and just chatting all things real estate. So it’s great. And just encourage everyone to spread the word for sure.

[00:55:41] Yeah. And you mentioned from our own homes, you know, I’m I’m I’m calling from our office.

[00:55:49] That’s right. That’s right. So I guess that social distancing for the summer. So, yeah.

[00:55:56] This is in your office. Yeah. The Home Office. That’s right. All right. Well, y’all have a blessed day that this has been helpful. And we’ll see you later.

[00:56:08] That’s right. See you guys next.

[00:56:10] Next time, go by.

