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Beatty: [00:00:00.72] Well, hey, there, this is Beatty Carmichael with Get Sellers Calling You and also with Agent Dominator, and I want to do just a real quick introduction on this podcast series that we’re doing on mastering geographic farming. This is actually a podcast for coaching and training sessions that I’m doing with a friend of mine named Isaiah Colton. Isaiah runs another company called Real Estate Nexus, and they work with high end real estate agents and mastering on geographic farming. So I’m one of the participants on this coaching and training series, but there’s a lot of other great talent, and I think you’re going to get a lot out of this. This is done as a video, so if you’re listening to this by audio, do know that this is an actual video interaction. There’ll be some screen sharing and things of that sort. I think if you’re listening by audio, you should be able to pick up at least 90 percent of the content without any problem.


Beatty: [00:01:15.65] But if you do have a chance, please watch it as a video. I think you’ll get a lot out of it. So this is a four part series, and it’s everything from postcard marketing and the basic marketing premises to calling leads. And how do you call them? How do you do multichannel touches within a farm that just actually skyrocket your results? And if you actually take a look at what we do with geographic farming, with Agent Dominator, where we guarantee your number of listings and your return on investment, or we will give your money back. You’ll notice that the best practices that we base it on is what you’re actually going to learn in this marketing series. It’s not only getting a good farm, but it’s also doing good marketing through postcards, which is what we do, and then good and multichannel touches that really just increase the overall impact. So you will get a lot out of this, and I’m so excited that you’ll be watching it. Thanks for allowing us to serve you with it. And without any further ado, let me bring it on.


Isaiah: [00:02:14.21] Good. Hey, everybody. We want to thank you guys for joining us in our weekly sales and marketing mastermind call. And today we’re actually wrapping up our series called Geographical Farming and going through the 10 most common mistakes. Let’s dove in today’s topic. And like I mentioned earlier, we’re where we’re going to probably do a seven week series or longer on the topic of sales and on the topic of prospecting and sales. And the reason why is because there’s a lot of different niches and a lot of ways to attack this, this business, right? And it’s one thing to have a marketing plan, but it’s another thing to have a sales plan that goes in conjunction with your marketing plan. And my conviction, just so you guys know where this is coming from, as our industry spends a lot of time talking about bells and whistles and cool, different marketing things and cool technology, right? And we’ve kind of thrown thrown and I hate this expression. But the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to actually what converts verts and makes us money. And that’s the reality is is prospecting, follow up and selling and converting right an appointment into sales.


Isaiah: [00:03:22.10] And so one of the things that has changed my career in my life and and my ability to make an income for my family, but also to grow a business and to grow a very, very large team, both on a brokerage side and also, as you know, as we’re expanding our brokerage but also on a corporate level as the ability to be able to effectively have your sales and your marketing work together, right? So just I want to make sure this makes sense who feels the same way that I do that? There’s a lot of conversation now in the marketplace about all the different bells and whistles and all these cool tool tools and different things when it comes to a deep drill down on actually how to convert, there’s not as much conversation that’s happening out there. I just want to make sure I’m not losing my mind. I want to know if you guys agree or disagree, it’s totally cool either way. And Ron, if anyone wants to kind of chime in if this is, you know, if you agree or not, when it comes to my assessment of what’s happening in the industry right now.


Speaker3: [00:04:30.37] So I totally agree with that. You know that there’s a there’s a there’s we’re flooded with leaks. The problem is is that you get the leak and you don’t make any money because you don’t know how to convert the lead into income. And that’s the hard part, and it’s quite a science and an art. At the same time, and what we have seen is that the systems we have, we have managed to get warmer leads that than in the past, which convert them makes it a bit easier, if you will, but you still have to have that skill and that and that art of being able to divert it to it.


Isaiah: [00:05:16.48] Absolutely. And, you know, just to kind of put it out there just to get an idea of our audience, how many how many people have at least one agent or on their team or somebody on their team that’s responsible to help you convert your leads? Just by a show, a chat, OK, Donnie does, that’s great. Got a bunch of people. Awesome. And how many have you ever been frustrated because of the lack of follow up that they’ve had or the lack of conversion versus the money that you’re spending on those leads? How many, how many, how many people have been frustrated that I know as an operating manager within the brokerage and Ron, I know we’ve been, you know, we’ve we’ve had frustrations with that, right? And so it’s something that I coach and train on and on a high level, you know, I’m working with actually one of my coaching consulting clients that I’m working with one on one right now. Her name is Terry Byas, and she’s got about 200 leads a month coming in, and she’s also doing a geographical farm. So we’ve set her up on her geographical farm and her biggest. Her biggest thing right now is getting getting the agents to follow up and contact the leads and and then convert them. And so she just recently had had me trained and coach and my team member, Mark Hull, training coach and inside sales agent, to help out with that effort, but also put some standards in place and try to create a little bit of a different culture.


Isaiah: [00:06:43.61] And I want you to really hone in and write that word down. It’s a culture of prospecting and sales, and now we understand that it’s tough. It’s difficult. We’re all, you know, as an independent agent. Some people are independent, some people are on our teams. But I would submit to you is that if you’re growing a team, OK, there’s nothing more important for you and also for your team to have a have a prospecting and lead conversion culture. And we’re going to define more and more what that means and what that is about as we kind of dig in and take a deeper dove into this. But so we’re going to cover pretty much every prospecting script you can think of. We’re going to break it down, we’re going to dissect it, we’re going to talk about it, we’re going to go after it and and and have a really good, healthy dialog coming when it comes to prospecting. So a couple of things that I want to talk about just really quickly. And then we’re going to actually dove into to our script of the day. One of the things that I really, really want to just hit on that I think is so important is we have to make sure. And this might be obvious to a lot of people because we got a lot of really I’m blessed and fortunate to have have you guys as clients, we’ve got a really a lot of really great entrepreneurs here, right? So I don’t want to be captain obvious here, but it’s important as a framework to to say this right, if our business, our sales and marketing activities have to match our business plan.


