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Beatty: [00:00:00.69] Well, hey there, this is Beatty Carmichael with Get Sellers Calling You and also with Agent Dominator. And I want to do just a real quick introduction on this podcast series that we’re doing on Mastering Geographic Farming. This is actually a podcast or coaching and training sessions that I’m doing with a friend of mine named Isaiah Colton. Isaiah runs another company called Real Estate Nexus, and they work with high end real estate agents and mastering on geographic farming. So I’m one of the participants on this coaching and training series. But there’s a lot of other great talent. And I think you’re going to get a lot out of this. This is done as a video. So if you’re listening to this by audio, you know that this is an actual video interaction there. There’ll be some screens sharing and things of that sort. I think if you’re listening by audio, you should be able pick up at least 90 percent of the content without any problem.

Beatty: [00:01:15.58] But if you do have a chance, please watch it as a video. I think you’ll get a lot out of it. So this is a four part series and it’s everything from postcard marketing in the basic marketing premises to calling leads. And how do you call them? How do you do multichannel touches within a farm that just actually skyrocket your results? And if you actually take a look at what we do with geographic farming, with Agent Dominator, where we guarantee your number of listings and your return on investment, or we will give your money back, you’ll notice that the best practices that we base it on is what you’re actually going to learn in this marketing series. It’s not only getting a good farm, but it’s also doing good marketing through postcards, which is what we do, and then good multi-channel touches that really just increase the overall impact. So you will get a lot out of this. And I’m so excited that you’ll be watching it. Thanks for allowing us to serve you with it. And without any further ado, let me bring it on,

Isaiah: [00:02:14.44] Everybody, for joining us. And we’re you know, if this is your first time hopping on the sales and marketing coaching sessions that we do, what we do is we pick a topic and we take a deep dove on that topic. And then what I do is I bring in specialists that really know this particular area in and out. And and then what we do is we come up with action steps to make sure that we can not only have great ideas, but then, you know, something that’s actionable that we can turn in to help us build and scale our businesses. And if you look at our sales and marketing secrets workbook, the whole idea is when everything is kind of putting when we’re putting everything together and the whole system comes together, we want you to have and be empowered to go to 200 transactions and beyond. So anybody that I coach personally and I work with personally, we’re always having that conversation to say, if you choose to, if you really wanted to scale, do you have the right systems in place? And this is the key word. The key theme is, do you have the right systems in place, right people process and tools to be able to go to the next level. And so a huge part of that is getting more listings within that, finding the right niche that makes sense for you. So we’ve been talking a lot about the niche of geographical farming and we’ve been going through the seven most common mistakes of geographical farming. And to continue this dialog, if you haven’t met Ron Masr, he’s my partner and broker record at, um, Realty.

Isaiah: [00:03:40.27] He’s trying to coach thousands of agents. You have John Simonelli, who is all things professional services and product innovation and making sure that we are we’re constantly making our technology and offering and customer service better. And you have Mark, who’s going to really, really play a bigger part of this conversation and a couple more sessions where we’re going to talk about prospecting and using effective scripts and dialogs to take wormer geographical leads and turn them into actual set appointments. Right. And then we have Beatty Carmichael, who has really spent the majority of his career talking about ways to convert database on your database and geographical farm using postcards. So we have a really good panel here to take, you know, take this conversation, whatever direction it needs to go. And, you know, for those of you who haven’t heard me or speak or see me speak for my passion is sales and marketing, particularly on lead conversion? I believe our industry doesn’t spend enough time talking about ways to convert leads. Right. And so that’s my personal passion. So with that, we’re going to dove into into the topic today and I’m going to share my screen and Beatty. Does anyone pop quiz? Does anyone remember the mistake from last week? What was the mistake from last week? Can anybody remember? And let’s let’s leave it up to our you know, to the people we got April. Let’s see, what did April say? Did she say what it was? Can you can you see Jonathan or not?

Speaker3: [00:05:12.68] She said it was the message, the messaging we’re using.

Isaiah: [00:05:16.41] Yeah, yeah, she got it. She nailed it. So making sure that you have the, you know, misstate the big mistake of last week was not having. Yeah, that’s right. Having the wrong message. That’s right. That’s what that’s what it was. So it’s really, really important. And let’s just do a quick recap, Beatty. What does that mean? Right. In a five minute recap. What does it mean to not have the right messaging?

Beatty: [00:05:41.78] So the right message is all about what is it going to take to get that person to actually pick up the phone and call you? And a lot of times the messaging that is the wrong message most agents do is the meta message. You know, you can trust me. I got I provide great customer service. And all of these are just very nebulous statements. And the message that gets people to respond are really those messages that fall into three things. Can you from a consumer standpoint, can you help me sell my business, sell my house for more money? Can you do it in less time? And can you simplify the process for me? And so your messaging needs to really encompass those things that start to prove and qualify, why they ought to trust you over someone else. Once you can do that, then you differentiate yourself above the crowd and more people start to focus on you. And that’s what branding is all about. That’s what Mindshare dominance is all about. If you’ve read millionaire real estate agent, this is really the key in any type of marketing. How do you get them to remember you? And you do that by giving them reasons why they should remember you instead of someone else?

Isaiah: [00:06:59.09] Yeah, and we left off talking about unique value propositions and how in the three we were talking about the three principal and the unique value proposition. So if we could, before we move on to the next mistake, I really want to make sure that there’s something that’s actionable here when it comes to the three principal and and unique value propositions. And we had the we had the crowd ask us, hey, can we see examples of what postcards would look like with that messaging? And I don’t know if you’re prepared to do that this week or if you want us to come back to you on that next week. But that’s what I had in my notes here, that one of the things that we definitely want to cover in this series.

Beatty: [00:07:40.31] Yeah. So we covered some of those postcards, most of the messaging stuff. We actually pulled up and showed postcards. And the one thing we did not talk on was of unique value proposition. Right. So let me let me pull up actually. Let me see if I’ve got this easily on the website and I’ll show you what one of the things we did with clients, because this may help a lot.

