Are all touches the same with sphere of influence to generate seller leads?
Here's where most agents "miss" it when it comes to marketing to their past clients and sphere of influence. [...]
Simple touches for geographic farming #1 – Door Knocking
There are at least 10 simple "touches" you can do with geographic farming. This first one is actually one of [...]
Simple touches for geographic farming #5 – the street party
This is the fifth in a ten part series on simple things you can do to market yourself in a [...]
Calculate how many referrals you SHOULD be getting and how many you might be losing
How are you doing with referrals? Most agents think they are doing pretty well. Some even boast 90% of [...]
Geographic farming to generate seller leads … why it works
Have you been thinking about doing geographic farming to generate seller leads? If so, here is what every Realtor [...]
Just Sold postcard for geographic farming that get seller leads calling you
After interviewing hundreds of Realtors across the country, of those who had success in geographic farming almost 100% did [...]