Isaiah: [00:08:20.74] Ok. Our sales and marketing activities need to match. Our business plan. If we’re not because and if our business, if we have our business plan right, and let’s say we want to go to two hundred, maybe we’re at like Terry right now. She’s at two hundred transactions trying to get to 300 transactions, and we’ve had this conversation about the breaking down, the reasons why she’s not going to get to 200 transactions. And one of the things that we talk about is, OK, what’s your business plan? What’s your sales and marketing plan right to get there? Do you know how? And let’s start with this. Do you know how many leads you need? Ok. Do you know how many based on how many leads you need in your own internal conversion rate, how many appointments that’s going to turn into? And then do you know how many appointments that based on how many appointments it’s going to turn into what your show up rate’s going to be? And then what your clothes rate’s going to be? Right.


Isaiah: [00:09:20.54] And then if you’re really good, the sales doesn’t stop when it closed the way that I train it, the sale is not over until you’ve actually delivered a great experience enough to at least gotten a referral or at least ask for a referral and or gotten a testimonial from a client. That’s when you’ve actually made a sale. Like, that’s how I train it now. Obviously, from a monetary standpoint, there’s an exchange, a monetary exchange, and by definition, that’s a sale. I get that. But I want us to. I want us to think through that, that process in that pipeline and say, Hey, you know, what’s your goal? You know, so just out of just just for some interaction here, what’s your transaction goal? Ok. And I want you to seriously over the course of this prospecting and sales conversation that we’re going to have here, I really want you to take a hard look at this, OK and say, what is your what is your transaction goal? Ok, and and let’s figure this out together. Let’s figure out how many you know if you don’t already know and if you already do know if you’re willing to share your metrics, I’d love for you to put them in. But based on what your transaction goal is, how many, how many leads you need, how many new leads you need based on what’s converting in your database and what you need new coming in right and ultimately how many appointments you need to go out on between you and your team every single month based on your closing rate to hit that transaction goal.


Isaiah: [00:10:46.63] So by a show of hands, how many people would like to work and really need to hone in on that number by show hands in chat? They really, really need to hone in on that number to figure it out. Maybe just dissect it a little bit more to figure out what that number needs to be in order to make sure that their sales and marketing activities match their actual goal. Ok. So I want to throw that question out there, how many people need to really hone in on that and then on the reverse, yes, Isaiah, I know my numbers type that in. If you know your numbers are ready and you’re way ahead of this conversation, you can type that in there too. Ok, so. Tammy says me, Mary says I do OK. I need to double up to one hundred to 100 transactions. Ok. That’s fair. So I have a worksheet that’s going to help us kind of walk through this conversation. All right, because at the end of the day, the reality is is we got to make sure that our prospecting in our sales activities match right match that goal, right? And it’s a huge, huge part of what we’re doing.


Isaiah: [00:11:58.03] So I just want to encourage you to look at that. We’re going to talk more about that next time, but it’s really super important and we have this really cool calculator tool that we’re going to. We’re going to give to you. We’re going to talk about next week. Once it’s done, that will you can plug in your transaction goal, how much money you want to make. All right. And plug in your ratios and it’ll actually tell you how many appointments you need for the year. It’ll break it down and tell you exactly how many appointments that you need to generate a year and how many presentations you need to do to actually hit your transaction goal. And now you can really hone in on that right and get super focused on on that goal. And the reason why I bring this up is because I’ve met with, you know, small agents, you know, agents just getting going and agents that are super successful. And you’d be surprised how many of them haven’t thought through this in a while. And so it’s really, really, really important. And then and then saying, OK, what’s my plan of attack rate? How many, how many deals do I think I can draw out of my database and my so.I right? And then and then from there say, OK, what are the niches I need to go after geographical farming? Right? Being one of them, internet leads being another one.


Isaiah: [00:13:10.54] And now now we go at it and now we now we have fun with it. And so leading into that, we’re going to start off talking about geographical farming, breaking down the psychology of that as being one of the one of the the listing or one of the ways that we we’re going to draw more listings. And what I would encourage you guys to do, I know we have, you know, agents that don’t want to get more listings because you just you like working with buyers and some that are looking to get more on the listing side of the business. But my recommendation when you build out your business plan and you’re focusing on prospecting is that you think about a ratio of seventy five to twenty five. Right. So it’s hard, real hard in this market, real hard in this market. But seventy five percent of your business shooting for that as a no be on the listing side and then twenty five percent on the sales side and trying to trying to work towards that number. And the reason why is because of efficiency and maximizing maximizing your time and opportunity costs. I want you to write that down. We don’t think about this a lot in this industry, but I want you to think about this. It’s your your your time and opportunity cost is probably the most expensive.


Speaker3: [00:14:27.26] Um.


Isaiah: [00:14:28.81] Or it’s probably the most costly expense that you have in your business outside of maybe some marketing and other things. And so I want to open it up a little bit. Ron, what do I mean by time and opportunity cost when it comes to revenue generating activities, right versus activities that don’t make money?


Speaker3: [00:14:48.70] Well, when you look at if you’re seventy five percent is a listener. Twenty five percent of a buyer. Well, some of your listings are going to turn into buyers. They sell their house, they buy a house. But with all those buyers that are in the market, we’ll just use our New York market right now where you have more buyers for every single listing than you could possibly want to have. Think about the amount of time that you have to spend writing offers showing property to one buyer, let alone twenty five percent of your your business generated from buyers. Think of all the buyers that you’re going to spend all that. How are you possibly going to be able to maintain that listing inventory of seventy five percent? So the important thing is to think of this, get a buyer’s agent. Let’s let them do the work of the for the buyers. You work with your listings and your clients, your sellers who become buyers. And believe me, when I tell you the revenue stream, you’ll generate just from having a buyer’s agent. And again, they’re they’re doing all of that legwork. You know, you have got to oversee them or what have you. But we just experienced it ourselves actually yesterday. We have an amazing agent who who works heavily with buyers who is so stressed out. We really thought that he was a drop off. He was in a lot of trouble yesterday.


Isaiah: [00:16:16.20] He’s so out of balance.