Isaiah: [00:08:07.74] You know, while he’s doing that, I want you to for for our audience here. I want you to ask yourself this question. What what makes you different right now? Like, if you were to if I was to ask you directly and put it in the chat, what makes you different than all the other people in your office? Then your competition down the street or whoever you’d be going to see to be going out to compete against in a listing presentation, specifically because we’re talking about geographical farming, what is going to separate you from everybody else? And Ron, I think that after Beatty goes, it’d be good to talk about the difference between a movie that attracts somebody to a phone call. Right. To get them to call you. Right. And and movies that you use at the closing table, because they’re different ones. Different ones you want to use. So I think after Beatty, Ron and I, if you if you can you know, you and I can pick up on that conversation, I think that’ll be great. So but just ask yourself and put it in the chat, and I want you to challenge yourself a little bit. I want I want to really think, you know, really what is it? What is going to make you different and make them going to want to work with you over your competition, what’s what’s truly separating you? Right.

Isaiah: [00:09:29.99] And what we find is for most most agents, it’s a little bit too generic. It’s not there’s nothing that stands out right in in the consumer’s mind. And so what happens is when we do our marketing, whether it be through an email or a or video or whatever it may be, we’re not sending our message with a with a call to action that’s going to get them to want to actually do something or to intrigue them enough to want to reach out because we are that different. Remember, though, this is different than referrals. Right. Referrals is it is largely relationship based. Right. And you have a little bit of an advantage there because they’re referred to you. But if somebody doesn’t know you and you’re competing against three other people that are trying to stay in contact with you, you better have some different besides just an amazing personality, which I know we all have. Right. So Beatty pick it up from there if you’re ready.

Beatty: [00:10:24.02] Sure. Let me share screen so I’ll let you share yours.

Isaiah: [00:10:26.85] Yeah, go ahead. She’d be good.

Beatty: [00:10:35.08] Yeah, so now that you confirm, you can see my screen. Yep. OK, so this is a site we put together to help with understanding what we consider a USP, which is the same thing as the You VPE. If you want to go to the site, the easy address is just go to you, USP dot agent dominator dot com that redirects you right over here. But the idea and you’ll get to see this video from a really handsome guy. But one of the ideas here is a you vpi. A unique value proposition is some type of proposition that is briefly stated that carries intrinsically within it an immediate understanding of the value that you bring to the table. And at least one aspect, the way the U. BP has worked is, is from a marketing standpoint, you want to give people a reason to to always think of you. Now, Coca-Cola and Pepsi are horrible products to understand AVP, but they’re great in understanding kind of the messaging, Coke, the real thing, Pepsi for a new generation. And they what they’ve done is they’ve created those tags that helps you identify one versus the other. What we want to do as real estate agents is to create some sort of a message, a YouTube that articulates a value proposition so that when that homeowner sees it immediately, they put you at a different level than all the other real estate agents that they that they get marketing messages to from.

Beatty: [00:12:17.20] So what we did on this site is from a lot of testing and working with a lot of agents, we created three that we find are pretty good, strong, you VPs, that you can just kind of plug and play modify a little bit. This site is used to help people actually create a new VP, what they want to use when they do marketing with us. So hence a lot of the copy. But I want to just kind of walk you through it, a high level, these three things. The first one is this concept of IPPEI handymen and painters to prepare your home at no cost to you. And the idea behind that is as soon as you read it, you go, wow, OK, if I’m a homeowner thinking about selling, I’m looking around my house and making little notes of the things I need to do to update and fix up my house before I put it on the market. I’m going to start adding all this stuff up. I’m going to come to thousands of dollars and then I get this. I pay handymen and painters to prepare your home at no cost to you. And instantly I want to call that agent and say, tell me more, OK? Because for me, the value proposition is it’s going to save me a lot of money. OK, so that’s the essence of AVP. I want to come back to that, but I want to show you these others just to give you an idea of how different things can be verbalize.

Beatty: [00:13:40.69] So another one that Craig Proctor really kind of popularized and and used for many years and still does and variations is what I called a guarantee. You keep your home sold in blank days or IPU Blank or essay’s, push the envelope. You know, your home sold in blank days or I’ll buy it myself. OK, so the idea is something that creates a a risk reversal. I’m so confident with what I do and how I do it that I’ll even guarantee it. OK, now obviously if you’re in a seller’s market and your homes are selling in five days continually, then this probably isn’t a great job because most people will say, well, so what, my home, all home sell in that time frame. But that gives you an idea of kind of how how it works. Another type of UVB, which is what I call sort of a little bit more generic and less edgy for more of the conservative type of real estate agents is something that still sets you apart, but it simply still gives you a reason to promote something about you. Like my twenty one step marketing plan sells homes faster and gets more money. Or if you were to modify this, if you looked at your stats, we talked about this last time when we showed some different postcards.

Beatty: [00:15:10.12] But if you looked at your stats through the MLS compared to the average on your average days on market and your list to sell ratio, you could then take this and plug your stats in. My twenty one step marketing plan sells homes for sixty three hundred dollars more and twenty three days faster than the market average. Something like that, so you can start to do that, so then what these become is these become blurbs that you can put on all of your marketing and every time your marketing goes out, you have your you’ve stated and then the then the rest of the marketing, like what we talked on last session, if you missed it, I think it’s required to go back and look at if you look at the different postcards, you’ll see that there’s a common theme with all the content. And that’s common theme needs to point back to these new VPs. So that’s kind of a GBP. Now, let me show you a couple of reasons. The value of the up is for two things. Number one, in direct response, it is the most important part or a very integral part of getting someone to raise their hand and take immediate action. OK, so direct response as we define it is we want we use a special tracking you, Orell, that we get them to go to a Web site to find out more information. And as soon as they go, there are technology pinpoints the address.

Beatty: [00:16:39.04] So, you know exactly who’s thinking about selling. So what we’ll do is we’ll use a hub like this. I’ll just use this as an example and we’ll turn it into a curiosity process. We want to say something that creates such high level of curiosity with a potential seller that they will then want to inquire and respond. Hence the name direct response. So the postcard might say, you know, Ippei, handymen and painters to prepare your home at no cost to you. If you’re thinking about selling, even if it’s three months out from now, the most important thing you can do is to get your home well prepared to get the highest price. How much do I pay? Find out. Go to my Web site now, and I got all the details there. OK, so now what you do is you create this curiosity that it compels a person thinking about selling to want to respond. So that’s one. Right. One reason that you use that you’ve BP is that it starts to you can use it to create responses. And then the second is what I shared earlier is it gives them something to remember you buy so that when it comes their time to think about selling instantly, they remember you, BP, which sets you apart from the crowd and they think of you first. So that’s a real quick synopsis on the BP.

