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How do you do geographic farming on a budget? That’s simple. Work smart! Here are 7 low-cost ways to find sellers leads when doing geographic farming. Once you get a few sellers converting to listings your farm will then pay for itself with ease. Watch this short video on 7 ways to find them.



7 low cost ways for realtors to market to a geographic farm and generate real estate seller leads

Here are some low cost real estate marketing strategies to do in geographic farming. There are so many marketing things you can do in geographic farming. The first is that you want your branding to be there so that you name, at the very least, is always there. You want potential real estate seller leads to see your face. Make sure that they see your name and that you’re always there, always top of mind. That’s actually what most real estate agents think about geographic farming. There are more marketing things you can do, but in terms of some simple things that are low cost that strengthen your real estate branding, being out there is key. Let’s go through some real estate marketing tips that effectively get your branding out there.

Door knocking is number one. This real estate agent marketing strategy doesn’t cost anything. It just takes time, but it’s highly effective. The best thing about door knocking is that you get to meet potential sellers and by meeting that person, you build a relationship. So now they put a name and a face to a personality and to a voice, and they feel like they know you and that goes so far down the line in terms of making geographic farming work.  So you got that.

How to use free real estate marketing tools in prospecting and lead generation to find motivated seller leads

Other real estate marketing strategies you can use to increase your branding is the Facebook community page. Get on the Facebook community page or build out a community page if there’s not one already for that community and participate. Any time you list a home or you sell a home, push it out there. Let them know that it’s going on. Maybe periodically do market snapshots. Say, “Hey, FYI, here are all the homes that sold and the prices in the last five months.” Do anything like that that gets you always out in front of people. This is a free way to generate real estate leads in geographic farming.

How to get leads in real estate and increase your branding by promoting yourself in the community

Here are other real estate marketing tips. You can do what I call the giveaways. You can do an ice cream giveaway. You do a cupcake giveaway. Do anything like that where you get people down to the green space, down to maybe the park. You bring in an ice cream truck. You promote this throughout the neighborhood so that everyone’s coming on that Saturday. They get your flyer and then they are there. Then you get to meet them. As people, including motivated seller leads, come in for a free ice cream or their cupcakes, you’re meeting them. You are strengthening your real estate branding.

Another real estate marketing thing you can do to increase your branding is like a cupcake giveaway or an ice cream giveaway. Host a barbeque down at that same greenspace or in that park. If your community doesn’t have a park, then you can take a derivation of this and maybe have a DJ on the streets. Take a low-traffic street within the community, block it off one evening or one Saturday morning and have a DJ come. Have free candy and snacks and stuff. Anytime you do anything free, always be there in line so you can meet people, because the goal is to meet people. Using strategies like these to increase your real estate branding that keep you top of mind with sellers is an effective way to do geographic farming.

How to use real estate marketing products in geographic farming to strengthen your real estate branding and find seller leads

You can also send out a football or athletic schedule. Send out a schedule of football, basketball, hockey, or whatever it is in your area. Send these out as magnets that stick on the refrigerator. Now, that’s not a free marketing tool. It’s not low cost initially, but in terms of cost per branding impression, it’s really low. You pay for it one time and it stays on the refrigerator for six months and you’re always there in the minds of sellers.

Another thing you can do is an ice cream scoop that has your real estate branding. Find something in the kitchen that the wife is going to be using a lot and brand it. Brand it with your information so that it’s always there. Real estate marketing products like this do not have to be expensive. One marketing idea is you can get these nice plastic ice cream scoops and get your name and information embossed on them. This type of real estate branding works really well.

Additional real estate marketing tips include a garage sale. Do a community-wide garage sale and organize it. Have all the people in the community bring the stuff that they want to sell to this one location for the garage sale. Promote it in all the entry streets into the community and the streets on either side of the community so that people are coming to it. You advertise it online. You send people a flyer. Then you give away free waters. You’re there meeting people and increasing your real estate branding as they come and you’re talking to them. You’re meeting the neighbors, including potential sellers, and they see you as the realtor.

You can do what I call charity drives. Maybe do a clothing drive. Maybe do a food drive. Do a toy drive for those people less fortunate, for those people that are homeless, or for those that are on the street. Whatever it is, you can organize that and strengthening your real estate branding in the process.

These are things that you can use to touch and just be there so that people get to know you as a caring person, as a person who is always there, as a person who does all these fun events. Therefore, they start to look at you as the real estate agent for that community.

These are some real simple real estate marketing strategies, outside of postcards, that you can do to increase your real estate branding in geographic farming.


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