Speaker3: [00:16:17.77] We did a recon to try to revive this guy. And I’ll tell you if it’s so sad because he’s


Isaiah: [00:16:25.21] A successful agent to right around, like, very successful. But he ended up working with so many buyers. He’s going to he literally the stutter. His voice was scary. Oh, he got stutter and his voice is scary.


Speaker3: [00:16:37.09] But his his main thrust was buyers, and he lost track of the fact that if I have listings, they’re going to sell quickly and I move to the next listing. I’ve always said this if you can have anywhere from eight to 10 well priced in, good condition and a good location listing in your portfolio at any given time, you will do $6 million a year and just think of all the time you’ll have to yourself. And people don’t look at it that way. You don’t need thirty five listings, but 10 at a time you sell for get four or more. And the only way you’re going to do that is have a plan, marketing plan, prospecting plan. The only way you’re going to do it, if you’re chasing buyers, if you’re running buyers all over the community, trying it and writing off or is only going to get that one, we didn’t get down, we got beat out, we got beat off the market all over our country. Yeah, look at the time you’re spending and then you end up like, cuckoo, it definitely it’ll it’ll wear you down, burn you out.


Isaiah: [00:17:37.72] Does anyone feel like that right now in this market? Want to open up to people in the chat? Do you guys, you guys feeling that way where you’re just like, Hey, look, I got to get more listings because I’m running buyers all over the place? Is anyone else feeling that way like one of our agents was that is in our brokerage? Yeah. Janet Hulse is absolutely feeling that way. Totally. And and I’m telling you what I’m you know, the reason why we’re bringing this conversation up because it is a it is a pain point and it’s real. Tami says Yes, 7+ offers on everything. Wow.


Speaker3: [00:18:11.89] Wow. Yeah. Jamie.


Isaiah: [00:18:14.02] Yeah, absolutely. And so why, you know, so why? Why are we having this conversation? Because you’re prospecting and marketing plan. If you look at how we position you, we really that’s why we really feel the geographical farm is so important to get really good at right and to go after, and it steps us out of our comfort zone a lot. Let’s be real about it, right? It’s going to challenge our mindset. This conversation, if we’re being real about it, it’s going to challenge our mindset. It’s going to challenge her attitude and and it’s going to maybe help us look at things from a different perspective, which is not always easy, right? It’s not always easy to do, but I’m asking us to have an open mind that if we’re willing to push through that and get through maybe some of the barriers of what it takes to go after the listing side of the business a little bit more if we’re not already there, OK of what the rewards can be. And here’s the thing. Doing more business should not mean sacrificing your personal freedom. I want you to write that down. Ok? Doing more business should not mean. That are always has to sacrifice your personal freedom. And that could play out into all different things time with your kids charity. Right? The things we want to do with our church hobbies, whatever your motives are. You know, I’m a little bit of a different creature because I actually enjoy working eighty to one hundred hours a week. I like it. And my wife puts up with it, thank God.


Isaiah: [00:19:52.89] But I also have good balance. I have barriers that are in place, so I’m not a good example of a probably. But when it comes to your personal freedom, if I would submit to you that if you get good at prospecting and you really hone your marketing plan in by attracting. Listings trying to attract more listings. Ok, then you’re going to be able to do more business and still maintain that personal freedom. All right. And so not always easy. And things go in phases. They really, really do. Here’s what it’s going to break down to prospecting. It’s going to break down to three different things to master the art and science of developing what I call a listing machine. Ok, so is three things your skill level, both from you and and with throughout your organization. That’s barrier number one. Barrier number two is your process. So remember, I’m going to hear me say this all the time. People process and tools. The second thing is the frequency of which you are actually doing the activities or your team is doing the activities to get more listings and to draw more listings. So people process, right? And then the actual tools, how effective you’re utilizing the tools that we’ve given you right, and that you’ve opted in to choose to use to help you give that leverage to convert. Right. So just remember if there’s any time that you’re ever not, something’s not working. It’s it’s it’s actually more simple and not as complicated in business as we make it out to be.


Isaiah: [00:21:32.62] The reason why it’s not working, it’s either the people, it’s the process or the tools, and it’s the same thing as we dove into marketing and sales. And when we talk about actually diving into geographical farming. So frequency is a huge thing. You know, skill levels, a huge thing and making sure that you have the right tools in place and that you’re using those tools to make constant contact, right? Over and over and over again, right? Really, really big things now that we have that foundation. Let’s get into the number of contacts that we should be making a day. All right. So when when you look at the size of your database, you know how many data leads you have in your database, how many outreach reaches, should we be making a day? And we’ve probably all heard a lot of a lot of this training, maybe as far as outreach is in context, but I don’t know if we’re honest. We got to do it right. We got to take action. And we’ve got to do it, so what’s realistic goal when it comes to prospecting, whether it be through a geographical farm or pick, another lead source doesn’t matter whatever you feel comfortable with. What’s a realistic goal that you can commit to or that you can have somebody on your team commit to to make in contacts a day? And so obviously, I’ve, you know, I’ve done this training a lot, I know it’s worked for our brokerage. Everyone’s situation’s a little bit different, right? What’s a realistic goal for you and whatever you’re willing to commit to if it’s zero zero? Ok, but if you’re buying into this at all, right, what are what are you willing to commit to as far as contacts a day? Moving forward here after we’ve had this conversation, what’s realistic goal, drop it in the chat.


Isaiah: [00:23:25.02] Ok, we’d love to hear what you’re willing to commit to. All right. And we want to be able to help out with that and help you track your results and help you overcome maybe some of the obstacles you might run into along the way. So what are you willing to commit to? That’s the question. And then we’re going to actually dove into what’s going to hold us back and stop us from doing this? Ok, so. Let’s talk about actually geographical farming. Ok, so 10 a day, great, awesome. Thank you, Tammy. That’s awesome. Donnie says Are you talking about contacts in general, specific sphere of influence or or new contacts? Donnie, that’s a great question. I like to break it down into two different buckets. How many contacts are people that you know? And if you’re paying for leads, especially right, how many contacts through people that you have not met? I think it’s important to have a good balance. And that does anyone want to chime in there on that conversation on the on that balance that between contacting people in your sphere and leads that maybe you’re paying for or new leads coming in what that should look like, Christina, could you could you maybe chime in on that?