Isaiah: [00:17:54.28] That’s good. And what’s the difference between using a unique value proposition to get your phone to ring or to get people to contact you off of a geographical farm and a movie that maybe you’re not advertising up front, but is going to help you close a deal when you’re when you’re trying to get the listing?

Speaker4: [00:18:13.12] Well, there’s different movie periods. And certainly one that you’re going to use in your farming is definitely are guaranteed people of guarantees. And you put your money where your mouth is type thing or whatever the case may be. But there’s other VPs that you’re not going to offer everybody. You’re only going to bring them out because it’s like the last bullet. You’re gone. You’ve got one more shot at this. And it’s really going to create an excitement in a listing presentation. So, for instance, if we’re if you’re doing a guarantee, you know, first of all, you got to find it well and think about, well, what does a consumer in today’s real estate market, what what would they want to be guaranteed at this time? Well, number one is everybody’s busy, busy, busy, busy, and people forget to communicate. So if you guarantee a unique value proposition that I guarantee if I don’t call you every week by any way or I should say, communicate with you every week in any way, you want me to be an email, telephone call or whatever. And if I don’t call you that every week, you can fire me immediately or call my broker and he’ll give you a different agent, things like that. In other words, I will do what I say. I’m done. I deserve to work with you. You’ve hired me like and I don’t deserve it or something like like like Beatty said.

Speaker4: [00:19:38.89] I mean, even in this market, I can guarantee let’s say you’re in your ear and a slower market. And I’m going to guarantee also a lot of people don’t want this long listening period, especially in a downside market, which all the things are cycling. You know, it’s sooner or later it’ll change. And you might say, I’ll sell your house in thirty nine days or the rest of the time is great. You don’t have to pay if I haven’t sold your house in twenty nine days, whatever you decide then and I take even a six month listing, be careful you cut your own throat. But if I take a 90 day listing I will work the rest of this listing and I’ll do it for free. I mean that that’s, you know, you might want to make sure before if you are not the broker of the firm, you might want to check with your broker if you start doing some of these things because there might be policies or whatever. But the hope that you’re going to use in a listed. Presentation, it’s going to be an objection, handler style, you’ve been I’ll give you an example, I’ve talked to go for Sell-by and they can’t get off of the fact that they want to sell it themselves.

Speaker4: [00:20:48.55] They’re going to say what condition? And basically we have one here. We use it you alone, which is basically it says, OK, here’s what we’ll do. It’s called the Smart Seller Program. And Mr. Seller, you seem pretty smart to me. Tell you what, let’s have a contest. You I’m going to list your house, but you still can’t find a buyer on your own. And let’s see who sells it first. Me or you know, if you sell it from a buyer that had no contact with any agent, me, myself, whatever, I’m not going to charge a commission. I’m done. You find a buyer, you win. Now, if you want me to help you with your paper before then, I’m happy to do that. Say, for a reduced commission. If I find a buyer myself, I have both sides. I’ll do this for five percent instead of six. But if I don’t find a buyer, we have a cooperative brokerage that brings in a buyer, then you’re going to pay the full six percent. So and you can put your for sale by owner sign right next to my for sale sign. I don’t care, but let’s see who sells it first. How are they going to say no, it’s if they said no, they don’t want to sell their house, they really don’t sell.

Isaiah: [00:22:07.32] So what about those? What about those people that are like, well, you know you know, I don’t want to be I don’t want to be perceived as a discount brokerage because I don’t. That’s not what you’re saying, right? You’re absolutely not. Yeah. Because we don’t we don’t believe in that either. Right.

Speaker4: [00:22:21.48] So I’m not discounting because I’m going to sell it. I’m going to get paid six percent because it’s normally going to be sold by a colleague, not by me. It’s pretty tough to get both sides of the transaction in many cases and don’t really. And that nine times out of ten with that kind of situation, the seller doesn’t even even look for a buyer anymore. Right. So, I mean, it’s it’s listed, but they have that option. They felt that they could. They wanted to. But again, if they do, God bless them. But I, I still make two percent when I say, here’s the thing. There’s no discounting anything. It’s a strategy and anything. If I can make two percent of a three hundred thousand dollar transaction to help the seller do the paperwork for themselves because they found the buyer. If I didn’t do this, how much do I make, what, six percent of zero net discount brokerages? It’s not we’re not it we are a six percent in our area. That’s what we charge. But bottom line is, I’m not going to leave thousands of dollars on the table because I’m afraid someone’s going to make a comment about discount brokerage note.

Isaiah: [00:23:37.29] Right, right. Because that’s and that’s the difference between having a unique value proposition. That’s to the public equity. Right. And one that is specific to a situation like when you’re dealing with a for sale by owner, which when you’re when you’re marketing a geographical area area, you’re going to come across for sale by owners. Right. You’re going to you’re going to run into a lot of them. So make sure you’re prepared to work with them and you have unique value proposition set up to work with them. If you go to the ultimate listing machine dotcom and you log in, there’s a whole section that that Ron trains on in there about you VPs, and we walk you through 11 different options of different types of ups and even provide you the document to the documents in the addendums to properly implement those ups and to use them and to kind of get them into your marketing strategy. So my commitment is I’m going to actually provide the document version along with a link to the course in the private Facebook group. So, Claire, if you can keep me accountable to that, I’m going to provide that information and put that in the actual and the private Facebook group so you guys can get access to it and you get a full blown training on your VP and we want to be here. So if you have any further questions about how to use them or what one’s the right one, then let’s let’s interact and keep this conversation going on on Facebook in the private run success community group. So before we move on, I want to open it up for some Q&A and get some chatting going. What questions do we have about you VPs? Let’s say we got some questions so far.

Speaker3: [00:25:17.25] Yes. First one was they were asking specifically for Ron, which you VP do you use and how do you use them? And then the second question was how many you VPs should you be using? Is it just the one? Should you have twenty? Should you have thirty? How many jobs should you use or should you have in your arsenal?

