Door knocking gets the BEST real estate seller leads for an open house
Out of 3 easy ways to generate sellers leads from an open house, this is the SECOND best way [...]
Get real estate seller leads with open houses
Open houses are a powerful way to generate real estate seller leads. Most realtors under-estimate the power of open [...]
Using a “free report” to identify sellers in your personal list
Your past clients and sphere of influence contacts list can be marketed to similarly to any other list. And [...]
Selecting the best geographic farm: Step 6 – historical trends
Selecting the best geographic farm -- Step 6. This is the sixth and final step in selecting a geographic [...]
Postcards drive seller leads to your open house. Here’s how to do it…
When promoting an open house, if done properly you can generate seller leads with no extra effort. There are [...]
The BEST real estate postcards to generate seller leads: Part 1 – home valuation approach
One of the easiest ways to identify sellers within a geographic farm is the "home valuation" approach. This is [...]