Speaker3: [00:24:45.96] I’m sure of when you’re when you’re looking at the number of of leads. I mean, it depends on a lot of times on the lead source to and the type of leads that that you’re working. Yep. I mean, I feel like we go through about, you know, anywhere from three to four hundred a day, but actually connecting with them and having a conversation with them could be more along the lines of 20 to 30. Having a good conversation with them.


Isaiah: [00:25:22.88] Yeah, so I would that would be my recommendation, too, is that try to try to get up to 30 to 40 contacts a day as a rule of thumb is if you look at all the top producers that are really that are really drawing a good amount of business, both from there have not met and there have met and are crushing it. They kind of they try to get to that 40 number as many times as possible. But at the same time, I I’m a I’m a proponent of just starting with something starting with with one thing, one commitment, even if it’s 10 15. And then sticking with that commitment, it’s absolutely huge. So, Jonathan, from a technology standpoint, right? Just to quickly give people a glimpse, maybe we could show them the best way to sort and maybe they already know, but just I don’t want to assume anything to sort through and pull up there. Have there have not Mets in their geographical farming needs versus the ones that are in there. So I, you know, I’d like to maybe just do a quick technical, you know, look at how they pull those up as I’m kind of transitioning here into the script. Ok, sure. Give me one second here and I’ll pull it up in just a moment. Yep. And so a couple of things that are important when it comes to prospecting. We talked about last week, and I’m going to reiterate what we talked about. We talked about last week the importance of and we’re going to do a little quiz here, the importance of scripting versus tone. Ok, which one is more important to script you’re using or your tone? Drop it in the chat.


Isaiah: [00:26:57.23] Which one’s more important script or tone? Little pop quiz? Ok. What’s more important? Both button. I love it, Janet. Both Fatone. Absolutely, absolutely. So I have some really interesting responses from a private Facebook group. I’m a part of that. I think you guys are going to enjoy. But just remember that 15, only 15 to 16 percent of your results when it comes to prospecting is actually what you’re saying. Ok. The rest is how you say it. It’s the tone, it’s the pace, it’s the hesitation, it’s the modulation. Our industry as a whole has it backwards because the reality is is there’s tons of scripts out there that work, right. The framework is there. But what do we do? We get the script. We want to change it. Forty two times, right? And and we want to keep changing the script and we want to keep changing the script and we want to keep changing the script. So when we train new agent or our new prospector, that’s come on board with us. What we do is the first step is memorization. So whatever script that you use and we’re going to give you some samples when it comes to using scripts for we’re going to you’re going to have samples of each script if you don’t have them already. But the biggest thing is the first step is as if you have a team member like, you know, I love Janet said. You have a team member that’s going to work on this with you. Ok. But the first step is making sure that you memorize and internalize that script.


Isaiah: [00:28:26.60] Ok. The biggest problem we have is we are thinking about what we’re going to say. When we’re on the call. All right. And how much does my wife love? When I’m not engaged in a conversation and I’m thinking about something else, if she’s talking to me, how much she loves that she hates it, right? She hates it because she knows I’m not really listening. And this is what happens. We start talking over. We’re disconnected from the conversation. We’re not hearing what they’re saying, and it’s virtually impossible to use our active listening skills when we’re prospecting over the phone or even in person if we have to think about what we’re going to say next. It’s very, very difficult. So people asking you, why are you telling me to become a scriptwriter? No, it’s not what I’m telling you. What I am saying, though, is the general guiding principles on that script and your main objections and what you’re going to say to be really effective at lead conversion and to help your team be effective at it. It’s art and science of this coming together to to get to the point where you don’t have to think. About what you’re going to say. It’s called unconscious competence, right, where you can get to the point where you’re so good you don’t know and it takes time, right? That comes that comes with time and repetition, and that’s why it goes back to our process. Ron, if we only prospect once every other week and make 10 calls, right, are we ever going to get to the point of unconscious competence?


Speaker3: [00:29:55.06] No, you got to practice.


Isaiah: [00:29:56.80] It’s not going to happen. All right. As my grandmother used to say, Isaiah, you’re not fooling anybody else but yourself. She’s telling me that all the time, right? So you’re only fooling yourself, right? So and that’s why our activities have to match our goals, right? Or else we’re just fooling ourselves. Right. And so it comes with repetition. It all kind of plays together. And so this first step here is so important it’s just to make sure that you whatever script that you’re using or guide if you don’t want to call it a script, right? Make sure you get that internalized. Then what happens? Then what happens is once you have a general idea of how you’re going to what you’re going to say on that type of lead, then the creativity and your personality comes out, right? Nobody wants to hear a freaking robot, right? Nobody wants to hear a robot and then nobody wants to talk to somebody that’s not paying attention to what they’re saying, right? And that’s and that’s what happens on the opposite extremes. We have one extreme where we have no script and they’re just winging it, right? And they’re not really connected. They’re not connected to anything because they’re just winging it. And we have the other one extreme that’s it’s very, very robotic. And the art and science is bringing the two together. And so that’s the first step is memorization and then internalization and then making sure that you’re coming across very natural. How do you do that? Get a role play partner like we talked about and making sure that you’re constantly giving each other feedback? All right.


Beatty: [00:31:35.29] You’re listening to the Get Sellers Calling You podcast to increase sales from past clients and sphere of influence or from a geographic farm, learn about Agent Dominator. We guarantee your sales in writing or give your money back. To learn more, visit our website at Get Sellers Calling You and select Agent Dominator from the menu. And now back to the podcast.


Isaiah: [00:31:57.02] I have a really great scorecard. Mark, I don’t know if you can find this quick. All right. I want to give you guys a scorecard that we use to measure our effectiveness when we’re prospecting internally. All right, who wants that scorecard? Is anyone anyone want to check it out? Quick, Mark? I don’t know how quickly we can pull it up and maybe drop in clerk and drop it and hang out. If you guys can pull that scorecard up. But what’s that? Janet wants it.