Speaker4: [00:25:37.49] Ok, first, let me answer the first question, first of all, I personally, if I. Up, seven, up and again in our master class, you can see more of them, but the key is, is that what what is your BP unique value proposition? It makes you unique. So I’ll bet you BP is not something that every agent on the block is using. They are unique to your business. So the key is, is that the communication guarantee. Performance guarantee, if I don’t perform, I don’t get paid. In other words, these are these are unique value propositions that I will offer either in a targeted arena, in a postcard type thing, which makes me unique, makes me stand out. That’s a guarantee. But I want to make sure that not that everybody is doing. I mean, you could you could come up with whatever you think you should do. But as far as how many do I use? Well, there’s something I’m not going to use unless I need them to handle that. Objection. In a listing Face-To-Face presentation, such as the one we talked about just now with the for sale by own, you may be talking to, let’s say, an expired listing.

Speaker4: [00:26:47.88] There’s there’s unique value propositions that you don’t know why you’re not listed. Why are they not on the market once you find out what was it in their experience they were not happy with, you got up. You can make some guarantees and you have to be ready to do that, but you have to make them so that they realize you’re not stuck by a concept. Remember, we work with contracts. I’m not saying that you should let everybody out of the contract. What I’m saying is if you don’t perform to their satisfaction as you promised, then they should have a guarantee of some kind in writing, which they have not. And that’s called makes you unique. So that, in fact, if they need to say enough’s enough, you’re not doing what you said, then they can make that change at that time. So, again, you could have three. You could have 10. The bottom line is, what do you feel makes you unique in your marketplace and it’s going to help you help an individual. And again, remember this. We’re talking about Listing’s. You can have them for buyers, too. You can definitely have unique value proposition for buying propositions.

Isaiah: [00:28:00.68] Awesome. I think if I could add add my two cents to that too. You want to make sure you have a unique value proposition that you can brand and put out in front of everybody all the time. So I would recommend picking one that you can sell out on, like, you know, like that can be integrated with your brand overall. Right. So it’s going to go on your website. It’s going to go on your business cards. It’s going to be something that you want to be known for in the community. And it’s going to be something that you want people that’s going to create a conversation so like that for us. And we’ve we’ve had to critique it a little bit. But a big one for us is if we don’t sell your home in thirty nine days, we’ll sell it for free. That’s all over our website, our marketing, or whatever it may be. But when we’re going to go do a niche market like a geographical farm, OK, we might switch up the lead, the leading the leading you a little bit potentially if it’s not going to speak to that niche.

Isaiah: [00:29:08.57] So the important thing is you want to have one that you can use for your brand, that you can associate with your brand, but then depending on what niche you’re going to go into, I’m going to have a different you and a geographical farm. Then maybe what I’m going to do to market to my general database potentially. So the biggest thing is when you’re picking your UVs, it’s not necessarily how many of them to Ron’s point, it’s are they speaking? Is it something that’s speaking to your audience? Right. The niche that you’re that you’re going after? OK, and and then that’s to attract them. But then as far as like your as far as having unique value propositions that you use at the closing table, you’ve got to have one to overcome every objection. So you’ve got, again, knowing your audience, so for example, expired listings, their number one problem is communication. They if you ask them what the biggest problem they had with their previous agent was communication. So what kind of what kind of movie should you have?

Speaker3: [00:30:14.86] Maybe a communication guarantee. Yeah, right,

Isaiah: [00:30:18.22] Well, I do. That seems too simple at all, is it is is an addendum that just you say, hey, look, you know, I can appreciate that you had that issue and you’re concerned about that. And I pride myself on communication so much where part of my customer service guarantee is a communication promise. And here’s what I promise and then whatever you feel comfortable. Another big objection that you get with when dealing with sellers is what, your marketing plan? Right, like or like, how are you going to market my home or that’s what they’re thinking if they’re not saying it, that’s what they’re thinking, right, is how are you going to get the exposure to get the highest dollar amount? So what you could you have to overcome that. We Beatty mentioned it already. That it’s it’s having a having a having a twenty two point marketing plan or whatever your marketing plan looks like, you want to have a cover for that. You know, one of the things I love when I when I first started working with Ron, when we will actually put over our will actually hand out our twenty two point marketing plan and it changes. So as our marketing changes, like the points go up rise. So like, you know, so it’s higher than that now. But what we’ll do is we’ll actually hand them a marketing calendar.

Isaiah: [00:31:40.21] And this is this is all wrong. It’s genius. It sets us apart from our competition and we’re at to closing. When we’re at the negotiation table, we’ll actually say, hey, look, here’s the marketing. Here’s the twenty two point marketing plan and here’s the calendar that we put together. So, you know what we’re going to do and how it’s going to work and when we’re going to communicate and reach out to you. And that marketing calendar, as simple as a tool that is, it completely separates us. It’s very unique, it separates us from our competition because how many people there are people, but how many agents are actually putting a marketing calendar along with a twenty two point marketing plan in their hand? And making it very clear what they’re going to do compared to. Yeah, oh, yeah, I’m going to put it up all over Zello and I’m going to do this and I’m going to do that. Yeah, they’re talking about it verbally, but they’re actually they’re actually they’re actually putting their mind at ease, helping them understand that we’re helping them understand the process, if that makes sense. So and what we’re going to deliver and then also, too, you got you got the commission. Objection. Right. So that we just spoke about a for sale by owner. You’ve got to have a smart seller program or something that’s going to help overcome the commission.

Isaiah: [00:32:52.42] Objection. In the event that you need to deal with that. Right. You also have an objection to say, hey, look, my properties are more of a luxury property or maybe like they want special treatment because it’s a little bit of a higher end homes. So you you should have you should have a unique value proposition that what we call it’s a VIP seller program. So we put it on a document and we show all the things we do for our VIP clients that we don’t do for a normal client, which one of them is, as a matter poor walk through where we’re actually taking the matter, poor and and doing us doing some special photography and 3-D imaging and stuff that we might not do normally. And that’s part of our VIP Sellar program. So to answer your question is you have a couple of main ones that you use to speak to the niche, but you also want to think of all the objections. You’re going to you’re going to get right at the table and then making sure you have a unique value proposition that overcomes each one of those objections. And if you think you did that, you think you close more listings on the spot.