Speaker4: [00:32:25.13] All right, I’m looking. Worst case scenario, I get it out to him, but I’m looking.


Isaiah: [00:32:28.65] Yeah. So basically what the scorecard does is it breaks down the key components of a successful prospecting call, and it gives you an opportunity to kind of grade yourself to produce your own score on a scale one to 10. So, for example, building a rapport and qualifying is the first score how well you built value is the second score. How well you create a desire to take the appointment in urgency is the third score. How well you trial closed and assumed the appointment is the second score, or sorry, the fourth score. And then how well you overcame the objections. All right. Is the fifth score and then tracking your metrics and your mindset are the sixth and seventh score. Right. And so it’s a really great tool, and I want to share a story with you because this this stupid little piece of paper, it’s not stupid. That’s wrong word, because it’s awesome piece of paper. Saved me, it literally saved me, so when I first got into real estate and I started, I invested into a brokerage and basically I was the operating manager is my responsibility to figure out how to get appointments out to the agents. And we were struggling really bad. We were struggling because we were spending a ton of money on leads, lots of money on leads and what was happening. Nobody was calling them on time and I got frustrated. So I said, Screw it, I’m going to make some calls.


Isaiah: [00:34:06.30] And and what happened is I didn’t have anybody to coach me. I didn’t know I was at the point where I just put a ton of money into this brokerage and I’m not going to. And I just didn’t have a budget at that time to go and hire a coach. And so I developed this little scorecard method to to be a self coaching mechanism because it’s just me. At this point, nobody else is prospecting with me. And what I would do is routinely take this scorecard and after each call, just take a minute, just take one minute and go through the scorecard and and and just say, OK, this is what I could have done. This is what I could have done. And it’s called the Kaizen principle. If you want to write this down, pop in this chat. Ok, I call this the Kaizen principle and the background on this principle. For those of you that haven’t heard of it, I believe it comes from Asia, particularly. I think it might actually actually it might be China, China where they develop this. What’s that Japan? Japan? Thank you. Thank you, Ron. So we’re basically they they developed this mechanism where they they would ask themselves two questions constantly what went well and what can I do better? And they constantly answer, ask those questions. And so I built that principle into this scorecard.


Isaiah: [00:35:21.87] And so what ended up happening? I went from being absolutely miserable at prospecting and horrible at it, OK to to within a very short period of time being able to call an appointment. Are being able to overcome some, some some objections, get the appointment the same day and Ron’s experience this actually and then have a listing agent go out on that appointment. And get the listing within 24 to 48 hours, right, where you can get an appointment the same day. And and there’s a whole lot in there we’re going to unpack, but my goal for you and your team, whoever is going to be doing this is to feel so confident when you’re prospecting that it’s not. It’s never fun, right? Per say, but you know what to expect and and you become deadly because you can almost predict your income and predict your results. And so with that framework in mind, we’ll get you that scorecard. Cool. We got some. Oh, cool. Thank you, Donnie, for the it’s been a long time since I’ve read up on the guys in principle. So that’s cool. We’ll check that out for sure. I love it. So with that in mind? All right. When we’re when we’re prospecting. Just check out that scorecard. See if it works for you. If it’s not that scorecard, develop some sort of mechanism where you got you got some self-reflection.


Isaiah: [00:36:52.97] So if your goal is to make 10 contacts. This is an example of a journal. Ok? A sales journal that each one of our team members keeps. Ok. And basically what it does is it’s a little process. It’s a checklist here, and it helps us keep the contact zone in here. Ok? You can see the contacts, our priorities, and then here we do the evaluation on what went well and what we can do different. And we do that every single day. Now I want you to imagine if you and your team did that every single day, right? Committed to how many contacts did this evaluation process? And you did that every single day. What would happen to your organization? Right, or at least more consistently, what would happen to the number of transactions that you could do? How exciting would that be? Where can I get the book? Great question. I’ll send you a link to where we order them. Ok? And you know what, Jonathan? For everyone who joined this, who? Everyone who’s on here right now that’s committed to this call, OK, I’m going to give you guys, I’m going to buy one for you guys for free. Ok, so let’s record who’s going to be on on this, I want to get them one of these. I want to pay for one of these for free. You’ll have to be on here. What’s that?


Speaker3: [00:38:14.21] I will come up with a way. We got to make sure we get their actual addresses so we can mail it to them, right?


Isaiah: [00:38:19.25] Yes, absolutely. Ok, so so how about this if you want to free sales journal? Ok, if you want a free sales journal, put your address in the chat. If you want a free journal, how about this? I don’t know. Or is there another way you can think of? Yes. Send your details to support. That’s much


Speaker3: [00:38:37.67] Better. That way, we can track it.


Isaiah: [00:38:40.28] Thank you, Janet. Already put hers in. Thank you, Janet. But yeah, go to support. Ok. And you’re welcome, Tammy. Appreciate you guys, so yeah, definitely give us a. Give us a two week turnaround and it’ll be it’ll be in your mailbox. Ok, or at your at your front door or whatever, whatever it may be. All right. These are unbelievable, though. Unbelievable tool. So where was I? What were what were we just talking about? I just lost my train of thought. Ok, so we were talking about we’re talking about tracking our results and the difference in what that can mean to us. All right. So let’s dove into the let’s dove into a script now. All right. Let’s talk about the script and mark. What I want you to do is do some role play with Christina and doesn’t matter. You know, I don’t really want to focus as much on the script right now is as much as tone right and and walking through how to make a geographical phone call. By the way, I want to state this even though we’re talking about geographical farming. If you’re not used to prospecting, do not start with geographical farming. Ok. If you haven’t done prospecting or in your life, do not start with geographical farming unless unless they’re in your queue. They’ve been interacting with you in our in the Database Pro service, and they’re ranked hot. You might want to start with those if they’ve been interacting, but I’m just sharing with you. It’s probably not the lead you want to start with because you’ll you’ll be just disjointed. It’s like it’s like a bad breakup with a with a boyfriend or a girlfriend, and you’re like, I never want to date again, right? So that’s that might be the type of experience you have if you start with geographical farming because it does take a little bit of a different skill level. Would you guys agree with that mark?


Speaker4: [00:40:31.87] Oh, yeah, absolutely.


Isaiah: [00:40:33.29] Comes to circle circle prospecting, right? Mm hmm. So, so and here’s the thing we’re going to go after. We’re going to go over different types of scripts, right? So we’re going to do a circle prospecting script. We’re going to do a pure cold call script. And then in other sessions, we’re going to go through what it sounds like to do like an open house script, right? And so Mark and Christina will circle back on what order we want to do that and each segment of these of this training in between weeks so that you guys have an opportunity to calibrate. But I want to hit the geographical farming from different perspectives. So Kristina, whatever whatever one you feel the most comfortable with right now is what we can role play. Ok, we’ll do that for like the next 10 15 minutes and then open up for some Q&A.


Speaker4: [00:41:26.09] Ok. I’ll be your homeowner whenever you’re ready. Unless you want it to be it, I say, you know.


Isaiah: [00:41:30.98] Go ahead, Mark. Beautiful.


Speaker3: [00:41:34.30] Ring ring, ring ring. Yeah, hello. Hi, is this Mark?


Speaker4: [00:41:40.36] Yeah, it was this.


Speaker3: [00:41:41.71] Oh hi, Mark, this is Chris. I’m giving you a call from Ron Massa’s real estate office. How are you doing today?


Speaker4: [00:41:48.73] I’m good. What’s going on?


Speaker3: [00:41:51.49] Well, I’m calling because we’ve been seeing a lot of homes sold in your area, and it’s actually sparked a lot of interest from other buyers as well. And you know, we’re just curious maybe if if you or anyone you know, has considered selling their home in the near future?


Speaker4: [00:42:13.78] No, I haven’t. No, I mean, nobody that nobody that’s really talked about it. Maybe actually, you know what? There was there was a one, one gentleman down the street from me that tried to sell his home a while back. So I do know that one, but I don’t I don’t have any family. We’re probably at least a couple of years out. You know, personally, we’re not really in the mode right now. You know, selling, you said homes have been selling lately.


Speaker3: [00:42:47.51] Yeah. You know, it’s it’s really they’re selling at a historical record and in your area. It’s amazing and we just have buyers that they want to live where you are. I’m sure you’ll understand why. It’s it’s a nice spot. And you know, we’re even even if it’s a few years out, we’d love the opportunity to, you know, be able to maybe reach back out to you. Kind of keep you informed on upcoming events that are going on in the market. And and, you know, if there is any interest sooner rather than later, you know, at least you have our information and and can reach back out. And you said you said somebody a couple couple of doors down had tried to sell a few years ago then.


Speaker4: [00:43:42.23] Well, I saw I mean, I have seen that one was probably, you know, within the past six months, and there has been other others that have sold generally, just not on our street. No one’s put it up, but I know in the general general neighborhood there’s been some, you know, some signs up and I just don’t pay all that close attention because it hasn’t it hasn’t been, you know, in our wheelhouse.


Speaker3: [00:44:06.48] No, no, no. But hey, you’re you’re you’re right there so that a little bit of information is extremely helpful. It sounds like maybe it was a for sale by owner sign that you saw pop up of over there. Like it wasn’t one of the official listing signs.


Speaker4: [00:44:24.77] No, it was. It looked like it was a regular brokerage site.


Speaker3: [00:44:27.50] Oh, OK. Ok, well, perfect. I you don’t happen to remember the the guy’s name or number of the house to you.


Speaker4: [00:44:37.07] Yeah, actually, it’s the I mean, it’s the Red House down the street from me. I think it’s, I don’t know, 27.


Speaker3: [00:44:45.03] Ok. Seven. I’m going to have to get out my my detective skills and see what I can come up with. Well, yeah,


Isaiah: [00:44:51.90] So I’ll just stop. You guys are one of the things when it comes to geographical farming is it’s it’s an in and out type of thing too. Like unless you’re develop some good rapport with them and you got some commonality, you think that it could turn into a relationship down the road. You’ve got to be careful how much time we’re spending on per call because we want to make sure we get so we got an hour to get through 20 contacts. We’re going to make sure that we get through them, right? And so, you know, I totally respect where Christine is going. She’s doing a phenomenal job. And I think you’re starting to sense is this is this a waste of time or is this where am I going with? This is kind of what I felt. You’re you’re starting to sense, right? And and that’s totally cool. It’s just understand the balance between, OK, is this person interested in selling? Do they know anybody that’s really interested in selling? If not, I got to move on. Right? Does that make sense to everybody? Say hi. Right? Does that make sense?


Speaker4: [00:45:44.19] So can I add one thing, Isaiah?


Isaiah: [00:45:48.18] Yeah, go ahead. Yeah.


Speaker4: [00:45:49.23] The reason that she goes in and does not ask me directly if I’m trying to sell again is by design. Because when you call a geo and you ask them if they’re interested in selling super evasive,


Isaiah: [00:46:01.05] You get totally different answer.


Speaker4: [00:46:02.63] Yeah, totally different answer. So you what you’re trying to get out of that go call is and I didn’t I didn’t bite on that one because I just wanted to have a regular conversation. We could do another one that shows what we’re trying to get out of that question. So I apologize. Maybe it went a little bit different direction on that one.


Isaiah: [00:46:18.45] So, oh, that’s totally fine. We do it.


Speaker3: [00:46:20.82] Yeah, I want you. I was picking up two leads at once there. So yeah, that’s right.


Isaiah: [00:46:26.76] So, so I know I love the strategy. That’s how I that’s how I do it as well, Mark, is that if you go in and you’re trying to hit that person direct, you’re going to get a totally different response and probably lose out an opportunity, you know, to your point on somebody else that might be selling in the neighborhood, right? So cool. Let’s start it from top, Christina.


Speaker4: [00:46:46.08] Yep, and this is what it’s designed to do right here with somebody who is roughly in the wheelhouse of maybe this coming season. Yep.