Beatty: [00:34:02.29] You’re listening to the Get Cellar’s calling new podcast to increase sales from past clients and sphere of influence or from a geographic farm, learn about Agent Dominator. We guarantee your sales in writing or give your money back to learn more. Visit our Web site and get sellers calling you Dotcom and select Agent Dominator from the menu. And now back to the podcast.

Isaiah: [00:34:26.37] You’re you’re going to you’re going to definitely close a lot more listings, you’re going to get a lot of people, you know, the classic blow off, right, Ron, where you go, go out to the listening presentation. You get a great conversation with them. Right. And then next thing you know, they listed with your competitor and you have no idea why. Right. Well, most likely they did that because there was one of those objections weren’t truly handled in and we weren’t able to overcome those objections. And another agent was. And so so I hope that answers the question. If it if it doesn’t, we can keep talking about it. But all this is outlined in the training that we’re going to do the work providing for you in the master class. And I think that link, the link that was just dropped in there, we go a little bit more in-depth with the training there.

Speaker4: [00:35:15.96] And the purpose of that calendar is how many people say, I haven’t talked to you in a week. What have you been doing? Well, on the calendar, it says, remember, you have to do things. You don’t just it just doesn’t appear you’re pushing a button. You’re going to you’re you’re getting this plan together. You’re doing everything. And it tells that cellar and this on Monday, I did this, this and this. On Tuesday, I did this part of my marketing plan. Now, again, I did talk to them, but they know every day I am putting your listening. I’m doing something for you, maybe two or three things and all day.

Isaiah: [00:35:52.47] And that’s really that’s really powerful because because let’s let’s say you got to do a price job. You know, it doesn’t happen as much in this market, you know, because, you know, you’ve got to be really severely out of whack with your price. But let’s just say you have to make a market adjustment of any kind. Right. Or whatever the issue is, is if you if you have that proof to show them on the calendar, it’s also going to help you to work with them and keep expectations in line. Right. And I think to to your point, it’s also helping you justify your your commissions, even though we think, you know, we know what we do on the back end. They know all the work. They have no clue. And we can’t expect them to. We sometimes we get offended. Right. Like, oh, well, why should I pay you that amount of commission? Let’s be real about it if you don’t know. It’s our it’s our responsibility to educate him, and that’s what I love about that unique value proposition, is is having the twenty two point marketing plan with the calendar. It’s a really powerful it’s a really powerful tool.

Speaker4: [00:36:52.45] Just make sure your marketing plan every three weeks or two week, you have a price adjustment in marketing. You have got to be in this way. They know. Oh, gosh, it’s coming. He’s going to call me Friday to reduce the price right in the calendar.

Isaiah: [00:37:06.19] So that’s strong. That’s awesome. That’s really great. Cool. What other question do we have on this topic? We have I think you said there was, too,

Speaker3: [00:37:20.32] There was which one says Ron use and how does he use them, which I think he answered that there. And then just how many should you have? And I think, Ron, you answered that a little broadly, but what do you think for an agent just starting out here or even just a seasoned agent? How many should be the minimum that they should have to have an effective mark or even just how many should they have to have an effective U.B. strategy?

Speaker4: [00:37:40.90] That’s a tough question. Here’s the thing. If you have one that’s really effective, makes sure the game it’s branding, you start off with the one you need

Isaiah: [00:37:51.84] To start off with one right up with one. Simple. Keep it simple for sure. That’s really good.

Speaker3: [00:37:59.50] That’s strong. Is there any you VPs they should avoid or that are like pitfalls or anything along those lines? Or as long as that it’s a unique strategy or unique feature that you offer. You can call it EVP.

Speaker4: [00:38:15.09] I guess, again, it’s unique meaning to them, it’s something that they do, they believe in it. It’s it’s it’s part of their marketing plan. Is there is there somewhere there’s a pitfall, hey, if you’re always working for free because you can’t do what you say you’re going to do, don’t use it because it’s not work and you’re being taken advantage of. I think you’ve got to think these out. You really it’s not something you can just come up with. You’ve got to think about.

Speaker3: [00:38:44.52] I think professional photography was an example that I heard in the past of one that people like to think is a VP but might not be because even if it’s not professional, everyone gets photography done for their home to some capacity.

Beatty: [00:38:56.88] Let me make a comment on that, because the BP is not necessarily unique only to you. This is the key. The consumer doesn’t understand any of the things that you do. So the BP makes you unique in their mind. It could be the very same thing that all of your top competitors do, but you’re the only one that’s articulating it. So if you take professional photography, for example, I would if you can do this professionally without getting hit by ethics committees. But let me let me show you what I would have done. So when we were looking for homes, I was looking at this home. The price tag was like nine hundred thousand dollars. The the photos online were taken literally from a cell phone and they were whomped and cattycorner. And the lighting was horrible. You know, you couldn’t see the room sometimes the bright window, you know, overpower the dark room. And it was it was cruddy. I mean, it was horrible. And I’m thinking, but hold on, you’re selling a 900000 dollar home with this excuse my language. But this crap of these photographs and and what you can do as an agent is you can educate the consumer that a lot of agents just go through with their cell phone because they don’t understand the value of professional photography. And then I use I’ve gone through and I’ve interviewed 20 different professional agents and I’ve only I narrow that down only to that I will use because their photos consistently get the highest dollar amounts for their homes because they drive not only the most traffic of people seeing the house, but the most qualified traffic. So once you start to explain what I use professional photography means now, it sets you apart and makes it unique. Just making the statement doesn’t do anything unless your statement can have intrinsic within it the value that it carries. A lot of times, a lot of times it takes a little bit more explanation. But does that make sense?

Isaiah: [00:41:04.66] Yeah, it does great. I think, you know, one of the cool things about marketing, you can give. You can. You can give more value in the mind of the client and do the exact same thing. By just coming up with a cool way to word it,

Speaker4: [00:41:24.34] Oh, sure,

Isaiah: [00:41:25.28] And you’re actually doing the client a favor because here’s why. If you do a truly awesome, let’s say, professional photography, and I’m not saying this is the best language, but you call it something different that nobody else is calling it. Right, and like professional photography, using maybe there’s a maybe there’s a camera that is like like a high end camera that has a cool name, or maybe you can use a term like 3-D or for us, we really market our amateur porn. Right. So like something that doesn’t come across, like, hey, professional for that, you’re just saying professional photography, you can do something. And that’s the art and science of marketing. It’s doing where you do the same thing. But you actually put yourself and separate yourself from your competition because you worded it in a way to intrigue them, to want to learn more about it. And because the babies point, the other clients, the other agents aren’t even talking about, that is a unique value proposition. They’re going to be like, oh, this person is different. This person is providing a unique service. And so that’s the key. That’s the key to any marketing is to take what’s common, what’s commonplace or what we would. Well, what we would think is just what everyone’s doing and then finding a way to make it unique in the customer’s mind. Better educate them on what you’re actually doing to serve them.

Beatty: [00:42:57.37] Let me let me make a suggestion. Right now. We’ve got this pandemic and we all are aware of that going on. And there’s a lot of fear. And the fear is, don’t touch me, stay away. OK, and so there’s a lot of concern as well with a person selling their home. Do I really want all these strangers coming through my home? What if they are sick? OK, so maybe IVP this this one you start with a beep that says, what’s the value? I want articulate. And then you write multiple ways of saying that same message until you get the one that’s worded well that really communicates. But when you have beeps, hey, sell your home and keep your family safe by having no strangers walk through it in the selling process. Right. OK, so as you’re talking with people, you can throw that out as you’re either in your marketing or in your listing presentation and give people a comfort level why they ought to be choosing you first or at least calling you first, then all these other agents that aren’t promoting that. So that’s that’s an idea

Isaiah: [00:44:05.05] That’s going to like it. Cool. Any other questions we have around the topic of USPS?

Speaker3: [00:44:11.22] We got one more from April coming in here. She said, How many steps should you have on an average marketing plan? Is twenty one steps the average? Or would it overwhelm people or would it look like we’re doing a lot for them? Pretty much. Where’s the line in the sand there?

Beatty: [00:44:24.67] That’s a great question. So the most important thing is the fact that I have a marketing plan to sell to a developed degree, that I can specify how many steps it is sets me apart from everyone else. So it’s not the number of steps, it’s the fact that you have it, because the fact that you have it shows that you’re professional, that you do things by process. And as that process that consistently performs better than all those agents who don’t have one, I would not have a three step marketing plan for a 21 step. I might. But but if you really think about and this is how we actually came up with the number, what is your marketing plan to sell a house? OK, let me just kind of run through a few things. You walk through the house and give suggestions and those suggestions you’re looking at paint, at fix ups, light bulbs. Is every bulb burning? Is it replaced with the highest wattage? Every cook and crevice? Take all the cobwebs out. OK, looking at the floors, looking at the rugs. Look, if you start to make a list of everything you look at from outside to inside to backyard, from up in the attic to the HVAC, and you were actually bullet point. Every single one of those things you’d probably come up with by the time you do all that, plus professional photography, plus loading it to the website and all the things you do to market that house, you’re over 60, 70, 80 different steps in your marketing plan. So once you list it out, then you’ve now got a marketing plan. So that’s where twenty one step marketing plan. Most people don’t even have one, so it just sets you apart. So that’s more than three. Less than one hundred. You’re probably safe.

Speaker3: [00:46:10.87] People said that’s really smart on all caps Beatty. So I think she like the answer.

Beatty: [00:46:16.00] Well, yeah. You know, they say that in English. By the way, my operations manager is a English professor. Dr. Halleran is what her students would call her. I call her Melissa in English. When you take someone else’s ideas and transpose them, it’s called plagiarism. And marketing is called research. So. This is all research from my clients,

Isaiah: [00:46:42.77] I might is that in the future.

Beatty: [00:46:45.03] You don’t just don’t research me and take my stuff. Exactly. To transpose it at least. OK.

Isaiah: [00:46:52.66] That’s right. The 30 percent rule, right? No, but I think, you know, I think it’s a really good point that you make Beatty. And, you know, one of the one of the things that you’ll you’ll find is that when when you you know, I’ve gotten some kickback on on this is to say, well, this is not all marketing and people aren’t thinking about it the right way, because if we think that part of a marketing plan is just actually doing the marketing, it’s that’s that’s not necessarily accurate, you know, providing for providing a process and actually getting getting things prepared the right way. And all the things you do leading up to the marketing is part of your marketing plan. Right. It’s the people in the process and the tools all coming together. And so I just to expand on Beatty point, I don’t think that you’ve got to be trapped to just the actual marketing activities of the actual doing of the marketing. Its all the things that you have to do leading up to the point of getting to that, that that level of marketing. And then they see the true value in the time and the money in the energy that you’re putting in to do it properly. Just to add add a little bit on to what Beatty is talking about.

Beatty: [00:48:11.17] Also, go ahead.

Speaker4: [00:48:12.76] What we have is we have a fifty five point marketing plan, but we are. But it’s broken down to business and marketing plan. So your business portion is part of marketing because you have to hire people, you have to pay, people invest. And if you’re going to invest your money into like professional photography or whatever, it’s a business and marketing plan. And when you have something like that, then they also see that you’re investing in them to get the highest possible price. You’re doing everything possible and willing to put your money up front to to sell so that they get it sold. And that’s how you get paid.

Isaiah: [00:48:53.74] Awesome.

Beatty: [00:48:54.58] But I’d like to make like to fall back on one comment on some of these new VPs that have been thrown out. And I’ll pick on the guarantee you BP only because it comes sometimes has stickiness that you need to be careful of. So to clients, they both had a V.P. that basically said your home sold in 90 days or I pay you a thousand dollars. One client consistently paid a thousand dollars on every home he did not sell in 90 days. The other client paid one percent, one out of 100 homes that he did not sell in 90 days he paid a thousand dollars on. Do you know the difference between those two, you VPs

Isaiah: [00:49:35.32] And what had one had one had a guarantee. One didn’t probably

Beatty: [00:49:38.56] Know. They both had the guarantee.

Isaiah: [00:49:40.33] The guarantees.