Isaiah: [00:46:53.22] You know, Donny said, this is better than Twilight.


Speaker3: [00:46:56.22] Yeah, I’m scared. I’m not sure what he means, but I don’t know either. Is that good or bad, Donny? Yeah.


Isaiah: [00:47:05.85] Cool. Well, while Dani responds, Well, very good. Ok, very


Speaker3: [00:47:09.42] Good. Ok, thank you.


Isaiah: [00:47:11.40] So let’s have some fun with it, right? Ok. You know what, Ron? Oh, we’re going to go. We’re going to go Ron house. Ryan’s going to be the seller.


Speaker3: [00:47:20.19] Oh, come on. Ryan’s going to be the seller.


Isaiah: [00:47:22.83] And then after that, Beatty is going to be the seller. And then after that, I’m


Speaker3: [00:47:26.76] Going to be the seller. We’re going to be there. I do to deserve this. Ok.


Isaiah: [00:47:33.63] Hold on. And, you know, we might we might we might, we might give you a break and maybe Mark can prospect a little bit and I can prospect too. We’ll see how it goes.


Speaker4: [00:47:42.81] Yeah, it’s been old time since I’ve been with Ron. I wouldn’t mind shooting Ron. I know, I know he’s going to slam the door by face, but all right.


Speaker3: [00:47:52.86] Yeah.


Speaker4: [00:47:54.39] All right. I’ll give Ron a shot.


Speaker3: [00:47:55.98] Go ahead! Say, Are you going, OK?


Speaker4: [00:47:57.39] Yeah, give. I’ll give you a break. I’ll do one. And then you do one. So OK.


Isaiah: [00:48:00.26] Ok, cool. So Ron is going to go. Mark’s going to go with Ron.


Speaker4: [00:48:02.97] Yep. I’ll go with Ron. So.


Speaker3: [00:48:05.79] Ring ring. Yeah. Hello. Is this Ron? Yeah. Who’s this?


Speaker4: [00:48:11.64] Hi, Ron. This is Mark Howell calling with RH Realty here in Rochester. I just want to give you a quick call. We’ve been seeing homes move really well in the in the neighborhood and just wanted to reach out and chat with you because we see homes moving so well because of low inventory and low interest rates. Just kind of wondering if he, you know, if you knew anybody that might be thinking of selling in the area at all our family.


Speaker3: [00:48:37.77] I don’t. I’m not selling my house. How did you get my phone number?


Speaker4: [00:48:41.25] Oh yeah, it wasn’t talking about you directly. I get these things from I look around kind of in a geographical area where we see people selling the most, you know, and homes, homes going above market value. So just checking with homeowners to see if they know anybody, if, if, if you’re not interested in talking personally, that’s fine. I mean, you haven’t really thought about selling your home at all, then, huh?


Speaker3: [00:49:03.24] No, I haven’t my neighbor down the street, though he’s talking about it. Oh yes, which one? I don’t know the guy down the street. I don’t know him that well.


Speaker4: [00:49:10.68] Oh, gotcha. You don’t mind if I ask Cutler House.


Speaker3: [00:49:14.32] Yeah, in a greenhouse gas greenhouse. Ok, let’s just grab either.


Speaker4: [00:49:18.78] He’s never cut this grass, so you need you need somebody in there, huh? That that keeps it nicer for you.


Speaker3: [00:49:24.30] Yeah, I’d like that. I’d like that a lot. All right.


Speaker4: [00:49:27.27] You don’t have to have a first name on that gentleman, do you?


Speaker3: [00:49:29.64] Yes, stupid. I don’t like this guy. Ok. All right.


Speaker4: [00:49:33.75] Well, Ron, I really appreciate it. I’m going to reach out to stupid and see if we can get that grass cut and get him moved out of there. All right.


Speaker3: [00:49:39.53] Yeah, thanks. Have a nice day.


Speaker4: [00:49:40.69] Thank you, buddy. Appreciate it.


Isaiah: [00:49:43.47] Yeah. And from a mindset standpoint, it’s really, really important to understand that this is a frequency game, right? When you’re doing geographical farming, it’s a frequency game. And that’s why we recommend letting the technology do some of the work, right? So if you go into your system, if you had people that have been interacting with your emails, if you have the hot ranked leads sitting in there when when it comes to geographical farming, when you, you know, what am I texting like any, any sort of interacting you’re getting, those are the those are the targets. And Jonathan, what’s our client’s name? Bill, you’re right. So are you familiar with his strategy? I can explain it. I just wonder if you’re familiar with it. I know he is one of the most diligent cold


Speaker3: [00:50:30.63] Callers out there.


Isaiah: [00:50:31.50] He is a master of building rapport. Literally, you give that guy 30 seconds on the phone with anybody he’s talking to. He’s on a first name basis. And that really,


Speaker3: [00:50:39.09] I mean, that’s not the core


Isaiah: [00:50:40.59] Of his strategy, but that’s one of his strongest suits. And I know he does have a really strong he does


Speaker3: [00:50:45.36] Multiple


Isaiah: [00:50:46.05] Calls, three to five calls


Speaker3: [00:50:47.19] To every single lead we give to him, and that’s how he really maximizes what he’s been doing with


Isaiah: [00:50:51.54] Us. Yeah, he follows the eight to 12 touch principle overall, where he makes sure three to five of them are himself and then technology does the rest. So what he’ll do is he’ll he he’ll wake up in the morning, he’ll open up his dashboard and then he’ll look at who’s interacting with the emails, all right, and who’s ranked hot. And that’s who he calls. And he commits to making twenty contacts on his geographical farming and then or his have nots for other leads to. And then he makes 20 calls on his throughout the rest of his database. And that’s his process. And he closed over 10 transactions last year on on the geographical leads using using that method and an average sales price point of, I think, over like three hundred or three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. So you can do the math on 10 transactions, what he made, what he made just by just by committing to that, to that process. And that’s not including any buyer transactions. He got off those listings and any referrals. So total, if you added all of that in, he ended up doing around 15 17 transactions just off off of that method. So. Cool. Who wants to go next?


Speaker3: [00:52:09.74] What I have is Beatty up next.