Beatty: [00:49:40.99] Ok, here’s the key. And so the

Speaker4: [00:49:42.79] Disclaimer

Beatty: [00:49:44.56] Almost, almost, almost a disclaimer. It was a they had to prompt it. In other words, this guy over here said if your home doesn’t sell in the 90 days, I automatically that automatically triggers 1000 dollars to you. This guy over here says if your home did not sell in 90 days and you feel I haven’t done everything possible to make it happen, let me know and I’ll give you a thousand dollars. And the simple fact of saying, let me know, it’s up to you. Yeah, but you’ve got to you got to take the action. Most of the people, in fact ninety nine percent said, oh, Stuart, you’ve worked so hard. It’s not your fault. No, don’t give me the thousand dollars you’ve earned. So it’s good as a friend of mine says that’s giving the sleeves. Howard, your best.

Isaiah: [00:50:30.61] Ok, that’s funny. Well, actually, that’s one thing we do, too, is we we say that will assign it to another agent. Right. We’ll sign the listing to another agent if we don’t hit a certain guarantee. That’s one of the strategy. If we use the form the pass. I’m glad you brought that up. That’s good. Awesome. All right. Any other questions before we move on? This is really good dialog.

Speaker3: [00:50:54.39] I think we covered everything I’ve seen.

Isaiah: [00:50:56.10] Ok, Mark, Mark, let’s talk about let’s talk about unique value propositions in the prospecting world and when it comes to messaging and let’s just say that you’re going to do a geographical farm. And I know you do this with your inside sales agents all day because prospecting let’s be real about it. Prospecting is a huge part. And having the right message when you’re prospecting is a huge part of LEED conversion. Right. We’ve been talking about postcards. We’ve been talking about posts. But let’s be real about it if you don’t have the right sales language. Starting off with prospecting, how does that affect conversion? So just walk us through how you how you see you work and basically any any thoughts or recommendations around messaging when it goes to prospecting.

Speaker5: [00:51:42.61] Ok, we’re talking prospecting geo, correct.

Isaiah: [00:51:44.91] Yeah. Geographical leads.

Speaker5: [00:51:47.04] So the first thing I would put out is be very, very careful how you use a movie when you’re calling a deal as compared to calling it for sale by owner and expired because you are looking for momentum in a conversation, which is why you use a EVP. You’re using urgency and value with that. You IVP when you’re talking with a for sale by owner expired and when you come out with a G.O. and that is you have to have the right mirror and match and demeanor of a call when you’re giving that, hey, we’ve sold, you know, the maybe maybe you’re you VPE is is over over a five year history. We’ve sold the most properties in your neighborhood. Maybe maybe that’s your UVB when you’re calling a deal. If the demeanor comes across really, really strong, they feel like they’re being sold already and that job is going nowhere. So if I’m using that with a for sale by owner who I’m calling, who I know is already on the market, that’s a different delivery of the PvP based on your match, you know, so if I’m Mirant matching correctly, my tone and my pace is right. You can I feel like you can use any you you want in a geo call. You have to be careful of the delivery of it. So it doesn’t sound like selling because you’re opening you’re making those calls to get to know them for the first time so that you’re trying to develop some trust on that, on that and get and let them know about you. So I would be careful about the delivery. That’s that would be my big point that I

Isaiah: [00:53:17.71] Yeah, I totally agree. And when we get and when we get into the actual process, the prospecting sales part of some of the most common mistakes, you know, I think that’s definitely a huge part of it. Is is your approach to the initial conversation with geographical farming when you’re leading in is going to be very different than if they were going to get a postcard, write a postcard piece, and in fact or maybe they’re going to get an email or text message. Mark, would you would you say that? And Jonathan, would you say that making that prospecting call, you know, is do you do you think it’s important for them? You know, would you make the call

Speaker4: [00:54:00.09] First

Isaiah: [00:54:01.05] Before they got some emails and text messages and some postcards or senior Facebook ad, or do you recommend making that call afterwards like there’s a warm up period? So talk through that a little bit when it comes to getting, you know, letting your message get out there.

Speaker3: [00:54:18.54] So I already know my answer for sure about Mark. Do you want to go first or you want me to jump in on that?

Speaker5: [00:54:24.87] Well, I think you can use two strategies. I mean, there’s there’s there’s one strategy that says you could call first and then they would be expecting the post card. And then there’s another strategy which says send the postcard first so that you have something to talk about on the call.

Speaker3: [00:54:38.81] I’ve always believed that nobody likes making cold calls, and the whole point of sending that postcard, that email, that text message is so that it’s not as cold of a call and hopefully it warms it up. I always tell my agents, if you’re going to be calling anybody, even your sphere of influence, you hit him with an email or a text first. They now recognize the name, your top of mind. That call goes so much smoother, chances that they answer the call even go up if they’re expecting or if they recognize the name, recognize the number. It’s such a better experience. And from what I’ve seen on doing that kind of approach.

Isaiah: [00:55:10.28] Yeah. So let me let me expand on that. So my my particular passion has been in the world of inside sales and prospecting and actually a lot of ways us as a company and our strategy has pioneered the real estate market and our ability to be able to take a lead prospect and convert it into a listing. Nobody’s done at the at the highest level as we have. And that’s a bold statement. But literally like we’ve moved billions of dollars in real estate through our prospecting methodology. OK, and one of the things that I adapted or I pivoted, I should say, to along the way is I used to be the guy. I pick up the phone. I have I’d have the raw data. Right. And I just be blasting through the data. It’s what I would what I call now a dumb call. Right. Like, it’s a it’s a cold call. Right. But it’s it’s a it’s it’s a call that has no intelligence, no strategy. And I’m just calling. Right. And if you’re really good on the phone, don’t get me wrong, that can be effective like Mark or myself or some of the other people that have been, you know, professionally trained and coached prospecting.

Isaiah: [00:56:24.50] You know, we can have a conversation and convert that lead, but it’s the hardest way to do it. Right. And it’s the least fun way to do it. So we’ve pivoted over the past three to five years to go more towards what Jonathan has been talking about, to let your messaging get out there and to say, OK, let’s just say you have a thousand geographical leads. You should be launching your Facebook ads, your your postcards, your text messages, your your video marketing. Right. I think I’m voice voicemail. You should be launching your multi, the multiple, the different channels of marketing, which we’re going to take a deep dove in in the series. You’d be launching those things and then based on, based on and also the artificial intelligence you have the A.I. So based on that then whoever’s interacting with your content. Right, who’s opening it, whose scores turned hot? Right, who’s gotten some postcards, that’s where you your engagement starts now you’re making what I call a smart call, and with geographical farming, it can be if you don’t do it that way, it can be trying to find a needle in a haystack, right. Where you’re like you’re just calling and you’re making one hundred calls.

Isaiah: [00:57:38.25] Right. And you just. Oh, and then you’ll all of a sudden you’ll trip over the one that is thinking about selling. And it’s very inefficient and not a great way to do it. And it can become disenchanting if that’s the right word. So I would recommend that you definitely let your marketing do some work for you and engage with prospecting as a follow up strategy on who is engaging. Because here’s the thing. If you don’t prospect. OK, you can have the best messaging in the world, but if you don’t have a process where you’re actively following up, it’s going to be very hard to get the Arawa you want to get out of geographical farming. You’re always going to get people calling in. You’re going to have that low hanging fruit. But if you’re not following up with people that are interacting with your texting and your emails and your and they have gotten your postcard, you’re going to miss out on a ton of business. And whether it’s you or an inside sales agent doing it, somebody’s got to be prospecting on that account on a daily or every other day basis. OK, so I think we had another question come in while I was talking.

Speaker3: [00:58:52.39] It was about if we go live any other days of the week, and for anybody who doesn’t know, we do live prospecting, I believe it is all five days of the week. Isn’t that right, Mark, that you have the team in there?

Speaker5: [00:59:01.42] Yeah, we’re one 15 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We move it because we do this training on Wednesdays, we move it to 3:00 p.m. on Wednesdays.

Isaiah: [00:59:14.26] That’s great. And Dwarka, if you go into the run success community, there’s actually we just put a banner up there, OK? And the banner actually has the schedule laid out when we go live and all the different events that you can plug into, because there’s there’s a bunch of different things that we just rolled out that I think will be very, very helpful. OK, so so let’s let’s just summarize here. We’re at two fifteen. Think we’ve had some great questions. You’re welcome. You’re welcome. So I think we’ve had some great questions. Let’s make sure we have some action steps. No, my my action step is I’m actually posting all these worksheets that we talked about. I’m going to post them in the private Facebook group, OK? I think that the action step of the viewers, what is your one? You VPI and Jonathan, if we could if we could come back in tomorrow’s session, keep us accountable. Right. What was the one you VPE that that you’re going to you’re going to run with Tauron suggestion. And Beatty gave some great examples on the website. Right. What’s the one you’re going to lead with? Right. At a minimum and start thinking through the movie you’re going to put in place to help overcome some of the main objections. And we’ll talk more about that and other sessions, don’t get me wrong. So we’ll circle back around to that.

Isaiah: [01:00:38.35] But, you know, so I think those are two good action steps. Is there any other action steps that you think we should we should do before we close out here? Third one is get involved, join Mark’s role play, role playing in the morning and his live prospecting. A lot of our agents are starting to jump on even between nine. There’s another one nine to 10 o’clock where where I believe Christina prospects live and the agents are actually jumping on and using that as accountability to prospect with us. Right. So I think the final action step is check out all the times that we’re providing coaching and training and support go in the run success community and look at all those times and commit to one of them. Right. To whatever one you think you need to work on and and and have some fun with us, because just so you know, nine to 10 o’clock we’re implementing the sales and marketing plan and we’re prospecting live. And then again, we go live with prospecting. Actually, Jonathan, could you throw it up on the screen lower while we’re here on the run success community and pop it up on your screen just so they can see it. And then Mark again and the afternoon is prospecting live with his team and other agents, right? Yep.

Speaker5: [01:01:57.99] I think the prospect that in Ireland you can prospect with us.

Isaiah: [01:02:00.91] Yeah, that’s right. That’s right. That’s right. And it’s fun. We have a lot of fun with it. You know, it’s light hearted, right? There’s some great suggestions in language people are throwing out. It’s a it’s a it’s a ton of fun. It’s a blast. So there you go.

Speaker3: [01:02:17.71] Jonathan, I was going to say I am just trying to share my screen here for some reason that was blocking me there. Here we go. All right. There you we are in the Ren’s success community right here, as you can see, we’re live and you can always go back and watch any of our old trainings right here as well. Everything is recorded and loaded in here for everyone

Isaiah: [01:02:45.74] And then go to the calendar at the top, if you don’t mind.

Speaker4: [01:02:48.23] Yeah.

Isaiah: [01:02:49.73] All right. So this is what we got going on this month. So we have. If you want to if you want to do some role play, we have role play from eight to nine o’clock where we could do some role play. As far as prospecting goes, if you want help actually implementing the sales and marketing workbook that we put together and following that daily sales and marketing plan, we do that from nine to ten o’clock, OK? And then we actually do have the group coaching live, which is what you’re on now. So those are the recommendations as far as plugging in. And we would recommend that you print out your sales and marketing plan and you, as you’re executing on it, just know that you have the resources available to ask questions, to make sure that we’re, you know, obviously we’re getting better together.

Speaker3: [01:03:38.04] So ask questions and follow along in real time, not only with prosperity, but with all of the marketing tools there. You’re going to see a bunch of different agents, including us actually executing it right there with you.

Isaiah: [01:03:48.30] So that’s awesome. Yes. Follow along and just do it with us. Exactly. All right. With that, we’re a little bit over here. We appreciate your guys this time. Take action on what you’ve learned today. Implement it. It’s about the one percent rule getting a little bit better each day and each week. That way we can take our business to the next level. And then the goal is to have all these different components we’re talking about come together in your sales and marketing plan to put a rock solid system so we can scale we can go to 200 transactions and above, if that’s your goal or or become more profitable, make you know, make sure that we’re working smart and not hard, all those all those fun things. And so with that, we’ll see you guys next Wednesday. Have a good week, everybody.

Beatty: [01:04:34.83] If you enjoy this podcast, be sure to subscribe to it so you never miss another episode. Also, if you want an easy way to grow your business, check out Agent Dominator. We guarantee listings and sales from past clients and sphere of influence, geographic farming and commercial investment properties. If you don’t get the sales, we promise we’ll give your money back. Learn more on our website at Gensler’s, calling you dot com and select Agent Dominator from the menu. Thanks for listening to the Get Calling You podcast and have a great day.