Isaiah: [00:52:12.17] Yeah. Beatty is going to be the seller, Beatty is going to


Speaker3: [00:52:15.68] Be the seller. Ok, baby,


Isaiah: [00:52:17.42] I can tell you it’s going to be a real prick. I can just tell.


Speaker3: [00:52:19.62] Like, I don’t know, nobody beats Ron. Just look at Ron. He’s like, I


Beatty: [00:52:23.81] Don’t think I could be worse than Ron.


Speaker3: [00:52:26.08] Yeah, yeah. From experience, real experience, I’ve heard these things. He’s absolutely right. And and, you know, just one of the one.


Isaiah: [00:52:40.28] I just saw that like, that was my street. He’s the man in the Green House. Yeah, the man of the green,


Speaker4: [00:52:47.06] One of the you guys. When you get somebody that comes out, you’re like, Ron does where he’s going to hit, you know, he’s going to hit you hard. I find a really good way of dealing with that is assume the No. That’s why I went right after him and I said, you know, you’re not interested in selling your house at all. And something came out of that because I was assuming that, you know, I wasn’t putting any pressure on him giving me a yes about anything. I was assuming the no against him. You’re not thinking about selling your house and then he comes out with his neighbor, you know, because I made it comfortable for a guy that’s not about to give you any information.


Speaker3: [00:53:16.70] That’s smart. Yeah. And depending on how many times they’ve been touched through the other technology, you know, it’s going to determine how cold or warm it is and and you have to almost tiptoe in. And if anything, at least get the agent you know your name or the agent’s name. And in our case, in front of someone another time, you know, get the name in the brokerage out there. So that Mark was not intimidated at all. That was so good. He kept his cool. He just he knew it was just going to be a short conversation. And actually, when I hung up, I wasn’t mad at him. Call him no at all. I mean, he kept his cool and I didn’t feel bad at all.


Isaiah: [00:54:00.11] Yeah. And because he’s not really prospecting you directly, either. So that’s it’s harder to be mad at that, right? So good. Awesome. All right, Beatty.


Speaker3: [00:54:10.52] All right. Ready. Yes. Ok. Ring Ring. Hello, this is Beatty. Oh, hi, Beatty. This is Chris. And I was just giving you a quick call from Ron. Mazdas Real Estate Office. How are you today?


Beatty: [00:54:24.59] I’m doing fine.


Speaker3: [00:54:27.47] What are you selling? I was going to say, You’re probably wondering why I’m calling you sound a little confused. I confused. Sound like a telemarketer, so I’ll give you a minute. Oh my goodness, that is the last thing I want is the truth. That’s the truth.


Isaiah: [00:54:41.48] That’s all here, though.


Speaker3: [00:54:42.60] That’s that’s the last thing I want to sound like. Beatty. I apologize. I’m actually I’m just giving you a quick call because we we’ve actually seen a lot of houses sell in your neighborhood and and we have so many buyers and we’re just wondering if you knew of anybody in the neighborhood or possibly even yourself that are considering selling the house right now.


Beatty: [00:55:07.13] I’m not. I just bought this one a few years back, but there is someone down the road that’s talking about selling.


Speaker3: [00:55:14.70] Ok. Ok. Fantastic. You wouldn’t happen to know the people’s first name, anything, any information that might help.


Beatty: [00:55:24.15] I think it’s 23 08. Ok. And I think her first name is Carol.


Speaker3: [00:55:29.04] Carol Beatty that that is very, very helpful. I appreciate that and and thank you so much for your time, and I’m going to have to work on not sounding so telemarketing, you know? Well, you sound like a


Beatty: [00:55:41.22] Telemarketer only because I don’t know you, and therefore it must be a sales call.


Speaker3: [00:55:47.67] Ok, that’s fair. Well, Beatty, thanks. I appreciate the honest feedback too. And the information. You’re welcome.


Isaiah: [00:55:57.87] Thank you. What maybe was a little tougher than run? I don’t


Speaker3: [00:56:00.33] Know.


Beatty: [00:56:01.83] But the funny part is. That would have been my natural response, and the lady at 23 08 is thinking about selling herself.


Speaker3: [00:56:12.69] Wow. Now what street do you live on and what? I’m going to have to do some research. Yeah, I wrote it down.


Beatty: [00:56:20.67] I’ve been meaning to call the agent who sold her the house 15 years ago and let her know I know what. I just hadn’t gotten around to it yet.


Isaiah: [00:56:29.13] Very cool. All right. So we want to open up for some Q&A. The nice thing about a geographical call is it’s actually more about mindset and staying positive and being willing to be consistent than it is actual. Just talent alone, because it’s kind of a yes or no answer. What do you guys agree with that? Like there’s not. It’s very different than a for sale by owner, an expired or a lead that or seller lead that came in like we, you know, we work with Z Buyer for our brokerage. It’s one of our lead sources and we know pretty much, you know, Christina. They’re in that sales. They’re in the selling cycle right there. They’re thinking about listing or they’re thinking about buying, right? So yeah, what geographical farming? You know, the hot leads, you got a one. And statistically, when you call our hot leads, you got a one in three one in five chance that are within three months when you call our hot leads. So it’s it’s a lot a lot of it is just getting the reps out and in finding finding that right, right opportunity. So you can kind of have a little fun with it. Would you agree with that?


Speaker3: [00:57:35.39] Absolutely, absolutely.


Isaiah: [00:57:37.79] So, all right, so do we have any questions from our attendees here? We want to kind of open it up for any Q&A when it comes to geographical farming. This is this kind of concludes our series on geographical farming.


Beatty: [00:57:52.64] If you’ve enjoyed this podcast, be sure to subscribe to it so you never miss another episode. Also, if you want an easy way to grow your business, check out Agent Dominator. We guarantee listings and sales from past clients and sphere of influence, geographic farming and commercial investment properties. If you don’t get the sales, we promise we’ll give your money back. Learn more on our website. It get sellers calling you and select Agent Dominator from the menu. Thanks for listening to the Get Sellers calling you podcast and have a great day.

